Thesis on "Application of Laser Processing Technology in Mold Manufacturing".

Mold Industry 2001. No . 4 Total 242 40

The application of laser processing technology in mold manufacturing. 4 Total 242 40

The application of laser processing technology in mold manufacturing

Jiangsu University of Science and Technology (Jiangsu Zhenjiang 212013) Zhang Ying Zhou Jianzhong Dai Yachun

[Abstract]With the increasing maturity of the laser processing technology and the price of industrial high-power laser equipment is gradually declining, to the products and

mold manufacturing process has brought new changes, in the mold manufacturing, mold surface enhancement and repair, replace the mold.

Mold manufacturing, mold surface strengthening and maintenance, replace the mold and other three aspects of the

Laser optimization of the mold manufacturing process for a more detailed analysis and discussion.

Keywords mold laser process optimization

[ Abstract ]Wi t h t he mat uri ng of t he las e r p r oces si ng t echnology and t he dec r easi ng of p rice of t he

i ndus t rial la r ge - p owe r las e r e quipme nt , a new i nnovat ion was br ought t o t he manuf act uri ng

t echnology of t he p r oduct s and t he dies and molds . A r elat ively de t ailed analysis and dis cus sion

was made on t he las e r op t imized manuf act uri ng p r oces s f or dies and moulds f r om t hr e e asp ect s of

manuf act uri ng , s urf ace r ei nf orceme nt and mai nt e nance , and s ubs t i t ut ive dies or moulds .

Key words die and mould , las e r , t echnological p r oces s op t imizat ion


Fierce market competition has made the manufacturing enterprises' requirements for quick response to market

demands and one-time manufacturing success increasingly urgent. In the conventional manufacturing system, the design, manufacture and assembly of a large number of molds required for the production of products not only cost a lot of money, but also prolong the preparation time for the production of

products, thus prolonging the development cycle of the new product,

forming a bottleneck in the manufacturing process. Therefore, how to quickly and effectively make

make high-quality, low-cost molds and products, it has become the subject of constant

exploration. With the increasing maturity of laser processing technology and industrial

industrial high-power laser equipment prices, to the product and mold

manufacturing process has brought about significant changes. This article in the mold manufacturing, mold

Surface enhancement and repair, replace the mold and other three aspects of laser processing

Work in the mold manufacturing applications for some discussion.

2 mold manufacturing

2. 1 mold laser superposition manufacturing

1982, the University of Tokyo, Japan, Professor Nakagawa and others proposed to use

sheet superposition method of manufacturing tensile molds, in 1985, the United States of America, a company in California

launched the mold of the laser superposition manufacturing method, and obtained a patent, its

art flow See Figure 1, the principle of laser cutting of multiple layers of thin plate superposition,

and make its shape gradually change, and ultimately obtain the required mold

body geometry. ----

Received: August 10, 2000

Has reached ±0. 01mm, cutting thickness of 12mm. After laser cutting,

In the surface of the kerf formed a depth of 0. 1-0. 2mm, hardness of 800HV. 2mm, hardness of 800HV

hardened layer, used to punch 1mm thick steel plate, alone self-cooling hardened layer

can be stamped 10,000 pieces, such as laser cutting and then flame quenching

fire, can be stamped 30,000 to 50,000 pieces. Because of the connection between the sheet is simple,

so the superposition method of making punching dies, the cost can be reduced by half, the production cycle is greatly

shortened. Used in the manufacture of composite molds, drop molds and progressive molds, etc. have obtained

significant economic benefits.

Figure 1 laser superimposed mold manufacturing process

Mold CAD and laser cutting combined to form a complete

mold CAD/CAM system, the realization of sheet cutting FMS, suitable for

For multi-species small batch production. Laser cut sheet to superimpose

synthesis of any three-dimensional surface manufacturing system, not only for the implementation of FMS in the field of plastic processing

and molds and dies to provide ideas, but also for the internal

structural complexity of the mold manufacturing, such as holes, holes in the body and the complexity of the cold

but piping, but also fast and economical manufacturing of molds and dies,

And can be used to produce small quantities of multiple varieties of production. /p>

And can lead to the development of other technologies such as solid-phase diffusion.

