The best way is that you tell him, your brother's classmates live in Dongguan, let him first help you to your enterprise to see,
Please that scammer to tell you, his name and business address and contact phone number, contact person. And the main website of this factory I help you to find out,/You can follow the website to provide the phone, call the past, ask if there is this person, and the recruitment of things to understand, if he even the name are afraid to tell you, then you do not ask in the question, the liar one! If he even dare not tell you the name, then you do not ask, a liar!!!, tell you the name, you will follow the website's contact information to call the past to find this person, and this person to confirm the OK, it is very simple, I wish you success, in addition to the children traveling thousands of miles mother worry, the old adage: parents in the child does not travel, it is recommended that you find a job in the local world may not be wonderful, I am from the age of your love of longing to come over, where to work does not matter, the important thing is that the parents are, is that you they are! The heart of the treasure ah, outside all kinds of hard work you can not imagine, I am the past, believe me right p>