Informatization of Community Healthcare

Medical Portal System

As digitalization continues, hospitals need a unified information portal platform. It needs to integrate business applications such as HIS, PACS, LIS, RIS and management applications such as collaborative office, finance and human resources. It provides information interconnection between hospital management, administrators, medical staff and residents, and realizes the integration of intranet and extranet information dissemination through the content dissemination management system, so as to allow the existing information, applications and business systems to play their maximum role.

Community residents

To realize the long-term management of health and the basic health service needs of the residents, improve the service functions, centering on the maintenance of the health of the community residents, and provide public **** health services such as disease prevention and control, primary diagnostic and treatment services for common and multiple diseases in general, and management of chronic diseases and rehabilitation services.

Medical staff

Substantially improve performance and service satisfaction, provide quality one-on-one services, offer home visits, home visits, home care, home hospital beds, telephone counseling and family rehabilitation guidance, and provide public **** health services such as chronic disease prevention and treatment mainly for hypertension and diabetes prevention and treatment.

Medical management

To achieve coordination, feedback, integration, tracking, early warning and intervention of health management under the regional grid and data linkage. Not only can it meet the requirements of real-time personalized two-way information exchange, but it can also realize the management of medical resource planning, support scientific decision-making, and reflect the management of collaborative medical affairs with community service users as the core.