Does anyone have a handout on INTERNET?


History of the Internet

In 1969, the U.S. Department of Defense's Advanced Research Project Agency

(Advanced Research Project Agency, or ARPA) carried out offsite computer interconnections, which resulted in the precursor to the Internet - the ARPAnet

In 1977-1979, ARPAnet introduced the TCP/IP architecture and protocol in its current form.

In 1986, the National Science Foundation (NSF), using the TCP/IP protocol will be distributed throughout the United States of America's six supercomputer centers for scientific research and education services interconnection, and support for regional networks, the formation of the NSFnet, replacing the ARPAnet as the Internet's backbone network.

In 1989, it was renamed Internet and opened to the public

In 1994, the Internet in the United States was fully taken over by commercial organizations

History of the Internet in China

The first phase (1989-early 1994) --- indirect connection to the Internet with E-mail as the main application

The second phase (1992-early 1994)

The first phase (1992-early 1994)

was the first phase (1992-early 1994)

of the Internet.

The second phase (1992-1994.4) full-featured direct connection with the International Internet, i.e., the opening of the International Internet

The third phase (1994.4-now) --- In April 1994, China joined the Internet for the first time, and the construction of the Interent was comprehensively rolled out.

See: A Review of China's Internet Development

Chinese Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) is in charge of the Domestic IP address and domain name application registration

China's four major Internet networks were formed in 1996

CERNET China Education and Research Network

China Education and Research Computer Network (CERNET) at

CSTNET China Science and Technology Network (CSTNET)

CSTNET China Science and Technology Network (CSTNET) at www.

ChinaGBN China Golden Bridge Network National Public Economic Information and Communication Network

China Golden Bridge Information Network URL:

ChinaNet China Public Internet Provides the public with international networking services for computers

< p>China Telecom Web site:

Other Internet units


China Unicom Internet (UNINET )

China Netcom Public Internet (CNCNET ) www.

China Mobile Internet (CMNET)

China International Economic and Trade Internet (CIETNET)

China Great Wall Internet (CGWNET)

< p>China Satellite Group Internet (CSNET)

International Export Bandwidth

The total amount of China's international export bandwidth is 18,599 M. The connected countries are the United States, Canada, Australia, Britain, Germany, France, Japan, Korea and so on. The distribution is as follows (2003-7)

China Science and Technology Network (CSTNET): 55M

China Public Computer Internet (CHINANET): 10959M

China Educational and Scientific Research Computer Network (CERNET): 324M

China Unicom Internet (UNINET): 1435M

China Netcom Public Internet (Netcom Holdings) (CNCNET): 2112M

Broadband China CHINA169 Network (Netcom Group): 3465M

Chinese International Economic and Trade Internet (CIETNET): 2M

China Mobile Internet (CMNET): 247M

China's Great Wall Internet (GWI): 324M

China's Great Wall Internet (GWI). /p>

China Great Wall Internet (CGWNET): (under construction)

China Satellite Group Internet (CSNET): (under construction)

On January 15, 2004, CNNIC released the thirteenth statistical report on the development status of China's Internet network, with new developments 2080.htm

By December 31, 2003, the total capacity of China's international export bandwidth was 27,216M

Internet Definition

Internet is a worldwide computer system consisting of a variety of different types and sizes of independently operated and managed computer networks. The Chinese name is "international interconnection network", "Internet", "inter-network" and so on. All people can enjoy and use all kinds of information on the Internet through the network connection.

TCP/IP-based InterNetwork

ISP (Internet Service Privider)

ICP (Internet Content Privider)

Basic working principle of Internet

Packet switching

Packet switching

Packet switching

Packet switching

Packet switching

Equal access to **** resources is guaranteed to all computers by utilizing the fact that each computer can only transmit a certain amount of data at a time

Internet Protocol IP

Transmission Control Protocol TCP

Client-server (C/S)

Client sends out a request for a database or information, which is accepted by the server program in the host computer. The server program in the host computer accepts this request and answers it in a specific format, which is then recognized by the client program and displayed to the user.

Client/Server is built on a LAN.

