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Unit minimum base 1178, maximum 17663
Basic pension insurance for urban workers unit 20% (enterprises to November 2011 suspended 2%), individual 8%
Pension insurance for migrant workers unit 12%, individual 8%
Basic medical insurance for urban workers basic part of 8% (enterprises to November 2011 reduction of 1%), individual 2%
Urban workers' basic medical insurance major illness part 1%, individual 2 yuan
Migrant workers' major illness medical insurance basic unit part 1.4% of 2944, individual none
Migrant workers' major illness medical insurance basic major part 0.1% of 2944, individual 5 yuan
Unemployment insurance unit 2% (enterprises until November 2011 reduced by 1%)
Unemployment insurance unit 2% (enterprises to 2011 November 2011 reduced by 1%), individual 1% (migrant contract workers do not pay personally)
Workers' compensation insurance base rate of 0.5%-3.3%, and the implementation of regular fluctuations, ranging from 0.5%-5%
Maternity insurance 0.7% (enterprises to November 2011 reduced by 0.2%)
Pension insurance urban unemployment Employees, flexible workers, individual businessmen pay 20%
Urban and rural residents pension insurance 100-900 a year in nine grades
Medical insurance urban unemployed, flexible workers (municipal co-ordination area), the first tranche: 5% of the average salary of employees of the city's economic units in the previous year to pay, the second tranche: 11% of the average salary of employees of the city's economic units in the previous year to pay
Urban and rural residents medical insurance, individual medical insurance, the average salary of employees of the city's economic units in the previous year to pay
Medical insurance for urban and rural residents, individual 30 or 120 a year