Modern science has discovered that before the Flood, there may have been a real continent on Earth with a high level of civilization, which sank in the Atlantic Ocean in a global catastrophe. The remains of prehistoric civilizations found by archaeologists at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean over the past century seem to confirm this hypothesis. In folklore, people call this land "Daxizhou", and the country that gave birth to the prehistoric civilization is called "Daxiguo". In fact, the scientific community has long named this mysterious disappearance of the continent, that is, following the name proposed by Plato: Atlantis.
Plato's book
In the Greek philosopher Plato's description of Atlantis as a beautiful, technologically advanced island, the history of which dates back to 370 BC. He wrote in his book that Atlantis had not only magnificent palaces and temples, but also huge altars for sacrifices. In his description, Plato said that the Atlanteans possessed more wealth than could be imagined. Atlanteans were initially honest and kind, with extraordinary wisdom, and led a carefree life. As time passed, however, the Atlanteans' ambitions began to swell, and they began to send out armies to conquer neighboring countries.
Their life also became more and more corrupt, endless extreme luxury and moral degradation, finally angered the gods, so Zeus, the king of the gods, overnight earthquake and flood on the island of the Great Western, Atlantis was finally swallowed by the sea, and since then disappeared in the unfathomable sea.
Plato's Ideal State: The Ancient Continent of Atlantis
Plato, in his book Dialogues, records the story of Atlantis as recounted by his cousin Corithias. Corithias, a disciple of Socrates, had emphasized the authenticity of Atlantis three times in the dialogues. Corithias says that the story was heard by his great-grandfather from a Greek poet named Solon (Solon c. 639-559BC). Solon was the wisest of the Seven Sages of Ancient Greece, and Solon heard about Atlantis from an old Egyptian priest during a trip to Egypt. The account in the Dialogues is to the following effect:
Far to the west of the Mediterranean Sea, in the Atlantic Ocean, lies a huge continent that boasts of an amazing civilization. The continent produced countless amounts of gold and silver, and all the palaces were surrounded by walls of gold and silver. The interior walls of the palaces were also encrusted with gold. There, civilization developed to an unimaginable extent. There were well-equipped harbors and ships, and objects capable of carrying people in flight. Its power was not confined to Europe, but reached as far as the African continent. The fresco above was found in the city of Akrotiri. The city was buried 3,500 years ago by the eruption of the Santorini volcano and was excavated from the ash in 1967 and appears to depict a fleet of ships traveling to trade in North Africa. Its civilization disappeared from memory after a massive earthquake sunk it to the bottom of the sea.
Plato's account of the island 2,000 years ago has captivated many, but no one has been able to produce strong evidence that Atlantis actually existed. Because Atlantis disappeared in the aftermath of a volcanic earthquake and flood, Atlantis sank to the bottom of the sea forever in a matter of moments. According to Plato's account, since Atlantis was highly civilized and rich and powerful, gradually the society began to be corrupted, greedy for money and wealth, and obsessed with profit. He then launched a war to conquer the world. However, when they met the strong Athenian soldiers, they lost the battle. Atlantis' behavior of abandoning God's favor led to the wrath of the gods, which aroused the power of nature to destroy this sinful island.
Atlantis in Greek mythology was a vast island ruled by Poseidon, the god of the sea.
Greek mythology says the island was divided into 10 parts and ruled by five pairs of twin sons*** of Poseidon. The eldest male, Atlas, became king of kings as an ally. Thus the vast island was named Atlantis.
Located in the Atlantic Ocean off the "Pillars of the Sealock" (the Strait of Gibraltar), Atlantis was wider than North Africa and Asia Minor combined. Its power was not limited to the neighboring Atlantic islands, but reached as far as Europe, Africa and the Americas (the real continents).
The coast of Atlantis is steep, but the central part of the island has a wide fertile plain, in 9 kilometers from the outer sea is the capital city of Poseidonia. The city is rich and prosperous, with a royal palace in the center of town and a magnificent temple dedicated to the patron god Poseidon. In addition, Poseidonia is surrounded by a three-tiered ring of canals. The outermost canal is 500 meters wide and can pass large ships, and these canals are all connected to the outer sea by a 100-meter wide water landing.
