Industrial wastewater sewage detection includes production wastewater and production wastewater. According to the products and treatment objects of industrial enterprises, it can be divided into papermaking wastewater, etching wastewater, textile wastewater, tanning wastewater, pesticide wastewater, metallurgical wastewater, printing and dyeing wastewater, oil refining wastewater, medical wastewater and so on.
Industrial wastewater detection project Industrial wastewater detection: PH, CODcr, BOD5, petroleum, LAS, ammonia nitrogen, chromaticity, total arsenic, total chromium, hexavalent chromium, copper, nickel, cadmium, zinc, lead, mercury, total phosphorus, chloride, fluoride, etc. Detection and test of domestic sewage: PH, chromaticity, turbidity, odor, visible matter, total hardness, total iron, total manganese, sulfate, chloride, fluoride, cyanide, nitrate, total bacteria, total Escherichia coli, free chlorine, total cadmium, hexavalent chromium, mercury, total lead, etc.
Detection items of urban drainage: water temperature (degree), chromaticity, easy-to-settle solids (15min), suspended solids, soluble solids, animal and vegetable oils, petroleum, PH value, five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), chemical oxygen consumption (CODCr), ammonia nitrogen (in N), total nitrogen (in N) and total phosphorus (in N). Fluoride, chloride, sulfate, total mercury, total cadmium, total chromium, hexavalent chromium, total arsenic, total lead, total nickel, total beryllium, total silver, total selenium, total copper, total zinc, total manganese, total iron, volatile phenol, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene, and adsorbable organic halide (AOX in terms of Cl).
Industrial wastewater water sample collection:
1, preparation before sampling
(1) Selection principle of container preparation container: the water sample is insoluble in the container, the container material does not absorb some components in the water sample, and there is no direct chemical reaction between the water sample and the container, avoiding the principle of "similarity and compatibility".
(2) Preparation of sampler: Select a suitable sampler and clean it (three times).
2. Transportation and preservation of water samples
(1) The water sample shall not be damaged or lost during transportation. They should be packaged, labeled and sealed.
(2) The container for storing water samples may adsorb and pollute water samples. Therefore, the container should be made of materials with stable performance and low impurity content. Borosilicate glass, Styrofoam, polyethylene and polytetrafluoroethylene are commonly used, while borosilicate glass and polyethylene bottles are the most commonly used.
(3) The transportation process should be carried out as soon as possible, and cars, cars, ships and even planes should be monitored frequently. The implementation standard of industrial wastewater and domestic sewage detection and the discharge limit of water pollutants in Guangdong Province DB4426-200 1
Discharge standard of pollutants for urban sewage treatment plants GB 189 18-2002
Water quality standard for sewage discharged into urban sewers CJ343-20 10
Editor-in-Chief of Discharge Standard: Discharge Standard for Water Pollutants in Pulp and Paper Industry GB 3544-2008
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Discharge Standard for Water Pollutants in Pharmaceutical Industry of Mixed Preparations GB 2 1908-2008
Discharge standard of water pollutants in traditional Chinese medicine pharmaceutical industry GB 2 1906-2008
Discharge standard of water pollutants for down industry GB 2 190 1-2008
Discharge standard of water pollutants for heterocyclic pesticide industry GB 2 1523-2008
Discharge standard of water pollutants for medical institutions GB 18466-2005
Discharge standard of water pollutants for iron and steel industry GB 13456- 1992
Discharge standard of water pollutants in textile dyeing and finishing industry GB 4287- 1992