After death, there will really be a soul, will enter the six paths of reincarnation, will be reincarnated, this world beings are born and die, die and born; born and die, die and born, so the cycle is endless, in the six paths of reincarnation (heavenly paths, the human paths, the asura paths, the hell paths, the hungry ghost paths, the animal paths) in the head to turn around and so called the succession of births and deaths. This birth is from the Shunyata, with which all beings are willing to be born; and when one dies, one flows with the changes of karma, i.e., with the karma that he himself has created.
Before the eighth sense leaves, it is called the Nun touch
When this being is at the end of his life, the six senses are gone, the seven senses are gone, and the eighth sense is left.
Wherever this eighth sense goes, there is Nun, heat. For example, if this eighth sense goes from the center of the feet, the center of the feet is hot; if it goes from the legs, the legs are hot. At this time, this is a present yin, this present body of the five yin.
This yin, if you fix it, it becomes a Buddha; if you don't fix it, it is a ghost.
At this time, the good and evil in one's life appear at once: in this life, if you do good deeds, you will be born in heaven, and if you do evil deeds, you will fall into hell; whatever karma you create, you will suffer the fruits of it at this time. If you have done much good, you will go from the head; if you have committed too many sins, you will go from the feet. Then going from the top, this is ascending; going from the bottom, this is descending, this is falling. So there is a manifestation, a manifestation, and that's why it's said, "All of them appear at once," all of them appear at once.
Because of this, the Dharma of reciting Buddha's name is like this, and other Dharma of sitting in meditation, holding mantras, and learning teachings are also like this; it's all because if you don't have this habit in normal times, when you use it, it's too late.
After death, the Bardo stage
During the period of seventy-seven and forty-nine days, one has to go through many trials in the hell. After the judgment, those with heavy good karma are born in the good path; those with heavy evil karma are born in the evil path. This is the general situation of human life and death.
How to go to an auspicious place after death
Within forty-nine days, one can help him recite precepts, sutras, mantras, recite the Buddha's name, make offerings to the Triple Gem, release living beings, print sutras, build stupas, and create all kinds of benefits to offer to the Triple Gem in order to save him.
The suttas state in detail: If there is a man or woman. Does not cultivate good causes in life. He has committed many sins. After the end of his life. His family members are small and large. In order to create welfare. All the sacraments. Of the seven points. And one is gained. Six points of merit. The born are self-interested. For this reason. The future is now. Good men and women, etc. Hearing and healthy self-cultivation. They will be rewarded in their own way. The great ghost of impermanence. Arrive unexpectedly. The god of the underworld. I don't know if I'm guilty or not. Within seven days. They are as dumb as deaf. Or in all the divisions. Debating karma. After the judgment. I will be born according to my karma. Between the unmeasured. I'll be in great sorrow. Not to mention falling into all the evils, etc. This is the end of life. Before they are born. Within seven days. They think of each other. I hope that all my family members To save them with the power of good fortune. After this day. You will be rewarded according to your karma. If you are a sinner. In a thousand years. There is no day of liberation. If it's a Five Infernal Sins. They will fall into the Great Hell. Thousands of lifetimes. He suffers forever.
After these forty-nine days, he follows the karma he himself has created and goes on to suffer his consequences. He passes through thousands of years without liberation.