EMC test includes sub-projects: RE, CE, RS, CS, EFT, AC-DIP, ESD, SURGE, power line inductance, power line touch What does each mean?

1, RE: Radiated Emission (RE) (100k ~ 2.7G) Radiated Emission : radiated nuisance test

2, CE: Conducted Interference CE (conducted emission) (150kHz ~ 108MHz): conducted nuisance test

3, RS: Radiated Immunity: RF electromagnetic field radiation immunity test

4, CS: conducted immunity: RF field induction conducted nuisance immunity test

5, EFT: transient pulse interference: electrical fast transient pulse group immunity test

6, DIP: voltage dips: voltage dips, short-term interruptions and voltage change immunity test

7, ESD: electrostatic discharge : electrostatic immunity test

8, Surge: surge: immunity surge (shock) immunity test

Power line induction in the power transformer low-voltage windings applying operational shock voltage, through electromagnetic induction to make the transformer high-voltage windings of the insulation to withstand the overvoltage test test.

The test is applied to the voltage waveform is simulated within the power system due to switching operations or faults generated by a waveform, known as the operating shock voltage wave.

According to China's power industry standards, the operational shock induction withstand voltage test can be applied at the site of a power substation to test the insulation of a power transformer.

The power line contact test simulates direct contact between power lines and communication lines; the power line induction/contact test is performed on the twisted-pair ports of telecommunication terminal equipment and external AC or DC dedicated power ports.

Power line induction contact generator is specially designed to simulate the power line or electrified railway system on the adjacent communication line induction and power lines and communication lines in direct contact with the interference phenomenon produced by the establishment of a **** the same basis.

Expanded Information:

EMC consists of two major items: EMI (interference) and EMS (sensitivity, immunity)

EMI test items include: RE (radiation, emission)

1, CE (conducted interference)

2, Harmonic (harmonics)

3, Function, and so on. p>

3, Flicker (flicker)

EMS test items include: ESD (electrostatic)

1, EFT (transient pulse interference)

2, DIP (voltage drop)

3, CS (conducted immunity)

4, RS (radiated immunity)

5, Surge ( Surge, lightning)

6, PMS (frequency magnetic immunity)


I. EMI (Electro-Magnetic Interference) - Electromagnetic Nuisance Test

EMI test main content:

1, Radiated Emission -Radiated Emission test

2, Conducted Emission-conducted harassment test

3, Harmonic-harmonic current harassment test

4, Flicker -Voltage change and flicker test

Two, EMS (Electro-Magnetic Susceptibility) --- Electromagnetic Immunity Test

The purpose of this test is: to detect whether the electrical products can work stably in the electromagnetic environment, without being affected.

EMS test main content:

1, ESD - electrostatic immunity test

2, RS - radio frequency electromagnetic field radiation immunity test

3, CS - radio frequency field induction conducted nuisance immunity test

4、DIP-Voltage Dips, Short Interruptions and Voltage Changes Immunity Test

5、SURGE-Surge (Shock) Immunity Test

6、EFT-Electrical Fast Transient Pulse Flock Immunity Test

7、PFMF PFMF immunity test

8, spurious definition: refers to the standard test signal modulation in addition to the carrier frequency and due to normal modulation and switching transients caused by sidebands and neighboring channels outside the discrete frequency radiation (both far-end radiation). Spurious radiation according to its source can be divided into two types of conducted and radiated.

9, conduction spurious: the level power of any discrete signal measured at the connector of the antenna 50 ohm load.

10, radiated spurious: test equipment chassis, structure and interconnecting cables caused by spurious nuisance. Test conditions preferred in the dark room in the airwaves, or outdoors.


Baidu Encyclopedia - EMC Test

Baidu Encyclopedia - EMC Test

Baidu Encyclopedia - emc (Electromagnetic Compatibility) emc (electromagnetic compatibility)

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