After two abortive bids in public solicitation, the bidder may, upon approval, no longer bid but use other non-tendering methods for procurement. According to the law, if the use of non-bidding methods for procurement of goods and services planned to reach the standard of the amount of public bidding, the purchaser shall apply for approval to the financial department of the people's government after reporting to the competent budgetary unit for approval.
Legal Objective:Article 4 of the Administrative Measures for Non-tendering Procurement Methods of Government Procurement reaches the standard of the amount of public tendering of goods and services procurement program, to be used in a non-tendering procurement method, the purchaser shall apply for approval from the financial department of the people's government of the district above the city and the autonomous prefectures, after submitting the consent of the competent budgetary unit, before the commencement of the procurement activities.