Browser and Server (B/S structure)

The user interface is realized entirely through the ever-maturing WWW browser technology, combined with the browser's multiple Script languages (VBScript, JavaScript...) and ActiveX technology, which originally required complex specialized software to realize the powerful functions, and saves development costs.

Browser/Server is built on a wide area network.

Internet changes the world

Information acquisition and distribution


Online communication


Internet phone, fax

Internet office

Distance education, telemedicine, online games, etc.

The number of people on the Internet: 59.1 million (Male:59.3% Female:40.7%)

Statistical Chart of the Number of Internet Users in China

Basic Functions of the Internet

There are 3 basic functions of the Internet: e-mail, remote login, file transfer.

Email: the most widely used on the internet, is the most important and basic application of the internet, can transmit text, images, sound and other media information, can send the information to multiple recipients at the same time, but also can be forwarded to a third party, he is slower than the real-time fax, but the cost is cheap.

Remote login: the user through the telnet command, so that their computer temporarily become the terminal of the remote computer, directly call the remote computer on the resources open to the public, you can query the database, retrieve information, or the use of remote computers to complete the work that can only be done by giant computers, the internet on the Internet, many of the services are accessed through the telnet to achieve.

File transfer: FTP (File transfer protocol) users to transfer files between two networked computers, free access to the rich resources on the Internet.

In addition to the above basic services, but also has:

Newsgroups (usenet news): open discussion of network topics

Electronic bulletin boards BBS: posting information or put forward the view

Internet Chat MSN, ICQ :online transmission of information, conversation, sending files and voice

Query service ( Finger)

Wold Wide Web

IP address

IP (Internet Protocol) address, i.e., an address expressed in the language of the Internet Protocol

A 32-bit binary number divided into four segments, with dots separating the segments and eight bits in each segment, which can be represented by a decimal number less than 256.

IP address contains two parts: one is the network address, the other is the host address

In order to adapt to the requirements of different network sizes, IP address is mainly divided into three classes A, B, C, in addition to class D (multi-access broadcast address), class E (experimental address)

such as the university's Web site address: 210.35. 74.2

IP address

IP address space

First byte Number of network addresses Number of network hosts Total number of hosts

Class A network 0-127 128 2(8-1) 16777214 224-2 2147483392

Class B network 128 -191 16384 2(16-2) 65534 216-2 1073709056

Class C Networks 192-223 2097152 2(24-3) 254 28-2 532676608

Total 2113664 16843002 3753869056

Class A: Segment 1 is the network address, large network

Class B: Segments 1,2 is the network address, medium network

Class C: 192.0. 0.0.0~ Segments 1,2,3 are network addresses, small networks

Class D 224 ~ 239 Class D is reserved as a broadcast address for multipoint transmissions

Class E 240 ~ 254 Class E is an experimental address

In a Class A address, 127.x.y.z is reserved for loopback testing.

All 1's in each byte (8 bits) are not assigned (i.e., cannot be 255), and all 0's in the first byte indicate a local network address

Those IP addresses are internal

The following ranges of IP addresses are LAN (intranet) addresses: - - - -

Computers on the local area network (LAN) can access computers on the Internet, but computers on the Internet cannot access computers on the Internet. computers on the Internet cannot directly access computers on the LAN.

Dynamic, Static IP Addresses

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) The automatic assignment of IP addresses on a network.

Dynamic IP address: multiple users share several IP addresses, each time a user dials into the network, through the DHCP from the ISP to dynamically get the IP address dynamically assigned an IP address.

The assigned ip address is always changing (today's ip address is different from yesterday's ip address, and this ip address is different from 2 hours ago), then it is a dynamic ip address.

Static IP addresses: ISPs set up special IP addresses for certain users, and the assigned IP address always stays the same (the ip address is the same every day), so it is a fixed static IP address.


The computers in the LAN are not the same as the external computers although the ip address is also unchanged, they can't get the static ip address by applying to the telecommunication service organizations such as CNNIC, ISP, etc.

Establishing the static ip address is the best way to get the static ip address.

Preliminary preparations for the establishment of a website

Home or office station

Telephone line, ISDN, ADSL, CABLE MODEN, the use of dynamic ip Internet access for home users, you can through PeanutHull2.0, DNS2GO, mountain outside the mountain and other software, register dynamic domain names.

