The very special year of 2020 has made people nowadays realize the importance of the level of medical science and the high demand for many medical technologies. I believe that everyone is currently aware of medical technologies such as X-rays, CTs, MRIs, etc. These great medical technologies were not invented at the same time, but only after scientists were experimenting with them. Here's a brief overview of the stories behind these medical technologies.
X-rays were discovered in 1895 by the German physicist W.K. Roentgen, who named them X-rays after he discovered them in an experiment. The physicist then used X-rays to look at his wife's hand, the world's first X-ray, but his wife was very unhappy when she saw the hand on the X-ray, because only the bones of the hand were visible on the X-ray. But the discovery of X-rays had a great impact on the entire scientific community, and X-rays are also seen as the beginning of modern physics, the discovery of X-rays of physicists W.K. R?ntgen also got the Nobel Prize in Physics.
And CT is the acronym for computed tomography, and it was invented only after X-rays were discovered. When X-rays were first used to look at the structure of the human body, they often overlapped the images of normal and abnormal organs, making them difficult to see. After a long period of research to solve this problem, scientists finally developed the world's first CT scanner in 1972 by British computer experts Hounsfield and Cormack. And these two men were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology and the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1979.
MRI is the acronym for Magnetic **** vibration imaging, the principle of this technology is to use a special magnetic field to produce **** vibration effect of hydrogen nuclei in the human body, and in the hydrogen nuclei produce **** vibration will release part of the energy in the receiver receives these energy signals in the computer will show the image. This technique was developed by British scientist Peter Mansfield in the wake of American scientist Paul Mansfield's work. Mansfield's work on this technique was developed by the American scientist Paul Lauterbur. Lauterbur's research transformed the **** vibration signals into clearer images. It was then realized that this technology could be used to look at the human body, and by the end of the 20th century, it was being used in medicine.