In Zhangzhou City Hospital, there is a "medical insurance percentage (patient's out-of-pocket)" in the last cell of the patient's daily list, and the following is 20% of category A and 20% of category

In Zhangzhou City Hospital, there is a "medical insurance percentage (patient's out-of-pocket)" in the last cell of the patient's daily list, and the following is 20% of category A and 20% of category B. Can you tell me...? Category A: full reimbursement;

20% Category B: 20% of the cost of the medication is borne by the patient;

The reimbursement rate for each type of medication is different, and is based on when the patient is discharged from the hospital. During the hospitalization period, the $1 you pay in advance can be used as $3. Unless there is a notice to pay, it doesn't matter if there is a negative balance on the daily list.