In daily life, artificial intelligence is widely used in healthcare, especially in predicting epidemics, detecting and preventing diseases and viruses. In particular, Toronto-based AI startup Blue Dot is using their technology to predict outbreaks and issue alerts.
2, fight cancer
American biotechnology startup Viome is mainly using artificial intelligence to fight cancer, currently, has received $48.5 million in startup funding. The device they have developed is simple and focuses on screening saliva samples to non-invasively screen for early stage diseases such as oral and throat cancer. In addition, the company says that the technology platform is high performing in terms of experimental results, with a sensitivity of more than 93% and a specificity of nearly 98% for stage I oral cancer.
3, robot doctors
Another area in the field of artificial intelligence, AI robots are becoming more and more popular, the most typical of which is the robot doctor. Compared with human beings, robot doctors are more precise suturing wounds and removing tumors, and the damage to the surrounding tissues in into relatively much smaller. At present, the world has more than 5,000 such surgical robots in use, completed more than 1 million surgical procedures. A wide range of aspects are involved, along with a huge role in helping mental illness and helping the disabled.
4. Eradicating hunger
Artificial intelligence's Nutritional Early Warning System is helping the world address the issue of food security. The system focuses on collecting and analyzing satellite imagery and traditional data, which is used to help with the health of vegetation and thus predict the nutritional value of crops.
5. Helping people with disabilities
Artificial intelligence can help people with visual impairments to walk safely, and visually impaired people to describe the people and things around them.