A barcode is a set of bars and empty symbols arranged according to certain coding rules, used to represent certain characters, numbers and symbols composed of information. Barcode system is an automatic identification system composed of barcode symbol design, production and scanning reading.
Advantages of barcode technology:
Barcode is by far the most economical and practical automatic identification technology. Barcode technology has the following advantages:
A. Fast input speed: compared with the keyboard input, barcode input speed is 5 times the keyboard input, and can realize the "instant data entry".
B. High reliability: keyboard input data error rate of one in three hundred, the use of optical character recognition technology error rate of one in ten thousand, and the use of bar code technology error rate of less than one million.
C. The collection of large amounts of information: the use of traditional one-dimensional bar code can collect dozens of characters at a time of information, two-dimensional bar code can carry thousands of characters of information, and has a certain degree of automatic error correction.
D. Flexible and practical: barcode identification can be used as a means of identification alone, but also with the identification of equipment to form a system to achieve automated identification, but also with other control equipment linked to achieve automated management.
In addition, barcode labels are easy to produce, no special requirements for equipment and materials, recognition equipment is easy to operate, does not require special training, and equipment is relatively inexpensive.
Barcode technology applications:
Commercial automation system: POS (Point of Sales) is a commercial point of sale real-time system. The system uses barcode as the means, computer as the center, to realize the management of the store's import, sale, inventory, rapid feedback of the import, sale, inventory of all aspects of the information, to provide information for business decision-making.
The application of barcode technology in warehouse management: three-dimensional warehouse is an important part of modern industrial production, the use of barcode technology, you can complete the warehouse goods guidance, positioning, into the grid operation, improve the speed of identification, reduce human error, so as to improve the level of warehouse management.
Barcode technology is also widely used in traffic management, financial document management, business document management, medical records management, blood bank blood management, and a variety of classification technology, bar code technology as a means of data identification and automatic data entry has been widely used by people to penetrate into all areas of computer management.
The development history of barcode:
Barcode technology has a history of more than 50 years. Initiated from the United States in the 1940s, it was widely used internationally in the 70s and 80s. With the application of foreign bar code technology, China in the late 1970s to the early 1980s began to study and improve the bar code management system in some industries, such as post and telecommunications, banking, chain stores, libraries, transportation and major enterprises and institutions, etc. In December 1988, China set up the "China Article Numbering Center", and on April 19, 1991 formally applied for membership in the international coding organization EAN. Association. In recent years, the rapid development of China's bar code business, at present, the use of commodities prefix code "690", "691", "692", "693", "694" and "695", bar code technology has been widely used in China.
Introduction to barcode coding (code system):
There are many types of barcodes, and there are probably more than twenty common code systems, including:
Code39 code (standard 39 code), Codabar code (Kudumba code), Code25 code (standard 25 code), ITF25 code (cross 25 code), Matrix25 code (matrix), UPC-A code, UPC-A code, UPC-A code, UPC-A code, UPC-A code, UPC-A code, UPC-A code, UPC-A code, UPC-A code, UPC-A code, UPC-A code, UPC-A code, and so on. 25 code), UPC-A code, UPC-E code, EAN-13 code (EAN-13 International Commodity Barcode), EAN-8 code (EAN-8 International Commodity Barcode), China Postal Code (a variant of Matrix 25 code), Code-B code, MSI code, Code11 code, Code93 code, ISBN code, ISSN code, Code128 code ( Code128 code, including EAN128 code), Code39EMS (EMS-specific 39 code) and other one-dimensional barcodes and two-dimensional barcodes such as PDF417.
At present, the types of barcodes that are widely used internationally are EAN, UPC codes (commodity barcodes, which are used to uniquely identify a commodity in the world. We are most common in the supermarket is EAN and UPC barcode), Code39 code (can represent numbers and letters, in the field of management of the most widely used), ITF25 code (more used in logistics management), Codebar code (mostly used in the field of health care, books), Code93 code, Code128 code and so on. Among them, EAN code is widely used in the world of commodity bar code, has become the basis of electronic data interchange (EDI); UPC code is mainly used in the United States and Canada; in all kinds of bar code application system, Code39 code can be used because of its numbers and letters *** with the composition of the same way in the internal management of the various industries are widely used; in the blood bank, libraries and photo studio business, Codebar code is also widely used. Codebar is also widely used in blood banks, libraries and photo labs.
In addition to the one-dimensional barcodes listed above, two-dimensional barcodes have been rapidly developing and finding applications in many fields.
Introduction to common barcodes:
EAN code: EAN code is a commodity barcode developed by the International Article Numbering Association (IANA), which is commonly used all over the world.There are two kinds of EAN code symbols, the standard version (EAN-13) and the shortened version (EAN-8), which are equivalent to the common commodity barcodes in China. The barcode printed on the packaging of the goods we buy every day is generally the EAN code.
