1. Obsessive-compulsive symptoms generally include:\x0d\①Patients with obsessive-compulsive ideas repeatedly think about some thoughts, such as doubts, memories, exhaustive thoughts, etc.;\x0d\②Patients with obsessive-compulsive behavior repeatedly do unnecessary things Behaviors such as repeated checking, repeated hand washing, repeated counting, ritual actions, etc. \x0d\ 2. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), or obsessive-compulsive neurosis, is a neurosis and a type of anxiety disorder. Patients with this disease are always plagued by obsessive thoughts. Patients have recurring obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors in their lives. The patient has complete insight and knows that this is unnecessary and even painful, but he cannot get rid of it. \x0d\ 3. Treatment: \x0d\ 1. The concept of Morita therapy: Masama Morita’s attitude towards life is reflected in the special treatment he designed. On the one hand, he adopts a resigned attitude towards physical and mental discomfort; The first aspect is to carry out constructive activities in the face of objective reality. \x0d\2. Self-therapy: If you have obsessive-compulsive disorder, you can now learn the most advanced treatment models. Because OCD patients know that the persistence of obsessive-compulsive symptoms is meaningless and unreasonable, but they cannot restrain themselves from recurring. The more they try to resist, the more nervous and painful they feel. So admit failure, admit that you can't defeat obsessive-compulsive disorder, and that all the measures and actions you organize are useless. In this way, if you don't try to resist, you won't have obsessive thoughts and actions, and in this way you won't feel nervous and painful, and you can truly cure it. Obsessive-compulsive disorder. Psychotherapy: Interpretive psychotherapy is one of the methods of treatment. Patients should calmly analyze their personality characteristics and causes of the disease, including whether they had any psychological trauma that caused obsessive-compulsive disorder in childhood. Use strong willpower to overcome unnatural behaviors and thoughts. Correcting obsessive-compulsive disorder behavior and thinking should be done step by step and persevere, constantly sum up successful experiences, and at the same time, participate in more group activities and cultural and sports activities, engage in more ideal and interesting work, cultivate hobbies in life, and establish new areas of excitement. Suppress morbid excitement. Biofeedback therapy, systematic desensitization therapy, aversion therapy, mind reshaping therapy, Morita therapy, exposure therapy, etc., all have certain effects. \x0d\3. You can try this treatment method: put the patient under close supervision. When the patient wants to engage in obsessive actions or thoughts, the family will distract and divert the patient's attention by talking or inviting him to participate in certain activities to prevent it. Forced actions and thoughts occur. At the same time, ask the psychiatrist to explain the principles of treatment and give encouragement and prizes to the patient. In the second stage, the patient is gradually exposed to stimuli that can induce compulsion. On the one hand, it prevents the emergence of symptoms, and on the other hand, the stimulation gradually escalates. Practice has proven that most refractory patients who have failed multiple treatments can achieve good results using this method. For those with obsessive-compulsive ideas, when the obsessive-compulsive idea appears, use sound to interfere with it, and the effect is more satisfactory. Family members should have a correct attitude towards the patient. They should not worry too much and try to avoid reasoning with the patient, especially not getting to the bottom of the matter. It is best to answer questions raised by patients based on common sense and just say them once without repeating them. \x0d\4. Drug treatment: Tricyclic antidepressants and monoamine oxidase inhibitors can be used.