Internet access is the same as above, but through the LAN, campus online network users (internal Web site) , through the Web Shanwai Tong, to register dynamic domain names.

Refer to the download URL


The domain name of the WWW server of the Campus Network Center of the Institute of Foreign Trade (IFT)

Look up the domain name addresses of the websites of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Fudan University, and 263

Look up the IP address corresponding to the domain name ( using the ping command)

Domain name structure

Top-level domain name-organizational domain

Type of organization or institution denoted by the domain name

com Commercial institution

edu Educational institution or facility

gov Non-military government institution

int International institution

mil Military institution or facility

net Network organization or institution

org Non-profit organization or institution

Top-level domains - geographic domains

Domain name Indicates a country or region

cn The People's Republic of China*** and the People's Republic of China

hk Hong Kong, China

mo Macao, China

tw Taiwan, China

sg Singapore

uk United Kingdom

fr France

jp Japan

China's second-level domain name system - category domains

Second-level domains Indicates a category

ac Scientific research institutes and technology management

com Industrial, commercial and financial enterprises

edu Educational units

gov National government departments

net Internet, access network information and operation centers

org Various social groups and civil non-profit organizations

China's second-level domain name system - administrative regions

Chinese second-level domain names Administrative Regions

Second Level Domain Names Administrative Regions

bj Beijing

sh Shanghai

tj Tianjin

cq Chongqing

js Jiangsu

zj Zhejiang

gd Guangdong

sn Shaanxi

Domain name examples

Please analyze the following Domain name belongs to the industry, country (region):

World Wide Web/Globe WWW

Information network formed on the Internet on the basis of hypertext

Internet a large library, Web nodes like a book in the library, Web page is a page in the book

HomePage (HomePage) is the HomePage is the starting point of a Web node, like the cover or table of contents of a book

URL (Universal Resource Locator)

Uniform Resource Locator: the unique address of each Web page


, and then into the "Educational Resources" web page ......

Collect the URLs of the Ministry of Education, Sina, and CCTV in "News"

After the above three operations are completed, the Snagit is used to intercept the favorites (as in Example 2), saved as c:\test\favorites screenshot.jpg

With the assignment 2

Search operations

How many floors were there at the time of the construction of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, a famous monument located in Xi'an? floors B.three floors C.five floors D.six floors

China's earliest census figures are about:

A.4,360,000 B.13,550,000 C.59,580,000 D.40,000,000

Li Lin saw an indicator (WBC) that was on the high side of his routine blood test report card.

A. Platelet count B. White blood cell count C. Red blood cell count D. Hemoglobin

There is a missed phone number on his cell phone: 58796391, and he wants to search for which district in Shanghai the call is coming from before calling back?

A.Changning B.Huangpu C.Luwan D.Pudong

What does the word "kung pao" in the famous dish "Kung Pao Chicken" originally mean?

A. Name of the dish B. Name of the recipe C. Name of the place D. Name of the official E. Name of the person

Save the search results to c:\test\SearchExercise.txt, where you only need to fill in the question number and the selected answer.

Packing the assignment

Check the c:\test folder to see if there are:

One htm web page file and a corresponding subfolder

Two jpg image files

Two txt text files

Take your machine number (two digits) + name + IE Assignment.rar as the file name to compress (package) the above content as The above content is compressed (packed) and used as an attachment for sending emails.

Here's how to send emails


Email account settings before enabling OE

Your E_mail address

Account name (username): your student number

Secret code: the last five digits of your ID card number (the last digit may be x or x)

Account name: your student number

Secret code: the last five digits of your ID card number (the last digit may be x or x) (may be x or X )

Capacity: 2M


(If there is another student's account, please make sure to delete it first)

Display name (sender's name) →fill in your name

Email address (reply address) →fill in your real E-mail address

POP3 Incoming mail server: our university's incoming mail server address

SMTP Outgoing mail server: our university's outgoing mail server address

Account name→fill in your account name

Password→fill in your password

Remember your password→ Select the checkbox

Tools→Accounts→Mail→Select the current account→Properties→Server

Select the checkbox in front of "My server requires authentication"

