Specifically as follows: 1, the enterprise basic information, the enterprise in the "enterprise basic information declaration" module for the declaration of enterprise basic information.
2, product base information, after the enterprise base information audit, in the "product base information declaration" module for product base information declaration. Enterprise basic information and product basic information through the audit, the enterprise can be in the "enterprise declaration of publicity" and "product declaration of publicity" module to query their own product-related information. The "Enterprise Declaration Publicity" and "Product Declaration Publicity" module can view all the audited enterprise and product basic information (except for the withdrawal of the declaration).
3, the enterprise quotes, after the review of the basic information of the product, the enterprise can be in the "enterprise quotes" module for quotation. The declared price is the price actually supplied to the medical institutions.
4, the distribution of the point of choice, to be reviewed and approved by the basic product information, the enterprise can be in the "distribution program point of choice" module for the distribution of choice, the choice of distribution companies are required to sign the "medical equipment (medical supplies) product quality and performance of the supply of commitment", while the distribution of the selected distribution company is associated with the distribution of the distribution of its Registration certificate. A manufacturer in the same area to designate a (maximum of two, of which the same certificate of registration of the product can only determine a distribution) distribution company to distribute all the network supplies of the enterprise.