How to choose the right insurance for you

It is often said within the insurance industry that "seven insurance policies to protect a lifetime", that is, accident insurance policies, medical policies, life insurance policies, children's accidents, hospitalization, major illnesses, children's education policies, old age policies, inheritance policies, of course, taking into account the willingness to buy your own with the The first one is the one that you have to pay for, and the second one is the one that you have to pay for, and the third one is the one that you have to pay for, and the third one is the one that you have to pay for, and the third one is the one that you have to pay for, and the third one is the one that you have to pay for. It's essential because it's closely related to our lives, and it's basic because the premiums add up to a few thousand dollars a year, which isn't exorbitant. You don't know which comes first tomorrow and which comes first in an accident, accident insurance can balance out a lot of "bad luck" in your life with the leverage of low premiums and high protection. In recent years, the incidence of malignant tumors is getting higher and higher, there are more and more people around in the haze of malignant tumors, and from a young age to invest in a major medical policy, not only to fill the social security insurance for imported drugs, imported equipment, but also in the malignant tumors after the diagnosis of a one-time dozens of millions of dollars in compensation, whether it is used for post-hospitalization nutritional supplements, or used to take a break to recuperate, are a considerable amount of money. It is a sizable amount of money. If you have a stable old age, without disease, the life insurance policy can also take care of your afterlife residence, go also walk in style, do not give the children another burden.

The second layer: stable protection for every family: children's accident, hospitalization, major illness policy + children's education policy + pension policy. If you are already married and have children, what you are most concerned about is definitely your own children, so why expose your children to risk when you have covered yourself with accident insurance and major medical treatment? With the economy moving forward and inflation continuing, the sooner you start and the longer you pay the premiums, the more cost-effective it is to have a flat-rate policy. Do some math, if an insurance requirement to pay $6,000 a year for 20 years, then what will become under the pressure of inflation?The per capita GDP in 2017 was $59,261, and the per capita GDP in 1997 was $6,481, according to this ratio projection, if you buy insurance in 1997, the cost of insurance should be to pay more than $600 a year, so calculated! Doesn't it feel that the next ten years are equivalent to a free gift? So although the children's age is small, but take out insurance before it is too late will receive a very substantial return in the long term.

The third level: after the love of inheritance: inheritance policy. People will eventually have to leave the day, after leaving the people around them is actually a thought or a nightmare? We have heard too many stories of people leaving behind huge debts after they die, and we have also heard the news that cemeteries are now more expensive than housing prices, so is it better to let the insurance company give their families a little bit of comfort or to let their family members in the loss of a loved one and then have to spend a huge amount of money? Heritage insurance, not only a policy, but also the inheritance of love for the family.

One key intelligent diagnosis, see what the most suitable for their family protection program ↓ ↓ ↓

One key intelligent diagnosis