What jobs are low but make a lot of money?

What jobs are low but make a lot of money

Dog food taster

Salary: $150,000-$450,000 per year

A dog food taster, as the name implies, tastes dog food to make sure that it meets the stringent quality standards of premium brands.

Dog tasters routinely open samples of newly made canned dog food and smell it before tasting it. Professional dog food tasters are trained with the ability to identify the odors that dogs love and hate to ensure that every ingredient in the dog food is a perfect match

Professional Bridesmaids

Salary: 500-1000/day

It is the commercial bridesmaid services. These professional bridesmaids don't just hold back drinks and serve plates for the couple, but can also take on a variety of functions such as wedding secretaries and make-up touch-up artists.

Some wedding companies have such professional bridesmaids: after a short period of training or practice, they become the bride's personal "beloved" on the day of the wedding, and provide professional consulting services for the bride, from make-up to wedding programs.

There are other jobs, such as professional hugger, toy inspector, junior counselor, sleeper, and so on, that are very low in terms of work, but make a lot of money.