2. 2 Rapid Mold Manufacturing

Mold CAD

3D Design

2D Shape

NC Program






Creation of the level










NC Programs

Molding Technology "Mold Industry" 2001. no . 4 Total 242 41

Molds and Molds Industry" 2001. no . 4 Total 242 41

Molds and Molds Industry" 2001. no . 4 Total 242 41

Rapid Prototyping Manufacturing (RPM) is a manufacturing technology that appeared in the late 80's

, at present RPM technology has developed more than 10 kinds of

process methods. RPM technology based on the rapid manufacturing of molds are mostly

for indirect molding method, that is, the use of RPM prototypes to indirectly turn the mold


(1) The production of soft and simple molds (such as automotive cover part molds)

. The use of silicone rubber, low melting point alloys and other prototypes accurately replicated into

molds, or the surface of the prototype by metal spraying or physical evaporation deposition

method of a layer of alloy with a very low melting point to make molds. These simple

mold life of 50 ~ 5,000 pieces, because of its low manufacturing costs, short production

production cycle, especially for the pilot stage of the product in small quantities

production. - Steel mold, a medium-sized, more complex

multiple electrodes generally 4-8h can be completed. Ford Motor Company in the United States

with this technology to manufacture automotive cover molds have achieved satisfactory results,

compared with the traditional machining of molds, rapid mold manufacturing eliminates

the time-consuming, expensive CNC machining, machining costs and cycle time is greatly reduced

lower, with a broad range of prospects for application.

3 mold surface strengthening and repair

In order to improve the service life of the mold, often need to mold surface

strengthening treatment. Commonly used mold surface strengthening treatment process has chemical

treatment (such as carburizing, carbonitriding **** infiltration, etc.), surface composite treatment (such as pile

welding, thermal spraying, EDM surface enhancement, PVD and CVD, etc.) to

and surface machining enhancement treatment (such as shot blasting, etc.). Most of these methods are more complicated, the processing cycle is longer, and there is a large

deformation after treatment. The use of laser technology to strengthen and repair molds, with flexible

large, high surface hardness, short process cycle, clean working environment and other advantages

points, so it has a strong vitality.

3.1 Laser phase change hardening

Laser phase change hardening (laser quenching) is the use of laser irradiation to

metal surface, so that the surface of the high rate of warming to reach the phase change temperature

degree (but lower than the melting temperature) and the formation of austenite, when the laser beam leaves

after the use of the metal surface of the heat conduction occurs since the hardening, so that the gold

This is the first time in the world to use laser irradiation to harden a metal surface. The surface of the metal

martensite transformation, the formation of high hardness, wear-resistant surface

layer, so that the metal surface has been strengthened. The equipment used is a three-axis

dynamic CNC laser machine.

The main factors affecting laser strengthening are laser power, spot size

inch and scanning speed. These parameters should be optimized during the intensification process

, and select the appropriate laser processing parameters for the specific material. For

CrWMn, Cr12MoV, Cr12, T10A and Cr-Mo cast iron, etc.

The commonly used mold materials, in the laser treatment, its organization and performance than the usual

Gauge heat treatment generally improve. For example, CrWMn steel in conventional heating

easy to form a network of secondary carbides on the austenite grain boundaries, significantly increasing

processed parts brittleness, reducing the impact toughness, use in the mold edge or key

part of the life of the lower. The use of laser quenching can be obtained after fine martensite and

diffusely distributed carbide particles, remove the mesh, and obtain the maximum hardening

layer depth and the maximum hardness of 1 017.2HV. Cr12MoV steel laser

light quenching hardness, resistance to plastic deformation and resistance to viscous wear are improved compared to

conventional heat treatment. T8A steel made of convex mold and

Cr12Mo steel made of concave mold, laser hardening depth of 0.12mm, hardness

1 200HV, life expectancy increased by 4 to 6 times, both by stamping 20,000 pieces to improve

to 10 to 140,000 pieces. For T10 steel, laser quenching can be obtained after hardening

degree 1 024HV, depth 0.55mm hardened layer; for Cr12, laser

quenched hardness of 1 000HV, depth 0.4mm hardened layer,

service life have been greatly improved.

