clinical significance of the items
generally, height, weight and blood pressure cooperate with physical examination on site to understand the physical differences.
draw blood (for laboratory examination) and draw blood samples
X-ray examination X-ray fluoroscopy uses X-ray to see through the chest. The diseases that may be screened out include tuberculosis, lung tumor, hydrothorax, pneumothorax, bronchiectasis, tracheal dilatation, ventricular hypertrophy, aortic arch protrusion, scoliosis and diagnosis of thoracic and skeletal diseases. If the X-ray examination on the front chest is normal, but there is a long-term cough with bloodshot sputum, the X-ray examination on the side chest will be added. < P > Bone density and bone density screening of human beings will reach its peak around the age of 3, and then the bone will be lost year by year, resulting in the loosening and fragility of the skeletal structure, and "osteoporosis" will gradually occur. Therefore, it is best for normal people to be screened every year after the age of 3.
Five abdomen (liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas and kidneys) (black and white ultrasound) were examined to see if there were any lesions in liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen and kidneys. It mainly examines eight parts, including liver, intrahepatic bile duct, common bile duct, gallbladder, kidney, hepatic portal vein, pancreas, spleen and others. Detect fatty liver, liver cirrhosis, hepatolithiasis, unexplained abdominal pain and other diseases.
B-ultrasound of prostate can screen prostate for the following conditions: prostatic hyperplasia, prostatitis, prostate cancer, prostate cyst, prostate abscess, prostate tuberculosis, prostate calculus, etc.
ECG 12-lead ECG examination is to use graphs to record the potential changes related to heart beat, so as to judge whether there are abnormal conditions such as atrial or ventricular hypertrophy, myocardial infarction, incomplete pulse, pericarditis, systemic diseases, etc.
Five items of internal medicine (heart, lung, liver, spleen, nervous system, etc.) have passed physical examination. Exclude medical diseases or find the symptoms of medical diseases
Seven surgical items (skin, spine, limbs, thyroid, breast, anus, external genitalia, etc.) can understand the basic situation of the surgical system through palpation and physical examination
Four ophthalmic items (vision, color discrimination, external eye, intraocular pressure, fundus, slit lamp examination, etc.) The eye is an important tool to transmit external conditions to the brain. Understand whether there are lesions in fundus and blood vessels through fundus photography; For example, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, cataracts, optic neuritis, optic atrophy, etc.
Ten items (lips, cheeks, teeth, gums, periodontium, tongue, palate, parotid gland, submandibular gland, infratemporal) in stomatology passed physical examination, and dental diseases were excluded or symptoms were found
Seven items (hearing, external ear, otorhinolaryngology) Ear: Rupture of eardrum, otitis media, etc. Nose: Sinusitis, curvature of middle diaphragm, tonsil lesion, etc. Laryngeal: Polyps, Nodules, Laryngeal Tumors, etc.
The size, color and shape of the external orifice of the cervix were screened by four routine gynecological examinations; Whether there is erosion, polyp, tumor and inflammation; And the amount, nature, color, odor, etc. And touch the elasticity, patency and tenderness of the vagina; It is important to screen cervical cancer through cervical smears. The incidence of cervical cancer is very high, but the mortality rate is not so high, mainly due to the effect of early detection and early treatment. Because cervical smear examination is an effective method for screening cervical cancer, all women who have sex should have a breast infrared scan once a year < P > Mammography uses X-ray instrument to see through the oppressed breast. This X-ray examination can detect many breast lesion that cannot be touched by hand, and the probability of finding early breast cancer is quite high.
Gynecological B-ultrasound gynecological ultrasound examination can find out whether the uterus, ovaries and other reproductive organs have lesions. Screening diseases: hysteromyoma, hysterofibroma, uterine cancer, endometrial hyperplasia, endometrial cancer, ovarian cyst, ovarian cancer and other diseases can be found.
