I. Classification of medical waste
1. Infectious waste: items contaminated by the patient's blood, body fluids, excreta; infectious disease patients or suspected infectious diseases produced by the living garbage; pathogens of the culture medium, specimens; a variety of discarded medical specimens; discarded blood, blood serum; after the use of disposable medical waste products.
2. Injurious wastes: medical needles, suture needles; all kinds of medical sharps, such as scalpels, skin preparation knives, etc.; slides, test tubes, ampoules and so on.
3. Pharmaceutical waste: expired, eliminated, deteriorated or contaminated discarded medicines, including: general drugs, immunosuppressants, discarded vaccines, blood products and so on.
4. Chemical waste: imaging, laboratory waste chemical reagents; waste chemical disinfectants; waste mercury sphygmomanometer, mercury thermometer.
5. Pathological waste: human waste and medical laboratory animals generated in the process of diagnosis and treatment.
II. Medical waste collection, storage workflow
1. medical waste by the generation of medical personnel in the department of classification into bags, infectious waste → special yellow bags; injurious waste → leakage-proof, puncture-resistant sharps box, filled to 2 / 3 when tightly sealed → labeling, check intact, registration, signature → cleaning staff from the Medical waste generation site will be classified and packaged medical waste, along the designated routes or special elevators, the use of special delivery tools to transport → medical waste temporary storage room.
Where pathological waste is bloody or liquid-like, and easy to leak the waste, be sure to separate strict packaging, such as the use of sachet packaging, plus two layers of bags, tightening, posting a sign, indicating the origin, time, name (with a red pen on the pathology or bloody waste), a separate storage, to facilitate the delivery of transport personnel.
2. Every day by the earth Vicom treatment center special car delivery, and make a good record.
3. The garbage room should be disinfected and cleaned every time after the medical waste is sent away.