3.2 laser coating

Laser coating is a laser on the surface of the substrate covered with a thin layer of coating material with

a certain performance, this kind of material can be metal or alloy

gold, can also be non-metallic, but also compounds and their mixtures.

In the coating process, the coating layer is rapidly bonded to the surface of the substrate by fusion under the action of the laser

. The main difference between laser alloying and laser coating is that the chemical composition of the coating remains basically unchanged after laser action

, and the components of the substrate basically do not enter the coating. Laser coating

Art of practical material range is very wide, is studying the parent material has low

Carbon steel, alloy steel, cast iron, nickel-chromium-titanium heat-resistant alloys, etc., the study of the additive

Materials have cobalt-based alloys, iron-based alloys and nickel-based alloys, etc..

Using laser technology in the powder feeder 2kW CO2 laser

on the 4Cr5MoV1Si steel substrate surface coated with a layer of nickel-based alloys and WC + W2C particles composed of high-temperature wear-resistant alloy powder

End of the laser power P = 1,500W, the amount of powder feeding 10g / min, work

Part moving speed of 2 ~ 1,000 km/h, the laser power is 1,500W, the amount of powder feeding 10g / min, work

Part moving speed of 2 ~ 1,000 km/h. Under the conditions of laser power P = 1,500W, powder feeding rate of 10g/ min, and work

movement speed of 2-3mm/ s, a large area of high-temperature abrasion-resistant alloy was obtained with multiple overlapping passes. In the test temperature of 600 ℃, the hardness

550 ~ 580HV0.2; in the temperature of 950 ℃, the hardness is

100 ~ 200HV0.2. It can be seen that at a high temperature of about 1,000 ℃, the coating layer

still has a very high toughness, is a better high-temperature mold wear-resistant alloy

gold. In addition, the use of laser coating method to repair the worn die

and drawing die, etc., can greatly extend the service life of the mold, reduce the use of mold


3.3 laser cladding

For some automotive cladding parts punching trimming mold, in order to improve the

use life, saving high quality mold materials, the edge is often used in the poor

base material cladding a layer of alloy with excellent performance. In the past, surfacing large

More artificial oxygen - acetylene flame surfacing method, this method, although the equipment "Mold Industry" 2001. No. 4 General 242 42

More artificial oxygen - acetylene flame surfacing method, this method, although the equipment "mold industry" 2001. 4 Total 242 42

Costs are low, but the power density is not high (10




W/ cm 2

), and difficult to

precise control, and thus the quality of the surfacing and productivity are low. 70

Since the 70s, the development of a successful plasma powder Since the 70's, plasma powder surfacing technology has been developed, due to

its high power density and better control performance, and thus

has been widely used. But plasma surfacing exists with electrode life

short, surfacing layer of base material dilution rate is higher.

Since the 80's the emergence of the laser surfacing method and the use of the same material oxygen - acetylene flame

Surfacing method compared to the laser surfacing layer of the organization of the fine, dense, defective rate of

Only 1 / 10 of the former. Laser cladding speed, productivity than oxygen

-acetylene flame cladding 1. 75 times higher, and cladding material usage

only 1 / 2. And laser cladding layer room temperature hardness than oxygen - acetylene

flame cladding is about 50HV higher. The quality of laser cladding is related to the laser

beam pattern, power and cladding speed.

4 laser processing to replace the mold stamping

4. 1 laser cutting to replace the sheet metal parts of the punching die

Laser cutting to replace the sheet metal parts and automotive body manufacturing in the punching

cutting trimming die is promising. Three-dimensional laser cutting technology, due to its inherent

flexible processing and quality assurance characteristics, in the 80's

began to be used in automotive body manufacturing. The fixtures are not only inexpensive but also quick to produce, as only flat

supporting blocks are needed to support the workpiece during cutting. Due to the combination of CAD/CAM technology, the cutting process is

easy to control, allowing for continuous production and parallel machining, thus realizing

efficient cutting production.

