Real-time monitoring and safety management: Smart aging system can realize round-the-clock monitoring of the elderly's life, living and health status, including but not limited to heart rate, blood pressure and other vital signs data, as well as monitoring the elderly's activities through the camera, infrared sensors and other equipment, to prevent accidental falls and other safety incidents.
Personalized care services: Based on big data and artificial intelligence technology, the smart elderly care system can more accurately analyze each elderly person's living habits, health status and potential needs, and provide customized care solutions and services accordingly.
Efficient resource management: For senior care institutions, smart senior care systems can optimize staffing and facility management, improve work efficiency and operations, and reduce unnecessary cost waste.
Remote medical treatment and health management: Through the docking of intelligent medical devices with the platform, remote medical consultation, disease warning and intervention can be carried out in a timely manner, which can effectively reduce medical risks and improve the health of the elderly.
Information*** sharing and communication coordination: The intelligent elderly care system can synchronize the life and health information of the elderly to their family members, caregivers and doctors in real time, thus improving the communication and collaboration among multiple parties.
Comfortable living environment: Intelligent environmental control (e.g., smart home) can automatically adjust the temperature, humidity, light and other environmental factors, creating a more comfortable and livable living space for the elderly.
In summary, with the progress of science and technology and the accelerated aging of society, the intelligent elderly system has become an essential and important part of modern elderly institutions, which helps to promote the transformation of the traditional model of old age to modernization and informationization.