Where can I donate bone marrow in Ningbo? And it will not affect your normal work?

Bone marrow donors from all over the world can apply after first consulting with the local Red Cross, but not every voluntary donor can successfully donate due to various reasons. Currently, common donations include blood, cornea, kidney, bone marrow, skin, bone lattice and remains. The Red Cross Society of China has set up different organ banks according to the scale and specialization of hospitals in different places, such as: bone cell bank, bone marrow bank, cornea bank, etc.

1, the conditions for joining the Chinese bone marrow bank:

1, the age of 18-45 years old Chinese citizens.

2, good physical condition, no blood-borne infectious diseases: such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, AIDS, etc..

3,Resident in the place of donation. (Volunteers can contact the local Red Cross for registration in other places)

4,The spouses of the relatives do not object. (To avoid successful matching donors can not be successfully donated)

Two, registration

1, telephone registration: call the local donation hotline, through the phone to report their name, address, date of birth, etc.

2, the donor's name, address, date of birth, etc.

3, the donor's name, address, date of birth.

2,mail information: after the phone registration, the local donor office will send you a copy of how to donate blood stem cells according to the address you reported, and how to donate and the address.

3,Go to the notified location to donate: The Bone Marrow Bank will arrange for you to have a blood test (5 ml) at the right time and store the HLA (Human Leukocyte Antigen) typing of the test in a computerized database for the patient to find a match.

It is important to note that joining the China Bone Marrow Bank is only a registration to donate blood stem cells, and does not mean that you will donate immediately. Until there is a match, the next step is to prepare for it.

How to Donate Bone Marrow

1. The Bone Marrow Bank will arrange for you to have a blood test (5 milliliters) at the right time and store the HLA (Human Leukocyte Antigen) typing in a computerized database for the patient to find a match.

2. After the initial matching, i.e., the HLA-AB of the donor and the recipient are the same, the Bone Marrow Bank will notify you to undergo further blood tests, i.e., the HLA-DR analysis test.

3. If the HLA matches of the donor and recipient are identical, the staff will give you a detailed introduction of the donation process and arrange for a full body checkup, and if the donor passes the health check, the donation will be carried out.

4. Before donation, growth factors are injected once a day for 4-5 days. As a result of the growth factor injection, the hematopoietic stem cells will multiply, and the growth factor causes the bone marrow to release a large number of hematopoietic stem cells into the blood circulation;

5. Hematopoietic stem cells are obtained through the blood cell mono-colonization technique, which is exactly the same as the collection of platelets from the blood. The blood flows out of one arm vein and flows through a catheter into the mono-collector to isolate the hematopoietic stem cells. The other blood components will flow back into the other arm vein through the catheter and the blood collection needle, and the whole collection process takes place in a totally closed state and takes about 3-4 hours.

When you donate, you are fully awake and the hematopoietic stem cells are collected from a vein in your arm (a total of 50 milliliters), extracted through a blood cell separator, and the rest of the blood cells are returned to your body.

6. You will be back to normal very quickly. Since no anesthesia is used, you do not need to be hospitalized, and the side effects (e.g. fever, allergic reaction, mild pain in the bones) will disappear completely 1-2 days after the HSCT.

Hematopoietic stem cells have a self-replicating function, and the human body will recover the original number of hematopoietic cells in a short period of time after donation of hematopoietic stem cells. Therefore, the person will not feel any discomfort and it is safe for the donor. The donor of the blood stem cells usually only needs to take half a day's vacation to complete the whole procedure, without any additional rest and recuperation.

Donating bone marrow = donating blood! It's that simple! Give your love and rekindle the light of life for people with blood disorders!

Donate blood hematopoietic stem cell donation hotline around the world :

China Red Cross Donor General Association: 010-65126600

Zhejiang Red Cross Donor Branch: 0571-8517183