UPC code: UPC code is the Uniform Code Council of the United States developed a commodity bar code, mainly used in the United States and Canada, we can see in the United States on the imported goods.
39 code: 39 code is a bar code that can represent numbers, letters and other information, mainly used in industry, books and tickets for automated management, is now extremely widely used.
CodaBar code:
CodaBar code is a kind of barcode widely used in the field of health care and books, and its character set is 0 to 9 10 numbers, "ABCD" four letters and "$-:/. +" six special characters, of which "ABCD" is only used as a start and stop character, and can be combined in any way.
Code 128: 128 can represent ASCII 0 to ASCII 127 *** counting 128 ASCII characters.
Code 128 is widely used because of its large character set and high density. The international UCC/EAN organization has a special barcode identification standard on 128 code, that is, UCC/EAN128 code, this kind of 128 code has a unified code specification and interpretation in the global scope.
128 code is also widely used in our country, the postal sector of the new bar code standard uses 128 code, the Chinese Blood Transfusion Association also adopted 128 code as the identification bar code on the blood bag.
Two-dimensional barcode: One-dimensional barcode carries a limited amount of information, such as commodities on the barcode can only accommodate 13-bit (EAN-13 code) *** digital, more information can only rely on the support of the commodity database, leaving the pre-established database, this barcode is meaningless, and therefore to a certain extent, also limits the scope of application of the barcode. For this reason, two-dimensional barcode was invented in the 1990s. In addition to the advantages of one-dimensional barcodes, two-dimensional barcodes also have the advantages of high information content, high reliability, confidentiality, anti-counterfeiting and so on.
At present, 2D barcodes mainly include PDF417 code, Code49 code, Code 16K code, Data Matrix code, MaxiCode code, etc. They are mainly divided into two categories: stacked or layer row type and checkerboard or matrix type.
As a new information storage and transmission technology, 2D barcode has received wide attention from the international community since its birth. After several years of efforts, it is now applied in many fields such as national defense, public **** security, transportation, healthcare, industry, commerce, finance, customs and *** management.
The 2D barcode relies on its large amount of information to carry, can be used in the past when the 1D barcode stored in the background database information contained in the barcode, you can directly through the reading of the barcode to get the corresponding information, and the 2D barcode also has the error correction technology and anti-counterfeiting function, increasing the security of the data.
The 2D barcode can be compiled with photos and fingerprints, which can effectively solve the problem of machine-readable and anti-counterfeiting documents. Therefore, it can be widely used in passports, ID cards, traveling licenses, military ID cards, health certificates, insurance cards, and so on.
The United States, Arizona and other more than ten states of the driver's license, the U.S. military ID card, military medical ID card, etc. in a few years ago has been used in the PDF417 technology. The personal information and photos on the documents are coded in 2D barcodes, which can not only realize the automatic reading of ID cards, but also effectively prevent the occurrence of counterfeit documents. The Philippines, Egypt, Bahrain and many other countries have also been in the ID card or driver's license on the use of two-dimensional bar code, China's Hong Kong SAR passports also used two-dimensional bar code technology.
In addition, in the customs declaration, long-distance freight bill, tax statements, insurance registration forms also have the use of two-dimensional bar code technology to solve the data entry and to prevent forgery, deletion and alteration of the form of examples.
In some parts of China's certified public accountant card and automobile sales and after-sales service, two-dimensional bar code has also been the initial application.
Barcode Prefix Codes for Members in Selected Country Regions (EAM)
United States, Canada 00-09 Israel 729 Denmark 57
(in-store code) 20-29 Venezuela 759 Norway 70
Japan 45-49 Uruguay 773 Switzerland 76
Belgium/Luxembourg 54 Bolivia 773 Spain 84
Finland 64 Chile 780 Austria 90-91
Sweden 73 Ecuador 786 New Zealand 94
Italy 80-83 Cuba 850 Slovenia 383
Netherlands 87 Czech Republic 859 Germany 400-440
Australia 93 South Korea 880 Taiwan 471
Bulgaria 380 Singapore 888 Latvia 475
Croatia 385 Malaysia 893 Sri Lanka 479
Russia 460-469 Vietnam 977 Hong Kong 489
Estonia 474 Mexico 750 Cyprus 529
Lithuania 477 Colombia 770 Malta 535
Philippines 480 Peru 775 Portugal 560
Greece 520 Argentina 779 Poland 590
Macedonia 531 Paraguay 784 Hungary 599
Ireland 539 Brazil 789 Mauritius 609
Iceland 569 Slovakia 858 Albania 613
Romania 594 Mexico 750 Cyprus 529
Lithuania 477 Colombia 770 Malta
Romania 594 Yugoslavia 860 Mainland China 690-692
South Africa 600-601 Thailand 885 France 30-37
Morocco 611 India 890 United Kingdom 50
Turkey 619, 869 Indonesia 899