Is Fosun Prudential Star Guardian 2021 Million Dollar Medical Insurance reliable? How much does it cost per year?

The Fosun Bao Dexin Star Guardian 2021 medical insurance is very comprehensive, but the coverage is not enough, and there is no guarantee of renewal. 30-year-olds to buy, the yearly premium will cost $353, the price is on the expensive side, the overall cost-effective is not high, not very reliable. Let's analyze it in depth together!

This table comparing Fosun Prudential Star Guardian 2021 with popular million-dollar medical insurance policies you can refer to, to understand where this product stands in the overall market:The top 10 million-dollar medical insurance policies have synchronized out the latest data again!

I. Is Fosun Prudential Star Guardian 2021 worth buying?

Fosun Bao Dexin Star Guardian 2021's coverage map we look at:

Directly to the point, the first defects:

1, not guaranteed renewal

The so-called guaranteed renewal, that is, in the protection of the renewed period, regardless of the insured person's physical health, the claims over the No, or product discontinued or not will not be refused to continue to buy insurance the product.

It can be said that as long as you buy this insurance, within the stipulated guaranteed renewal period of time, no matter what the unexpected events, under any conditions, the insurance company will underwrite.

But the fact that Fosun Prudential Star Guardian 2021 is not guaranteed renewable is not so friendly to those who are not physically resilient, are prone to illness, and have had claims during the period of coverage!

Now many insurance companies have made significant breakthroughs in guaranteed renewals, such as beyond the insurance 2020, this million medical insurance can be guaranteed to renew for six years!

For those who would like to know more, you are welcome to open this link:What exactly are the comprehensive upgrades in BeyondSure 2020!

2, general hospitalization medical insurance benefits less

Fosun Prudential Star Guard 2021's general hospitalization medical insurance benefits of up to 2 million, and hospitalization medical expenses can reach 3 million or even higher products on the market is still relatively more, so this comparison shows that this product's lack of strength in general hospitalization coverage.

These are the flaws of Fosun Prudential Star Guardian 2021, is it that bad? In fact, it is not that bad, the Fosun Bao Dexin Star Guardian 2021 insurance product has this feature, which convinces my sister is not so!

Does Fosun Bao Dexin Star Guardian 2021 have any highlights?

Fosun Prudential Star Guardian 2021 covers 155 diseases, including 100 kinds of critical illnesses, 20 kinds of moderate illnesses, 35 kinds of light illnesses, and the protection of proton heavy ion.

Proton heavy ion therapy is a cutting-edge radiotherapy technology in the country, which is very effective in treating cancer with few side effects! However, the current resources are limited, and the cost to be borne with the help of Proton Heavy Ion Therapy is too high. Fosun Proton Guardian 2021's Proton Heavy Ion treatment is 100% reimbursable, so that the insured can go for the treatment without any worries!

The coverage of Fosun Bao Dexin Star Guardian 2021 is praiseworthy, but the basic coverage needs to be *** enjoy 2 million coverage, and after the diagnosis of minor illnesses is claimed, in case of the unfortunate subsequent serious illnesses, then the upper limit of the amount of the claim will be less!

It is important to know that quality medical insurance in the market has a maximum of 6 million coverage for critical illnesses and hospitalization, while Fosun Prudential Star Guardian 2021 coverage is not much more than the amount of coverage needs to be **** enjoy, the overall protection is not good enough!

Friends, if you want to know more about the Prudential Star Guardian 2021 review, this article is a quick look: Fosun Prudential Star Guardian 2021 full coverage? Wake up!

Three, summarize

In summary, Fosun BaoDeXin Star Guardian 2021 provides protection is really very thoughtful, the beauty of this product does not guarantee the renewal of the policy, the general medical insurance is strong, medical treatment of disease **** enjoy the benefits, etc., do not care about Fosun BaoDeXin Star Guardian 2021 these disadvantages of the partner, you can insure this product.

But it is recommended that you compare three, after all, there are many million medical insurance on the market is also very good, more comparisons, in order to choose the most suitable!

Written in the end

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