The false official Chang Hui and other recruiters and scouts have more than a hundred people. The sentence structure is as follows:
1. Background introduction
"The false official Chang Hui and other recruiters and scouts "More than a hundred people" refers to the reconnaissance activities of soldiers led by the fake official Chang Hui during the ancient war period. Not only can these soldiers scout and gather intelligence on the enemy, they can also judge the right time to attack or retreat.
2. Soldier selection criteria
In order to ensure that these soldiers are qualified for reconnaissance missions, their selection criteria are very strict. First of all, every soldier is required to have good military qualities and be able to master various weapons and tactics proficiently. Secondly, each soldier is required to undergo rigorous training, be familiar with various reconnaissance techniques, and have strong psychological quality and durability. Finally, every soldier is required to have a high sense of loyalty and honor, and to be able to fight to the end for the interests of the country and the army.
3. Soldiers’ tasks
Soldiers need to follow certain rules and procedures when conducting reconnaissance activities. First, try to avoid enemy sentries and cordons as much as possible, and approach the enemy positions quietly. Then, use telescopes and other tools to observe the situation of the enemy's army, collect various intelligence information on the enemy's quantity, equipment, deployment, combat plans, etc., and submit it to superior leaders for analysis and research. Finally, you need to attack or retreat when necessary to ensure your own safety.
4. Soldiers’ equipment and weapons
In order to successfully complete the reconnaissance mission, soldiers need to be equipped with some professional tools and weapons. Such as binoculars, bunkers, flashlights, smoke bombs, etc., as well as conventional rifles, pistols, bayonets, etc. In addition, you also need to have certain medical knowledge and first aid skills to deal with injured and injured comrades in emergencies.
5. Soldiers’ honors and awards
As the achievements and honors achieved in reconnaissance increase, soldiers can receive corresponding awards and commendations. These rewards and recognitions can be in material form, such as money, medals of honor, promotions, etc.; they can also be spiritual, such as letters of commendation, certificates of honor, etc. These awards and commendations can not only motivate soldiers to continue to carry forward their achievements, but also improve the overall combat effectiveness and reputation of the army to a certain extent.
6. Summary
To sum up, "The fake official Chang Hui and other recruiters and more than a hundred scouts all have the same sentence pattern" is a tactical skill that is worth promoting and learning. It can not only improve the combat effectiveness and command level of the army, but also inspire each soldier's personal heroism and