The Difference Between the Southern Red Bean Pine and the Mandevilla Red Bean Pine

The Mandevilla red bean tree is an introduced foreign species, which will have higher medicinal value. In addition, Mandevilla redwood can be counted as a shrub or small tree cultivation. And the southern redwood is our own species, mostly cultivated as trees.

Southern redwood, evergreen tree, bark grayish, longitudinally divided into long thin strips; bud scales tip obtuse or slightly pointed, detached or partially persistent at the base of the branchlets. Leaves distichous, subfalcate, 1.5-4.5 cm long, abaxial midvein band without papillate cuticular protuberances, or sometimes sporadically distributed, or with stomatal bands adjacent to the midvein on both sides of the 1 to several papillate cuticular protuberances, the color and stomatal bands are different, light green, with a wide and obvious edge. Seeds obovoid or columnar-oblong ovoid, 7-8 mm long, usually wider distally, borne in a red fleshy cup-shaped aril. The seeds can be pressed for oil; the bark contains tannins; the wood can be used for timber. Cultivated in Nanjing and Shanghai; propagated by seeds, also cuttings. It is distributed in the provinces and districts south of the Yangtze River basin, as well as in Henan and Shaanxi. State-level key protection of wild plants.

The southern red bean tree is one of the endemic components of China's subtropical to warm temperate zones, and is often found in broad-leaved forests. Shade-tolerant species, preferring a warm and humid climate, usually grows at the foot of the mountains in the hinterland more humid place. Natural growth at an altitude of 1000 meters or 1500 meters below the valley, streamside, gentle slopes humus-rich acidic soil, requiring higher fertility of yellow soil, yellow-brown soil, neutral soil, calcareous soil can also grow. Resistant to drought and barren, intolerant of low-lying water. Strong adaptability to climate, the average annual temperature of 11-16 ℃, the lowest extreme can reach -11 ℃. Has a strong sprouting ability, the trunk of the tree see more sprouting twigs, but the growth is relatively slow. Few pests and diseases, long life.

Taxus madia is native to: the United States, Canada, is a natural ? Mandevilla red bean cedar figure hybrid varieties. In most areas of China can be planted. Fast-growing, height annual growth measured 40 ~ 90cm, the highest can be 60 ~ 70cm, is the domestic red bean cedar (Chinese red bean cedar, Yunnan red bean cedar, etc.) 300 ~ 700% growth. 3 ~ 4 years old biomass accumulation of 600 ~ 800 / plant - year, 5 years old when the production of fresh raw materials more than 1.5kg, can be used for refining paclitaxel. The following year can sprout new branches and leaves, and its biomass is still greater than the amount harvested in the first year.

In the mid-nineties, China introduced the Canadian red bean tree saplings in Sichuan for trial planting, determined by the authoritative organization, the introduction of the Mandevilla red bean tree biological characteristics of stability, no mutation, paclitaxel content close to the origin of some samples of the content of higher than the origin. The paclitaxel of natural redwood trees is generally distributed in the bark, and the utilization rate of the whole plant is low.

Mandelia red bean tree contains paclitaxel in all parts of the plant, and the content of branches and leaves reaches more than 0.03%, and the content of root part can reach 0.06%. The whole plant is used for the extraction of paclitaxel, and the utilization rate of the plant is high, and the comprehensive economic value is even higher after its in-depth processing.

The wild redwoods, including domestic varieties of the redwoods, paclitaxel content is generally between 0.004~0.01%, the Manzanita redwoods paclitaxel content of 0.03~0.06%, is the natural redwoods of 8~10 times in most areas of our country can be planted.