The original soldiers why are tied legs?

Tied legs since the ancient soldiers on the war, the reason why the inheritance to the present is still being applied because of its benefits are too many, especially in the mountain and jungle areas of the combat effect is particularly obvious:

1, in the mountaineering calves do not feel sore and tired, and there is to prevent the blood veins under the accumulation of pain caused by the rise;

2, mountainous areas of the army, mountain bugs and locusts at any time crawling down the trouser tube biting into the suction, and effective in preventing the thorns and twigs pricked

3, if the injury fracture triangular scarf first aid kit does not work when untied cloth to play a role in fixing the bones;

4, in the encounter of steep slopes need to climb and land will be a few tied cloth connected to twisted into a rope for traction;

5, if there are warriors wounded without a stretcher to send back, cut the two lengths of two branches will be a couple of pairs of cloth to make a simple stretcher;

5, if there is no stretcher, cut two long branches will be a few pairs of cloth made into a stretcher.

6, lucky to catch the other side of the unlucky bastard will tie the legs tied up a solid, keep him can not be relieved;

7, have encountered the need to tie up the things that tied up the legs of the cloth is an effective alternative.
