The importance of infusion pump running needle alarm

(a) First of all, the infusion pump pressurized infusion process if the venous running needle after the occurrence of infusion pump will continue to infuse the subcutaneous tissue, the dynamic pressure in the infusion tube can only increase up to 100 mmHg, while the infusion pump blockage alarm pressure is generally more than 200 mmHg, that is to say, the use of a general infusion pump blockage alarm can not be caught in the way of venous running needles, resulting in necrosis of the tissues and other Medical incidents.

(ii) Only a few imported infusion pumps with highly flexible silicone tubing are able to effectively catch the dynamic pressure change and alarm after running needles, therefore, it has not attracted much attention and has become a mandatory regulatory item for the regulatory authorities.

(3) The hospitals that used infusion pumps before this were generally large hospitals, and the departments that used them were key departments, where the level of nursing care was quite high, and the chances of running needles were generally low, and even if there were cases of running needles, they would be dealt with in a more timely manner, and therefore the problem of running needles had not yet received more attention from the general public.

(4) At present, the development trend of China's infusion pump market is that more and more small and medium-sized hospitals are purchasing infusion pumps in large quantities, and even community hospitals and town center health centers have begun to use infusion pumps, and there is also a trend that these medical institutions are generally adopting gravity infusers made of plastic, and the level of nursing care and the density of nursing care in these places are far less than that in large hospitals, and the running needles of plastic infusion sets Pressure characteristics are much less easy to manage, and therefore, accidents involving infusion pumps that continue to infuse after running needles are sure to become a common phenomenon and are sure to receive public attention before they are eventually taken seriously by official agencies.

(E) All the previous domestic infusion pumps have adopted the "open consumables" approach to adapt to the national conditions of hospitals using gravity infusion devices, of course, more exposed to the risk of running the needle after the complete lack of alarm. Only manufacturers to actively adopt the current development of the "consumables controlled" technology, coupled with more sophisticated pressure parameters of measurement and control and management in order to fundamentally solve the use of gravity infusion device may appear after the needles do not alarm and other risks.