Cutting plate laser used by the two main categories, namely

CO2 laser and Nd: YA G laser, power 100 ~ 1 500

W, because the power less than 1 500W laser vibration mode

single-mode, the width of the slit is 0. 1 ~ 0. 2mm, the cutting surface is also very neat,

and the output power greater than 1 500W laser vibration mode

Single-mode, slit width of 0. 1 ~ 0. 2mm, the cutting surface is also very neat,

When the output power is greater than 1,500W, the vibration mode of the laser is multi

mode, the width of the slit is nearly 1mm, and the quality of the cutting surface is poor. Because Nd :

YA G laser can be delivered by optical fiber, more flexible and convenient,

applicable to robots holding the laser nozzle with program control for precise

operation, so most of them are used in three-dimensional cutting. Laser cutting

The main factors affecting the quality of the workpiece are cutting speed, focus position, auxiliary

gas pressure, laser output power and mode.

Ford and General Motors in the United States, as well as Japan's Toyota, Nissan

automotive companies, in the automotive production line commonly used laser cutting

technology, it does not have to use a variety of metal molds, in addition to the fast

convenient cutting of a variety of different shapes of billet, but also used to cut a large number of

Cutting processing due to the specification of a different Need to change the location of the parts mounting holes, such as

automotive logo lights, frames, body trim lines and so on. General Motors

The company's production of trucks only door has a diameter of <2. 8 ~ <39mm

20 kinds of holes, the company used Rofin-Sinar's 500W laser through

Through the fiber-optic connection to the weld head mounted in the robot, used to cut these

holes, 1min on the completion of a door openings, processing, smooth edges of the holes, and the body decorative lines. The edge of the hole is smooth and the back

surface is even.

<2. 8mm hole tolerance of 0. 03 ~ 0. 08mm,

<12mm hole tolerance of - 0. 25mm ~ + 0. 03mm. the company

The company produces trucks and buses have 89 kinds of hole diameter and hole configuration of different

chassis, after optimization of the design, and now need to press only five different

chassis, and then by the laser to cut the hole. Chassis, and then laser cutting out the configuration of different holes, simplifying the

art, improving efficiency and reducing costs.

China's Natural Science Foundation in 1997 to high-power CO2

and YA G laser three-dimensional welding and cutting theory and technology as a key

projects for funding, the National Industry-University-Research Laser Technology Center group

members of this systematic research for the application of three-dimensional auto body manufacturing

manufacturing industry in China, has made great progress. Three-dimensional laser processing technology in China's auto body manufacturing industry has made great contributions

contributions. The center for the FAW Car Company, Baoshan Iron and Steel Company and other state-owned

large-scale enterprises to carry out the technological transformation of major engineering projects, which

in the development of the Red Flag extended sedan covering parts of the three-dimensional laser manufacturing process

technology, in China's car production is the first time to use. In the automotive thin

thick steel plate laser splicing process for the first time in the experimental study of the splicing process

laser cutting instead of fine cutting process technology, has achieved better technical and economic

economical results. Three-dimensional laser cutting in the body assembly after processing is also very

useful, such as opening the luggage rack fixing holes, roof slider holes, antenna installation

holes, modify the shape of the wheel fenders and so on. In the new car trial production for cutting

cutting contours and corrections, both to shorten the trial cycle and save the mold, fully

Full embodiment of the advantages of laser cutting processing.

4.2 laser marking instead of die marking

Enterprises in the production of parts and components often need to play on the enterprise's own

own logo or a specific symbols and numbers, the previous method is the use of

die marking or mold molding with casting, marking quality is not high. The use of CNC

laser marking is not only fast, but also to overcome the punch marking often

see burrs, sharp edges and distortions. As a result of computer control

system, so you can hit any complex pattern, eliminating the need for mold design

design, manufacturing and debugging and other aspects of the product development and manufacturing

cycle, but also reduces the cost. Because the laser marking machine power

small, low cost, hit the mark beautiful, beautiful, now for most enterprises

industry used.