Within the class

File→New→Mail→(or create a message)



Subject → Machine number (two digits) + Name + IE Assignment

Body of email → A random sentence or suggestion for this course

Finish with your number, name, and class

Mail can have a background (e.g., Sunny in the Create Mail dropdown, etc.) <

Split line (Insert→Horizontal line)

Attachment→Select your packed assignment file in the c:\test folder

e.g. 01 Zhang IE Assignment.rar

Click Send

Check the Outbox folder to see if the email If it exists, it has not been sent

Check the "Sent Mails" folder to see if it exists, if it exists, it has been sent

Example of composing an e-mail

Apply for a free e-mail

Apply for a free e-mail at citiz or sohu A free E-mail

Apply for free E-mail at citiz:


Note that you should check the information about incoming mail servers (POP3) and outgoing mail servers (SMTP), etc., which are mentioned in the FAQ

Sending mail, Incoming mail servers

Outgoing mail servers

SMTP outgoing mail servers (outgoing mail post offices)

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

Our outgoing mail server in Songjiang:

Incoming mail servers

POP3 Incoming Mail Server (Incoming Post Office)

Post Office Protcol 3

The incoming mail server of our school in Songjiang:

Wherever you have an account, you can pick up mail from the incoming mail server there

Commonly Used Smtp, Pop3 Servers Comparison table

Basic OE settings

Sending/receiving servers can be same or different (including off-site)

Recipient, cc, bcc

Multiple people: Separate Email addresses with a semicolon or comma

Address book and its applications (import/export)

Add attachments

Send text, pictures, sounds and other files as attachments

Handling of incoming e-mail attachments

Opening (watch out for viruses)


Tools→Options→Security→Meaning of "Do not allow attachments with viruses to be saved or opened"

What is the meaning of "Don't allow attachments with viruses to be saved or opened" in Tools→Options→Security?

View Email Properties

OE Advanced Settings

Multi-Account Settings

Keep Backups of Emails

Tools→Accounts→Mail→Check the Current Account→Properties→Advanced

Keep a Copy of Emails on the Server


Tools→Accounts→Mail→Check the Account→Properties → Server→

My Server Requires Authentication

OE Mail Rules

Mail→Create Rule from Mail, Block Sender

Tools→ Mail Rules→ Mail→

Rule Conditions, Rule Actions, Rule Descriptions, Rule Names

What it does

Blocks Junk Mail

< p>Save in categories (create folders first)

Other OE operations


Distribute incoming E-mail to different folders in conjunction with mail rules

Tools→Add sender to address book

Save E-mail

Menu: File → Save As

Clipboard (save part of the body of the message)

Print e-mail

View → Sort by, Columns, Layout

Email security

Using encryption technologies such as digital certificates, PKI, symmetric encryption algorithms, digital signatures, digital envelopes, and so on, it is possible to set up an encryption, decryption, and identity authentication system with a very high level of security and to ensure that the electronic transactions are carried out in an effective and safe manner. The system ensures that electronic transactions are carried out effectively and securely, so that the information is not known by other parties except the sender and receiver (confidentiality); the transmission process is guaranteed not to be tampered with (integrity and consistency); the sender is sure that the receiver is not a fake (authenticity and non-disguisability of the identity); and the sender cannot deny that he/she is sending the behavior (non-repudiation).

The Certification Authority (CA-Certificate Authority), as an authoritative, trustworthy, and impartial third-party organization, is specifically responsible for issuing and managing the digital certificates required by all entities involved in online transactions. It serves as an authoritative body that effectively manages keys, issues certificates to prove the validity of the keys, and associates the public key with a particular entity (consumer, merchant, bank).

Main applications: online tax filing, office, bidding, trading, mail and business administration

Digital certificates: personal or organizational identity cards on the Internet, through the use of symmetric and asymmetric cryptography and other cryptographic techniques to establish a set of strict identity authentication system .

Digital signature: the sender generates a digest based on the message and encrypts the digest with its own signature private key. The message and the digital digest encrypted with its own signing private key are combined to form a digital signature.

E-key: also known as electronic key, in fact, is a kind of with unified provisions of the encryption algorithm, can decrypt the provisions of the encrypted data, and can store the digital certificate of a kind of special hardware storage media.

