1, aging
In the ratio of payment of medical expenses, the use of medical expenses of the elderly population over 65 years of age to account for more than 60% of the total, and the elderly people are long-term with a variety of diseases to survive, especially to the period of incapacitation care is to spend a huge amount of money on medical costs.
2, the popularization of health insurance
The increase in the number of people covered by health insurance, especially the establishment of social health insurance, so that the original low-income people who do not have the ability to pay, but also access to medical care, which increases the social health care expenditure. The popularization of health insurance as a market payer has also led to an increase in the number of medical service providers of all kinds, making medical care more accessible and convenient for the public, while pushing up the increase in social health care costs.
In recent years, the government has encouraged private capital to enter the healthcare industry, and the construction of a large number of hospitals has expanded the scope of healthcare insurance, which has inevitably pushed up the use of healthcare insurance and the total cost of healthcare to rise.