What equipment do you need to open a live broadcast on Jitterbug

Now a lot of people open live on Jitterbug, but for newcomers who do not know what equipment is needed to open live on Jitterbug, the following gives you a detailed description.

1, the main shooting equipment: cell phones, mini camera, professional video camera

Shake sound open live need equipment is more, such as professional SLR, professional video camera, etc., of course, the phone is also available, but also has a photographic camera and beauty features, at any time to shoot can be used as a video release, and now the live broadcast is often used, but there are limitations to be matched with other equipment.


2, SLR / micro-single camera

SLR / micro-single camera is now a professional tool for many short video shooting, the use of which is also more convenient.

3, DV camera

DV camera is also needed to use, its role is also more extensive, the post-processing video processing help more, can be said to be a necessary equipment.

Opening a live broadcast in the Shake Shack requires a cell phone, a mini camera, a professional video camera, a DSLR/micro-single camera, a DV camera and other equipment, which is more helpful to the live broadcast.