Email Truck

Email Truck is a tool for accessing HTTP, FTP through an E-mail gateway server. Often if it takes you a few minutes to connect to a web page, or a file can only be downloaded at 0.2k/sec, or you simply can't access the address directly (as is often the case for 169 A/B users), E-mail Truck can take care of it all for you by e-mail. All you have to do is fill in the URL, or just "Copy to clipboard". The basic technology of Email Truck is exactly the same as Mr Cool, but it is designed to surpass Mr Cool completely. Bugs that were common in Mr Cool are gone, the monitor dialog pops up at the top, and the send queue fails without a dead loop. Batch processing, source file downloading, and more powerful monitoring settings have been added. And the interface is absolutely refreshing.

Email Express

Sometimes you may encounter a situation where you need to send an email to a friend quickly, but with regular email delivery, you can't guarantee that the email will be delivered immediately.

Foxmail provides a mail express function, which is characterized by the ability to find the server where the recipient's mailbox is located, and directly deliver the mail to the other mailbox. This way, when you finish sending, your friend can receive the mail immediately.

To use the Speedpost feature, you just need to click "Speedpost" in the "Mail" menu or the toolbar after you finish writing an email.

Note: Special Delivery can only be sent to one recipient, and only one e-mail address can be entered in the recipient field.

Additionally, the Special Delivery function needs to call the domain name server (DNS) to query the IP address of the recipient's mailbox, so you must fill in the domain name server address in the system. If you fill in the domain name server address in the ICP/IP property dialog box of Windows system, Foxmail will get and use the address automatically. Users can also go through "Options"|"System Settings" in Foxmail menu and select "Mail Express" in the pop-up dialog box to fill in the domain name server IP address. IP address. You can fill in two name servers or just the first one.

Foxmail Express Forwarding

You need to call the domain name server (DNS) to query the corresponding IP address of the recipient's post office

If you fill in the domain name server address in the TCP/IP attribute of the Windows system, Foxmail will use it automatically

Set up the menu of Foxmail: Options → System Settings→ Mail Express, fill in the IP address of the domain name server

The DNS server IP address of the Academy of Trade:

The DNS server IP address of Shanghai Telecom:

Find the local DNS server

If you don't know the local DNS server

Find the local DNS server.

If you don't know the IP address of your local DNS server, you can get it by the following methods:

For Windows 2000/XP, click Windows "Start"|"Programs"|"Accessories"|"Programs"|"Programs"|"Programs"|"Programs"|"Programs"|"Programs"|"Programs"|"Programs". "Accessories"|"Command Prompt", open the Command Prompt window, execute the "ipconfig /all" command, the listed information will contain The "DNS Servers" IP address information will be included in the list.

For Windows 98, you can run the "winipcfg" command from the Windows Start menu. From the pop-up dialog box, "Details" in the "DNS servers" column to view.

Email applications

News Group

Subscribe to free e-magazines (Mailing List)

Subscribe to free e-magazines (Mailing List)

Mailing List

Subscribe to free e-magazines (Mailing List)

Subscribe to free e-magazines (Mailing List)

Mailing List

Mailing List

Subscribe to free e-mags. Mailing List)

Mailing Cards


Put your teacher's E-mail address and your other addresses in the address book!

Send a letter using OE


Lessons 1,2:

Lessons 3,4:

Cc: Yourself and your other e-mail addresses

Cc: 1,1,2:

Cc: Yourself and your other addresses


1st Lesson 1,2:

Lesson 3,4:

Topic: Exercise 2, Machine 05, Zhang San


Sending a letter using OE (continued from previous page)

Note that the body of the letter must be in plain text

Send the "Shooting Eagle" letter by the machine number of the computer you are using. The title and the first 200 words of "The Legend of the Eagle Shooting Heroes" (minus 40 for 41-80, minus 80 for 80 or more) should be the body of the e-mail, and the name and major in Chinese characters at the end of the message

Attach the picture on the bottom right corner of the homepage of the College of Foreign Trade as an attachment

Check it out!

Check your email and send it!