The 18 white blood cell counts (WBC) of routine blood tests are mainly used for defense. If white blood cells increase or decrease, it is necessary to cooperate with the classification of white blood cells to preliminarily determine the value of white blood cell classification for bacterial infection or viral infection or leukemia (commonly known as hematologic cancer)
Lymphocyte (LYN), which is helpful for the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases
Granulocyte (GRAN)
Erythrocyte Count (RBC) anemia.
high values may lead to polycythemia or thalassemia;
It may be anemia at a low value
Hemoglobin (HGB) is mainly used to check whether there is anemia
Hematocrit (HCT) refers to the percentage of red blood cells in the blood, which can better understand the degree of anemia
Mean red blood cell volume (MCV) and red blood cell index. It is a reference index for distinguishing various anemia
mean hemoglobin content (MCH)
mean hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)
red blood cell volume distribution width (RDW) When the size of red blood cells is quite different, RDW will rise, which can be used as a reference for diagnosing anemia
When the platelet count (PLT) is high, it may be related to polycythemia, chronic myeloid leukemia and bone marrow. When the platelet value is too low, there may be bleeding tendency, aplastic anemia with poor coagulation < P > mean platelet volume (MPV)
platelet distribution width (PDW)
hematocrit (PCT)
the value of leukocyte classification of monocytes (MON), It is helpful for the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases
relative percentage of lymphocytes (LRR%)
relative percentage of granulocytes (RPR%)
relative percentage of monocytes (MPR%)
1 urine specific gravity (SG). The normal value of adult urine is 1.1 ~ 1.3. Low specific gravity urine: seen in diabetes insipidus, polycystic kidney or those who use diuretics and take too much water. High specific gravity urine: seen in diabetes, congestive heart failure, dehydration, vomiting < P > Urine PH (pH) When fresh urine is normal, it is weakly acidic, with an acidity of about 5 to 8. If the pH is greater than 8, it means that the urine is alkaline, and there may be urinary tract infection, inflammation or poor renal function. If the pH value is less than 5, it means that the urine is acidic, which may be in a state of starvation or ketoacidosis < P > LEU paper is used to test whether there are white blood cells in the urine. If the white blood cells in the urine increase, it means that there is inflammation in the urinary tract, which can be interpreted with urine protein and nitrite. However, women often test positive for vaginal secretion pollution, so before collecting urine, the perineum should be cleaned to determine whether there is bacterial infection in the urinary system. If there is nitrite reaction, further microscopic examination is needed to find out what kind of bacteria are infected with < P > urinary protein (PRO). Under normal circumstances, there is a trace of protein (15mg//day) in urine, which is negative (-) by test paper. If it is positive (+), it may be: physiological proteinuria: excessive muscle exercise, too long cold bath, and too much intake of protein. Postural proteinuria: Some people have proteinuria after standing for too long. Pathological proteinuria: kidney inflammation, nephrotic syndrome, high fever, toxemia of pregnancy, etc.
Under normal circumstances, urine glucose (GLU) is negative (-), or a small amount of glucose appears. If urine sugar is positive (+), we should consider whether it is diabetes or not. We must continue to follow up and check < P > Keto body is formed due to incomplete fat metabolism in Keto body. No Keto body in normal urine is negative (-). If Keto body is positive (+) in urine, it is often seen in diabetic patients, but also in patients with hunger, fever, long-term diarrhea and vomiting. Dieters who restrict starchy foods will also have ketobodies < P > urobilinogen (UBG) in urine. If the urobilinogen in urine is too high, it may indicate hemolytic jaundice, acute hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and other diseases. If there is no urobilinogen in urine, it means that there may be biliary obstruction < P > Bilirubin (U-BIL). Normal urine has no bilirubin, so it is negative (-). When there is bilirubin in the urine, it is positive (+), which means that there may be biliary obstruction or liver diseases.
