What happens if you are struck by lightning?

Category: Health & Fitness >> General Knowledge

Description of the problem:

What happens if you are struck by lightning? Is it an immediate end? Or is it split in half?


Lightning strikes caused by lightning are a common natural phenomenon in summer. The hazards of lightning for human beings are generally divided into three kinds: direct lightning, lightning wave intrusion and induction lightning strike. Direct lightning refers to lightning directly hit the building, trees, earth, lightning protection devices or human body, direct lightning sound and light concurrently, aggressive, young and old; lightning wave intrusion refers to the role of lightning on overhead lines and metal pipelines, lightning waves may be invasive along these pipelines into the house, endangering personal safety or damage to equipment; and induction of lightning strikes quietly, not easy to detect, the consequences are serious, direct lightning strikes and induction of lightning strikes to destroy the Objects are different, direct lightning mainly hit the discharge path on the buildings, power lines, hit dead and injured people and animals, etc., the main damage to electronic equipment, induction lightning. Recently, I oil field nearly a hundred computer Internet users, television sets suffered a lightning incident, is the induction of lightning strikes, lightning wave intrusion caused by. Experts remind, induction lightning is a clear upward trend, 80% of lightning accidents are caused by it, but at present people's awareness of this hidden lightning disaster is relatively poor, many people do not realize that to protect, how to protect. In particular, many residential neighborhoods, basically belong to the blind spot of lightning protection. In the past, the building as long as the installation of lightning rods, you can avoid lightning strikes on the traditional concept of lightning should be changed, towns and cities should focus on preventing mine "induction lightning".

Induction lightning is due to the thunderstorm clouds of electrostatic induction or discharge electromagnetic induction, so that the metal objects on the building, such as pipelines, steel, wires, reactive devices, etc. Induction and thunderstorm clouds charge opposite charge, resulting in a discharge caused.

An electronic device to attract the induction of lightning strike channel there are three main: 1, antenna, feeder introduction; 2, the introduction of power lines; 3, the introduction of signal lines.

For the electronic equipment group in the building, the introduction of induced lightning channel there are mainly 6: 1, all electronic equipment in the building antenna, feeder, power lines, signal lines, ground lines are buildings into the lightning channel; 2, access to a variety of power lines in the building and the building within the "long" distance signal lines 3, with a public * * * grounding of all metal piping in the building, in the direct lightning current flow through it, the magnetic field generated around the eddy currents in the metal surface induced by the lightning shock wave; 4, lightning discharge, in the metal surface induced by the lightning shock wave; 5, a direct lightning strike on the building of the high level of lightning impact; 6, a direct lightning strike on the building of the lightning point of the lightning recoil current. This current can enter its electronic equipment through the grounding lines of neighboring buildings, so that the electronic equipment between the chassis and the movement of the discharge phenomenon and damage.

Lu especially reminded residents, thunder, as far as possible, turn off the computer, TV and other types of household appliances, and unplug the power plug and signal lines, computer network cable, etc., in order to prevent lightning from the power line, signal line invasion, damage to electrical appliances, triggering fires or deaths of personnel electrocution; as far as possible in the day of thunderstorms, do not make phone calls, to reduce the induced lightning currents along the telephone line to the personnel caused by the injury; do not use the TV set Outdoor antenna, if the lightning once hit the TV antenna, it will be transmitted along the TV antenna into the room, threatening electrical appliances and personal safety. When thunder, people do not stand under the lamp; thunderstorms do not open the window to prevent spherical lightning into the house; stick your head out of the window or touch the window with your hands on the metal frame may be struck by lightning; drying clothes bedding and other wire should not be pulled to the window, door, lightning lead wire to prevent the wire lead lightning into the room. If the lightning protection measures are appropriate, the damage caused by lightning will be greatly reduced.