What is the automatic control of non-standard equipment? ...

Automatic control of nonstandard equipment refers to the automatic control and management of some nonstandard and customized equipment or systems. These devices or systems are usually dedicated, and their control schemes and systems are specially developed and customized. The automatic control of nonstandard equipment has the following main features:

1. For special equipment. Non-standard equipment automation control objects are some special and customized equipment or systems, rather than standardized and general equipment. These devices are unique in structure, principle and control mode.

2. Control scheme customization. Due to the particularity of the equipment itself, its automatic control scheme and control system also need to be specially developed and customized, and there is no ready-made general solution. Need to implant a lot of professional knowledge and custom development.

3. A lot of software and hardware development. The automatic control of non-standard equipment requires the development of special control hardware and software circuits, which has a large workload and great difficulty. It takes a long period to design and debug software and hardware.

4. High degree of automation. Because of its particularity, non-standard automation equipment needs full automation or high automation to save a lot of manual operation and monitoring, and has higher requirements for automatic control.

5. High maintenance cost. It is also difficult to develop, customize, maintain and upgrade the automatic control system of non-standard equipment, and the maintenance cost is relatively high.

6. Widely used in industry. The automatic control of non-standard equipment is widely used in industrial control, electromechanical equipment, test equipment, instrumentation and other industries, especially in those areas with strong equipment specificity.