A, electrical equipment is customarily classified as 1KV and above for high voltage, 1KV or less for low voltage.
1, and the power system for the voltage is divided into: 1KV for the following low voltage, 1KV-66KV for medium voltage, 66kv-330KV is high voltage, 330KV-750KV for ultra-high voltage, 750KV or more is ultra-high voltage For the switchgear, the low-voltage range is 500V or less.
2, but individual coal mines 660V is also classified in the low-voltage power supply range; medium-voltage value of 3KV, 6KV and 10KV; high-voltage refers to 24KV, 35KV, 66KV.
Expanded Information: I. Voltage levels are generally classified as follows: 1. The safety voltage is usually below 36V;
3, high-voltage 10KV-220KV;
4, ultra-high-voltage 330KV-750KV;
5, extra-high-voltage 1000KV AC, ± 800KV DC or more;
second, China's highest AC voltage level is the 1000kV Changzhi Jingmen line, which was put into operation on December 30, 2008 into operation.1
1, China's highest DC voltage level is ±800kV Hami South-Zhengzhou, Xiangjiaba-Shanghai, Jinping-Sunan, Xiluodu-Zhexi, Lingzhou-Shaoxing, ±660kV Yinchuan East-Jiaodong, ±500kV Gezhouba-Shanghai Nanqiao, Tianshengqiao-Guangzhou, Guizhou-Guangdong and Three Gorges-Guangdong lines, and there is another ± 50kV Shanghai-Shengsi Islands line, ±100kV Ningbo-Zhoushan line.
2, the Southern Power Grid Corporation has built ± 800kV UHV DC transmission line - Yunnan-Guangzhou UHV DC transmission line, the State Grid Corporation has built two ± 800kV UHV DC lines, respectively Xiangjiaba - Shanghai ± 800kV UHV DC line and Jinping - Sunan ± 800kV UHV DC line.
3, at present, China's commonly used voltage levels: 220V, 380V, 6.3kV, 10kV, 35kV, 110kV, 220kV, 330kV, 500kV, 1,000kV. power system is generally composed of power plants, transmission lines, substations, distribution lines and power equipment. Voltage lines above 35kV are usually referred to as transmission lines.
4, 35kV and below voltage lines are called distribution lines. Rated voltage above 1kV is called "high voltage", the rated voltage below 1kV voltage is called "low voltage".
5, China's safety voltage for 42V, 36V, 24V, 12V, 6V five.