Naga Chili Peppers. Naga peppers from a farm called Ocean Spring in Dorset, England, were recently recognized by the American Spice Trade Association as the world's hottest red pepper. The owner of the farm is planning to apply for a Guinness World Record for this. The spiciness of the chili pepper is expressed in Scoville units, the Guinness World Records recorded the hottest chili pepper is the Shawina red chili pepper, the spiciness of 57.7 million, Scoville units of the Naga chili pepper two times the spiciness of the test results were 87.6 million Scoville units and 97 million Scoville units, respectively.
The 5 hottest chili peppers in the world
1, Naga chili pepper
2, Yunnan shabu shabu hot
3, Indian ghost pepper
4, Carolina Reaper
5, Dragon's Breath chili pepper