The smoke of moxa is not only not harmful to the human body, but also has certain benefits.
Modern scientific research has proved that moxa smoke contains a lot of trace elements, they are for some urgent emergencies, such as asthma, pain, etc. has a very good soothing effect; on the other hand, the moxa smoke contained in the sedative, stabilizing the mind component, can make a lot of insomnia patients in the moxibustion after a quick sleep, for the relief and regulation of insomnia symptoms has a very significant effect. The effect is very significant in relieving and regulating the symptoms of insomnia.
The reason why people will think that moxa is harmful to the human body, the reason is that the mind has "smoking is harmful to health" this deep-rooted idea, but we must know is "this smoke is not the other smoke", there is a fundamental difference between them. As we all know, tobacco has nicotine, a harmful substance, but the smoke does not have this substance. The smoke is produced by burning moxa sticks, and it is made of pure natural moxa, which itself is a Chinese herbal medicine, there is no "dangerous" substances, so you do not have to worry too much.
Additionally, some of the trace elements contained in the smoke of mugwort have a very significant effect on respiratory diseases. Generally speaking, if there is a dry and itchy throat, pain, cough, shortness of breath and other symptoms, with moxa to adjust will certainly achieve very good results. It can be seen, not only will the smoke of moxa not have adverse effects on the human body, but also bring some unexpected benefits, so we do not have to have 'fear', 'worry' about the idea.