Medical equipment invoicing belongs to which category

Name of goods or services: medical ultrasound diagnostic and therapeutic instruments and equipment

Abbreviation of classification of goods or services: medical instruments and apparatus

Tax code: 109024204

General taxpayers tax rate: 13%

Small taxpayers levy rate: 3%

Goods and services How to check the tax classification code:The tax classification code of goods and services can be checked inside a specific URL, there are two kinds of query URL

I. In the tax classification code tool query

Query URL:/tools/tax_guid/

Two. You can enter the invoicing system directly query:

1, in the desktop to find the invoicing software, click to open.

2, in the open interface to find the commodity code. And click.

3, in the open option, select the goods and services tax classification code, click to enter.

4, in the open interface, find the query conditions.

5, in the name box, enter the need to add the name of the commodity, such as pencils, and click on the query.

6, in the search out of the tax classification code, find the category to which the pencil belongs.

7, select the category to which the pencil belongs, and in the upper right corner to find add, and click.

8, so that you find the pencil commodity code, fill in the information in this interface and click OK.

9, so that we find the tax classification code of pencils, and added correctly, invoicing can be used directly.