With the development of minimally invasive technology, rapid cure of all kinds of chronic diseases of ear, nose and throat has become a new trend in ENT. American low-temperature plasma, German STORZ nasal endoscopy, CZT 8F acoustic frequency **** vibration deafness treatment instrument, Japan Olympus fiber laryngoscope, Germany Zeiss operating microscope and other cutting-edge equipment, can treat almost all otolaryngology diseases such as rhinitis, nasal polyps, pharyngitis, tonsils, snoring, tinnitus, otitis media, etc., and can even replace more than ninety percent of the open otolaryngology surgery.
The otolaryngology technology has made otolaryngology among the forefront of the industry, and is highly coveted by the industry and patients, with patients coming from all over the world, and the benchmarking strategy reaping fruitful results. Has developed into a domestic otolaryngology with high influence, was evaluated as "medical excellence project" standard department. Exquisite medical technology, authoritative department, professional medical team, is the basis of trust in the patient, in the hospital construction work summed up a set of effective strategy - "professional department sub-discipline construction".
The development of ENT "boutique department" is an excellent commentary on this strategy. The reorganization of the key departments of ENT has entered into a comprehensive leap period, following the corporate culture of "pursuing excellence, creating excellence and competing for the first", and investing a lot of manpower and material resources in the research and treatment of rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngolaryngitis, snoring, tonsillitis, vocal polyps, tinnitus, otitis media, etc., so that it can form a medical treatment centered in Shanghai and radiating around the city. The company has been working on the research and treatment of snoring, tonsillitis, tinnitus, otitis media and other diseases.