Imported cold chain food will be fully disinfected, how to disinfect?

In the context of outbreaks around the world, the import of cold chain food must be strictly controlled disinfection, has been tested positive in many imported food, in order to ensure domestic food safety, in terms of imports must be fully disinfected, that for the import of cold chain food how to fully disinfect it? State regulations cold chain food from the container unloading placed in the domestic means of transport, the owner of the goods or its agent to carry out comprehensive disinfection of the goods.

The global outbreak of the new crown epidemic, the epidemic in China has been temporarily alleviated, but the epidemic abroad is in a very serious stage. But there are some food must be transported from abroad to the domestic, so the control of these foods is very important, has been in Tianjin and Xinjiang and other places in the imported food detected in these foods contain the new crown virus, once the new crown virus through the imported food spread to the domestic, that may be the domestic epidemic and to the outbreak of a large area, so in order to prevent the epidemic continue to break out in the country, in the import of food must be done! Strict prevention and control.

According to national regulations require that imported food containers unloading replacement of domestic means of transport, the owner of its agent must implement disinfection of the goods packaging, while imported food must provide proof of disinfection before circulating to the market inside to go, imported goods in the process of transport, customs officers must be comprehensive disinfection of the goods packaging as well as nearby items, this time belongs to the second disinfection, at the same time, must do a good job in storage and out of the warehouse. The imported goods must do a good job in and out of a record, the relevant information and records must be kept for more than two years.

In order to ensure the spread of the new crown virus, customs officers must strictly control the imported food, but consumers through contact and consumption of cold chain food infection risk is very low, but as long as there is a risk that must be done to achieve strict control, life is not a joke, the new crown epidemic is more not a joke, only to strengthen the awareness of everyone to resist the new crown virus. The world can return to a normal look, the people's life is good to change for the better.