Urinary red blood cells (ERY) determine whether there is blood in the urine. No blood in urine is negative (-); If there is blood in the urine, it is positive (+), which may be urinary calculi, kidney inflammation or urinary system cancer. However, if urine samples are placed for too long, women in physiological period and other situations may cause false positives; When eating a large amount of vitamin C, it will cause false negative liver function < P > The value of 11 alanine aminotransferase (ALT) sGPT in serum represents the degree of liver cell damage. The value of patients with acute hepatitis may be as high as 5 ~ 1 iu/L. In addition, chronic hepatitis, alcoholic liver disorder, liver cirrhosis, liver cancer, etc. will also cause high value < P > aspartate aminotransferase (GOT) as an enzyme in the body, which exists in the liver, heart, brain, blood cells and other organs or cells. High sGOT means that these parts may be diseased < P > Glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) is an enzyme existing in liver, pancreas, spleen and kidney, which is most commonly used to screen liver dysfunction and cirrhosis. Especially alcoholic liver disorder and drug-induced liver disorder
Total protein (TPO) is used to check nutritional status, liver function, kidney function and infectious diseases
Albumin (ALB) is used to maintain the osmotic pressure of plasma, and it is made in the liver, so when the liver suffers from diseases, diarrhea, malnutrition, etc. Albumin can significantly reduce
Globulin (GLO) may increase or decrease during infection, liver disease, nephropathy, autoimmune diseases and cancer. Doctors should interpret
Albumin/Globulin (A/G)
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) as an enzyme in the body. When cells are injured, the ALP value will increase, which is a child or teenager during development. When the value is high, it may be hepatobiliary problems, bone cancer or bone metastasis, etc. When the value is high, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) indicates that it may have myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, liver damage, muscular dysplasia, leukemia, anemia or cancer, and it usually needs to be judged together with other examination items. Exceeding 1% of the normal value is the limit of the normal value, so when it exceeds 5 units, it should be judged what disease is caused < P > When the total bilirubin (TBS) is high, there may be hepatobiliary problems or hemolytic diseases. If the skin turns yellow, it is called jaundice. < P > When the direct bilirubin is high, there may be problems in the liver and gallbladder. < P > Blood lipids are four kinds of total cholesterol, the most representative fat in the body. When the serum cholesterol content is too high, it is easy to cause hypertension, arteriosclerosis and stroke; If the content is too low, there may be anemia, liver disorder and malnutrition. < P > Triglycerides are mostly formed from fermented grains and carbohydrates (rice, bread and other cereals). When the value of neutral fat is too high, it is easy to suffer from diabetes, arteriosclerosis, myocardial infarction and obesity. < P > HDL-Cholesterol is commonly known as "good". The blood content should not be lower than 4 mg/dl (.91 mmol/L), otherwise it is easy to suffer from arteriosclerosis < P > LDL-Cholesterol, which is "bad" cholesterol, and the higher it is, the worse it is. It is an important indicator for prevent coronary heart disease and treating hyperlipidemia.
The final products of BUN renal filtration metabolism, three items of renal function, cannot be properly excreted when renal function is impaired, and the value of BUN in serum increases at this time. However, this value is easily influenced by drug dosage, so it must be diagnosed together with other examination values. < P > CReatinine Cr is the main energy source of muscle movement and a substance decomposed by creatine. As long as the kidney function is normal, creatinine will be excreted through urine. The excretion function of kidney can be known by measuring creatinine < P > The metabolites of Purine in uric acid Ua, and the content of purine in animal viscera is the most. Excessive drinking, diabetes, gout, nephritis, lead poisoning, hyperthyroidism and other uric acids will be high < P > Blood sugar Fasting blood sugar refers to the glucose content in the blood on an empty stomach. It is the most basic method for screening diabetes. When the fasting blood glucose is found to be more than 11 mg/dl (6.1 mmol/L) during physical examination, it is suggested that the fasting blood glucose be measured again on another day to confirm the diagnosis of H. pylori antibody (H. pylori Ab). Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium growing in gastric mucosa, and it has been confirmed by medical circles that this bacterium is associated with chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, partial gastric cancer and partial gastric lymphoma.
Generally, the health checkup is to check the antibody of Helicobacter pylori, so it is convenient to draw blood. If the antibody is positive, there are three kinds of meanings:
1. The bacterium is infected in the body and causes diseases.
2. The bacterium is infected in the body but does not cause disease.
3. The bacterium has been eradicated, but the antibody has not disappeared.
Therefore, the antibody-positive patients should go to the hospital for further examination, and the gastroenterologist should decide whether to take eradication therapy (using antibiotics).
Calcium (Ca) calcium (ca) blood calcium is mainly seen in malignant tumors, hyperparathyroidism and vitamin D poisoning, while it is mainly seen in osteomalacia, rickets, vitamin D deficiency and hypothyroidism when it is decreased. It should be interpreted simultaneously with phosphorus (P).
phosphorus (p) phosphorus (p) blood phosphorus should be read together with calcium. When calcium rises, if phosphorus also rises, it is necessary to consider that there may be malignant tumors; If phosphorus drops, it may be hyperparathyroidism or vitamin D excess. When calcium decreases, if phosphorus also decreases, it may be osteomalacia, rickets or vitamin D deficiency; If phosphorus increases, it may be hypoparathyroidism or chronic renal insufficiency.
The determination of iron (Fe/SI) and iron (Fe/SI) in serum is mainly to screen whether there is iron deficiency in the body. If the serum iron is low, but the hemoglobin is still in the normal range, it means that there is an initial iron deficiency; If the serum iron and heme are low at the same time, it means that iron deficiency anemia has occurred. High serum iron can be seen in pernicious anemia, thalassemia and hemolytic anemia, etc., and excessive intake of iron can cause serum iron.