Business license to write cosmetics and additionally add a class of medical equipment evil Class II medical equipment sales is what it means!

It is the meaning of medical device sales business license.

The medical device industry involves a number of industries such as pharmaceuticals, machinery, electronics, plastics, etc. It is a multidisciplinary cross, knowledge-intensive, capital-intensive high-tech industry.

And the basic characteristics of high-tech medical equipment is digital and computerized, is a multidisciplinary, cross-field crystallization of modern high technology, its product technology content is high, high profits, and therefore is the science and technology countries, large international companies compete with each other, the high threshold of intervention.

Medical imaging equipment is an indispensable part of hospital medical equipment, but also an important manifestation of the hospital's comprehensive strength, not only for clinical diagnosis and treatment to provide important protection, while providing an important platform for clinical research. Imaging equipment as a comprehensive platform, the development of the hospital plays an important role in promoting.