The temples are decorated with gold, silver, ivory or the flaming metal known as olehakan. All the buildings on the island are beautifully constructed of locally hewn white, black and red stone.
Outside the ring-shaped city is a wide plain surrounded by 1,800 kilometers of ditches that are 30 meters deep and 180 meters wide, and inside, canals that crisscross the island every 18 kilometers in a neat, square pattern that resembles the grid of a chessboard. This water was used to grow grains and vegetables, and the canals were used to carry the products to the areas where they were consumed.
There were three harbors where the waterways met the sea. The neighborhoods of the ports were densely populated, and ships and merchants from all over the world traveled to and from the three huge ports, making the area around the ports bustling with activity day and night.
The plains are divided into 90,000 districts, each with a commander. This commander is obligated to dispatch one sixth of the cost of a chariot, 2 horses, 2 cavalrymen, 1 light chariot, and one infantryman and driver each. In addition to this, 12 combatants and 4 sailors can be dispatched. If these forces are added together, then Atlantis can have a formidable fighting force of 1.2 million soldiers at all times.
With a powerful nation, Atlantis finally crossed the Strait of Gibraltar and began to invade other countries.
Bravely resisting the Atlantean attack were the Athenians. After a fierce battle, the Athenians finally repelled the Atlantean army and secured the independence of their country and the freedom of their people. But an unknown and tragic fate happened immediately.
Because of the terrible earthquakes and floods, the Athenian army was plunged into the earth in just "one miserable day and one night," and Atlantis sank into the sea and disappeared from the face of the earth forever. This happened 12,000 years ago.
This is the full picture of Atlantis as depicted by the Greek philosopher Plato in his Deimas and Gelidias. This is the story that Plato introduced to the world in his own book, written by Thoreau, one of the Greek sages, who heard it from an Egyptian priest.
City structure of Atlantis
The buildings of Atlantis were in concentric circles, separated from each other by ships. As one gets deeper and deeper into the city, the identity restrictions become stricter and stricter.
In the inner circle are the most important temples and reservations. The architecture of the city is wonderfully musical. The gilded domes, due to the wind and temperature, produce a harmonious sound. Usually three syllables. For Atlantis, three is one of its important features, that is, the lines are repeated three times, and the complex consists of three groups of similar buildings, three pyramids that form a cluster of towers. The streets on each level of the city are spread out diagonally, from one corner of the waterfront to the other, and there are many intricate underground galleries underneath.
The capital of Atlantis (also known as the Great Western Continent and Atlantis) is Poseidonia (also known as Neptune City). It can be said that it represents the essence of the Great Western continent, a collection of culture, art and craftsmanship. It is a monumental city, a model for the rest of the world, and an indication of the greatness of Atlantis.
An overview of Atlantis. It is the classic model of this legendary city, connected by a series of concentric circles floating on the sea. You can see how it is arranged layer by layer from low to high towards the center. The center section is the base camp, which is nearly 2.5 kilometers in diameter.
A view of the ocean passageway that connects the two concentric layers of circles, looking outward from the interior of the city to another layer of the city. The inner sea area of Atlantis. And a lighthouse to the right. Two metal sculptures support the massive light. Three flying cars in the sky in the background. Some of the stately buildings in the center city. At the top of the steps, the wings on the sculpture's head are visible. In Atlantean art that represents the endlessness of life. The overall design of the city reflects the pinnacle of every art possible. Steps led up to a comprehensive college.
Gold was the most common building material. The most splendid buildings in the center of the city had astronomical significance. Those gilded buildings make harmonious tones in the wind. The heart of the city. The gilded musical dome was the planetarium and some other public buildings. Not everyone had the right to enter the center of the city everywhere was covered with huge caves. These are the supporting pillars. Look closely and you can see close to the entrance is the symbol of Taurus, and the man and the bull.
The emerald is finely carved to be transparent, and the city's main codex is written on it. Translated into different languages and vernaculars. The emerald was placed under close guard in an underground room, the most sacred place in Atlantis.
Buried in a valley not far from the city are the kings of Atlantis. It was a deep valley, dedicated to graveyards. Those tombstones record the life of a man. Here are buried not only officials but also artists. The valley is on top of the mountain and there are many extinct prehistoric animals.