When you make a concession of some kind in a negotiation, be sure to immediately ask for something in return.
1. Use vague entities as authority
A As the buyer, don't let the other side know that you have the right to make the final decision. When the other party's negotiations do not meet your expectations and do not want to respond too forcefully, you can use the highest authority as a shield (preferably a vague entity), the text cites the example of the landlord likes to let the tenants know that he is the master, his sense of self is greatly satisfied, but the bills are piling up more and more because the tenants think that since the landlord is so rich, why do not you replace the carpet or lower the rent, to delay the payment of the bill to show that "Protest'', when the landlord collects rent on another house, indicating that he does not hold an asset, and if the tenant asks for it, he responds, "I'll convince the landlord to replace the carpet for you if you promise to pay the rent on time every month. "Or, the owner of the house told me that if you do not pay the rent, I'm afraid I have to ask you to move" This is also a typical white face - black face strategy, using this way to successfully achieve the purpose of collecting rent on time.
Especially in international negotiations, many national leaders also use the supremacy strategy to protect themselves by stating that they must seek the approval of the Senate before making a decision.
B As a seller, if the other side uses this tactic, find a way to get the other side to recognize that he has the final say, and you can respond with the following 3-step kind of strategy
1) Stimulate the other side's self-awarenessYou can ask the other side with a smile, "They usually go with your recommendation, don't they?
2) Reassure the person that he or she will positively recommend your product in front of an "authority figure" (a refusal in itself is a signal of intent to buy, and if you are not interested, you won't ask for a price)
3) Call it "up to you". "Step Sentence: Frankly, I'm not sure the company agrees to serve you, but in any case, it depends on your results, so why don't we put that on this document?"
If the other person forces you to make the final decision initially when you're not ready to make a decision, it's OK to tell them you'll just have to walk away from the deal. If the other party to move out of authority, you can also "in their own way to treat their own people", tell the other party you also have to consult their superiors, the other party will understand your intention, and each time the other party called a halt, the offer level to return to the level of the first offer, do not unknowingly raise the price in the tug-of-war.
2, the diminishing value of services in the negotiation process is full of variables, one thing is certain: the other side will soon forget the concessions you make. Can be understood as the economics of the "diminishing marginal benefit", the first time to give the benefits of the other side will be grateful, the second still, the third or fourth time after the senseless, and even the last did not make concessions, but rather their own wrong. The actual item may appreciate in value, the value of the service will diminish. Never expect your opponent to compensate you after providing help, people are generally more rational when it comes to benefits. Also if we want our opponent to provide services for us, we must negotiate the price before we start working.
3, whether or not to take the compromise price must not fall into the misunderstanding that only on the price compromise is a fair practice. When the price difference between the two sides, not necessarily take the middle price, will make the other side think there are many opportunities to bargain. This is not the same as our usual usage, or specific issues to be treated specifically.
4, how to deal with the impasse
First understand the definition of impasse, dilemma and dead end, for the negotiation of newcomers will be confused:
impasse: refers to the negotiation of a problem between the two sides of the huge differences, and has affected the progress of the negotiations.
Stalemate: a situation where the parties are still negotiating, but can't seem to make any progress
Dead End: a situation where the negotiation has never been able to move forward, and both parties have become so discouraged that both feel as if there is no point in continuing down the road.
When there is a stalemate, you can use the "temporary strategy", the words "Let's put this issue aside and discuss other issues, can we? Can solve some small problems to create miracles for both sides, do not focus on a problem.
5, to cope with the dilemma, when encountered in this situation, in addition to making adjustments in the price, but also from the following ways to start
Adjust the members of the negotiating team, adjust the atmosphere of the negotiations (pause, meal), ease the tension (insert a short story), discuss how to **** with the other party to share the risk, paint is the other side will be interested in the issue, talk about some details. By making some adjustments, change the whole negotiation situation.
6, dealing with dead ends
The only way to solve the problem is to introduce a third party, so that the third party to act as a mediator or the role of the intermediary. The third party should establish themselves as a "neutral party" and even if they know the whole story, they should still be asking "I'm not sure what happened, can you explain the situation? Wording is important, and avoid using words such as "we", so as not to cause Party A to misunderstand that it has something to do with Party B. When both parties are sure that the third party is neutral, they will be more willing to make some small concessions. Do not be too insistent in the negotiations, the let go to let go, in order to have a win-win situation.
7, be sure to ask for a return
Suppose someone temporarily asked you to help, would have been in the courtesy of not talking about the deal, he can also say "if I do this for you, you are ready to do what I do", this statement is risky, the other party may refuse to find someone else, there may be a response to The other party may refuse to find someone else, or may respond with "Next time you borrow the venue, you can reduce some of the costs", if it is the second to achieve our purpose. In addition to pay attention to the way of expression, but also on the other side to do things in a better style of understanding, or on their own ability to be completely sure, not grasp the degree of the two sides will create a confrontation between the two sides, triggering a relationship conflict, resulting in the termination of cooperation, the next time it is difficult to have the opportunity.