4.3 laser forming alternative bending mold forming

Laser forming technology for sheet metal is a use of a focused beam

to scan the surface of sheet metal at a certain speed (scanning speed should be fast enough to prevent surface melting), so that the thermal effect of the material in the area of the material to produce a significant

temperature gradient, resulting in non-uniform distribution of thermal stresses, thus making the sheet material to produce a significant

temperature gradient, resulting in non-uniform distribution of thermal stresses, thus making the sheet material to produce a significant

temperature gradient. Thermal stresses, thus making the sheet material

plastic deformation method. Compared with conventional forming methods, laser forming "Mold Industry" 2001. No. 4 Total 242 43 4 Total 242 43

has many advantages: ① belongs to the moldless forming, short cycle time, flexible

large, can not be limited by the processing environment, through the optimization of laser processing

parameters, precise control of the thermal action area and the distribution of thermal stresses, will be

plates moldless forming; ② because it is a kind of thermal stresses only without the use of mold

make the sheet deformation plastic deformation method;

The laser forming method is the most effective way to make the sheet deformation. >② Because it is a plastic processing method that deforms the sheet by thermal stress only without mold

, it is a kind of moldless forming; ③ It is a non-contact forming, so there is no problem of mold making, wear and tear and lubrication, and there is no phenomenon of sticking to the mold and rebound, and the molding precision is high; ④ Composite molding can get the complex shape of shaped parts (such as spherical, tapered, and parabolic parts, etc.). (e.g. spherical, conical and parabolic parts, etc.).

The essence of the laser forming mechanism is the bending mechanism. When the laser heating

heated sheet, on the one hand, in the laser action area and its surrounding thermal stress

, at the same time reduces the yield pole root of the heated area of the sheet, so that

the thermal stress on the area of the thermal state of the material produces a non-uniform plastic deformation

shape, the realization of the sheet bending molding. Tests show that the laser scanning every

channel times, the metal sheet can be bent 1 ° ~ 5 °, different scanning trajectory and

art parameter combinations can produce different molding effects and different degrees of

deformation, that is, a variety of complex shapes of the workpiece. Figure 2 shows the relationship between the laser sweep speed and the bending angle of the material under the process parameters of laser speed power 1.5kW, laser beam diameter

5.4mm, material SUS304, thickness 1mm, carbon coating

, the laser sweep speed and the bending angle of the material.

Figure 2 The effect of laser scanning speed on the bending angle

Now many countries around the world have invested large human and material resources

on the laser forming technology to carry out special research in some areas has now begun

started the initial industrial applications. Poland's Institute of Fundamental Technologies,

HFrackiewicz, professor of laser forming has manufactured a cylinder

shaped parts, spherical parts, bellows and metal tubes flaring and shrinking, bending

shaped, etc.; German scholars, such as MGeiger and other laser forming and other processing

processes composite use in the automobile manufacturing industry, for the

Composite, automotive coverings, and the use of laser forming technology, the use of laser forming technology in the automobile manufacturing industry. Automotive coverings

flexible leveling and other forming parts of the molding, and the bending process

closed-loop computer control to improve the molding accuracy. Germany

Trumpf company in 1997 developed a commercial laser forming machine Trumat ic L 3030. It is believed that with the deepening of the research

and other related technology development, laser forming technology will tend to be

matured, into the practical stage.

5 Conclusion

Laser processing technology as an advanced processing technology, in the country

Foreign industries have been widely used, China's machinery industry in the "Nine

Five" period as one of the top ten technologies. National Natural Science

Foundation Committee of the laser processing process and laser processing equipment for

for the key research projects for funding, and clearly pointed out that its main application

areas should be in the automotive manufacturing industry. Mold as a tool, its

production cycle, quality and cost directly affect the product manufacturing process and sales

. The laser as a universal processing tools, in reducing the mold manufacturing

Making equipment, shorten the mold manufacturing cycle, reduce manufacturing costs and ensure the quality of the mold

Mold has great advantages. How in the actual production

application of laser processing technology to optimize the mold manufacturing process, the traditional

mold manufacturing process for the improvement and combination, we need to make continuous



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