Create a folder Teacher in OE

Establish a mail rule to automatically put emails from teachers into the Teacher folder

Save an email as a file

Comparison of OE with other mail sending and receiving software

Advantages of Foxmail

Remote mailbox management

These are the advantages of Foxmail. Remote mailbox management

Access password function

Email express forwarding function


About network firewall

Disconnecting (restoring) network

System settings

Customized security level

Detailed information

Procedure rules

Security logs

Computer network

Security logs

On the other hand, OE has the advantage of being able to send and receive emails. p>

Computer network

A collection of autonomous computer interconnections linked on the basis of network protocols for the purpose of ****ing resources and communicating with each other

Function: ****ing resources

Means of communicating (e-mail, collaborative work)

Network classification

Local Area Network (LAN, Local Area Network)

Small area, an office or a building

Wide Area Network (WAN, Wide Area Network)

Covering tens of kilometers or hundreds of kilometers or even the whole planet

Metropolitan Area Network (MAN, Metropolitan Area Network)

Computer network covering a city

Network topology

Physical connection of computers

Bus type

One computer sends out a message, which is received by all the computers on the network

Only one of them actually receives it (the destination address)

Advantages: simplicity, easy to use and master, fewer cables used.

Disadvantages: low efficiency, difficult to maintain

Network topology: bus

Network topology


HUB hub forwarding

Advantages: easy to expand, high reliability, easy to maintain

Disadvantages: HUB failure, the network is paralyzed

More cables used

Network topology: star

Network topology


Token transmission, token loop

Get a token to send information

Advantages: each computer has a token access, no one computer can monopolize the network, fair **** to enjoy the network resources

Disadvantages: poor reliability. Troubleshooting difficulties, increase or decrease the number of computers interfering with network operation

Network topology: ring

Network adapter

Network adapter → network card, MAC address

Inserted into the computer's motherboard slot

Motherboard integration

Connected to the network type Ethernet, ring

Transmission media (network cable) Type RJ45, BNC

Type of bus used by the computer ISA, PCI

Modem/Demodulator Modom

Telephone line


ISDN Modom

ADSL Modom

Cable line


Power cable

Power Modom ,

Community leased line FTTB+LAN


Wireless modom

Transmission media (1)

Transmission media→ Cable media, wireless media

Cable media

Twisted-Pair Cable

Unshielded Twisted-Pair (UTP, Unshielded Twisted-Pair)

Pairs of intertwined wires encapsulated in a plastic casing

Category III cable: 10 Mbps

Category V cable: 100 Mbps

Connection distance: 100 meters. Within

Shielded Twisted Pair (STP, Shielded Twisted-Pair)

Outside a layer of shielding, 500Mbps, high cost

Transmission Media (2)

Coaxial Cable

Core copper wires in the center, the outside of the insulation, and outside the outside of the metal mesh composed of the shielding, and the outside of the casing


Core copper wires, outside the insulation, outside the metal mesh composed of the shielding, and outside the outside of the casing

Coaxial cable

10Mbps, hundreds of meters, cheap

Optical fiber

100Mbps to 2Gbps

Thousands of meters, good confidentiality

Wireless media

Radio systems, terrestrial microwave systems, satellite microwave systems, infrared transmission systems


Optical fiber

Network connection

Network connection equipment:


Since the signal in the network transmission medium has attenuation and noise, so that the useful data signals become weaker and weaker, so in order to ensure the integrity of the useful data, and within a certain range of transmission, the use of a repeater to the weak signals received separation, and regeneration and amplification in order to maintain the same as the original data.

Repeater (Repeater)

Hub (Hub can be said to be a special kind of repeater, as the central node between the network transmission medium, it overcomes the defects of the medium single channel. Hub as the center of the advantage is: when a line or a node in the network system fails, will not affect the normal work of other nodes on the network. Hubs can be divided into passive (Passive) hubs, active (Active) hubs and intelligent (Intelligent) hubs.

Switch (Switch)

Network switching technology a structured network solution. It is the development of computer networks to high-speed transmission stage and the emergence of a new form of network applications. Make the existing network technology through the switching equipment to improve performance.

Network Connectivity

Interconnection Devices:


Bridge is a bridge that establishes a connection between a LAN and another LAN