ISO19001-2000 Quality Management System

What is ISO?

ISO is an international standardization organization whose members consist of national standardization groups from more than 100 countries in the world, and the national body representing China to participate in ISO is the China State Bureau of Technical Supervision (CSBTS).ISO is closely related to the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), and the national body representing China to participate in IEC is also the State Bureau of Technical Supervision (SBTS). State Bureau of Technical Supervision (SBTS).ISO and IEC as a whole have the task of developing international standards by global consensus.ISO and IEC are non-governmental organizations and the standards they develop are essentially voluntary, which means that they must be excellent standards and that they bring benefits to industry and services, so they use them consciously...ISO and IEC are not United Nations ISO and IEC are not United Nations bodies, but they maintain technical liaison with many specialized agencies of the United Nations.ISO and IEC have about 1,000 specialized technical committees and sub-committees, and member countries participate in the activities of these technical committees and sub-committees on a country-by-country basis.There are also about 3,000 working groups in ISO and IEC, and ISO and IEC formulate and revise 1,000 international standards every year. The standards cover a wide range of topics, from basic fasteners and bearings to raw materials to semi-finished and finished products, and their technical areas include information technology, transportation, agriculture, health care and the environment. Each working body has its own work plan, which lists the standard items that need to be developed (test methods, terminology, specifications, performance requirements, etc.) The main function of ISO is to provide a mechanism for people to reach agreement on the development of international standards. Its main bodies and operating rules are set out in a document called ISO/IEC Technical Working Guidelines, the technical structure of the ISO is 800 technical committees and sub-committees, each of them has a chairman and a secretariat, the secretariat is by the member states respectively, and currently bear the work of the Secretary of the State of the member groups have 30, the secretariat and the central secretariat of the ISO in Geneva to maintain direct contact with the secretariat. The secretariats are in direct contact with the ISO Central Secretariat in Geneva.

Through these working bodies, ISO has issued 9200 international standards, such as ISO metric thread, ISO A4 paper size, ISO container series (currently 95% of the world's shipping containers are in line with the ISO standard), ISO film speed code, ISO's Open Systems Interconnection (OS2) series (widely used in information technology) and the famous ISO9000 quality management series. ISO's Open Systems Interconnection (OS2) series (widely used in the field of information technology) and the famous ISO 9000 series of quality management standards. In addition, ISO has liaison relationships with 450 international and regional organizations in the area of standards, particularly with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). There are 28 international standards bodies*** outside the ISO/IEC system. Each of these bodies develops a number of international standards in a particular field, usually under the control of the United Nations. A typical example is the World Health Organization (WHO). 85% of the international standards developed by ISO/IEC, the remaining 15% are developed by these 28 other international standards bodies.

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ISO9000 quality system certification from

Any standard is to adapt to the needs of science, technology, social, economic and other objective factors of development and change and the emergence of the ISO9000 is also the case.

Scientific and technological progress and social development, so that customers need to put their own safety, health, daily life under the protection of the "quality of the dike"; enterprises in order to avoid product quality problems and large sums of money to establish a quality assurance system to improve the credibility and competitiveness of the market; the rapid development of world trade, the different countries, enterprises between the technical cooperation, the quality system certification. The rapid development of world trade, different countries, enterprises in technical cooperation, exchange of experience and trade transactions require *** with the same language, unified understanding and *** with the norms to comply with. The scale of collaboration within the modern enterprise is becoming increasingly large, so that the programmed management of the requirements of the development of productivity itself. These reasons *** with the ISO9000 standard has become inevitable.

In 1979 the ISO organization set up quality management and quality assurance technical committee TC176, specifically responsible for the development of quality management and quality assurance standards.

In 1979 the British Standards Institution BSI submitted a proposal to the ISO organization, the initiative to study the international standardization of quality assurance techniques and management experience. In the same year, ISO approved the establishment of quality management and quality assurance technical committee TC176, specifically responsible for the development of quality management and quality assurance standards. TC176 mainly refer to the British BS5750 standard and the Canadian CASZ299 standard, from the outset, pay attention to make its development of standards and standards in many countries.

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The birth of ISO9000

People did not wait too long, based on the efforts of experts in various countries, the International Organization for Standardization formally promulgated the first edition of the ISO9000 series of standards (9000~9004) in 1987. the ISO9000 standard was soon widely recognized in the industrial world, and adopted by the standardization bodies of various countries and became the ISO standard. Standardized by the standardization body and become the ISO standard in the international sales of the best one. By the end of 1994, it had been adopted word for word by more than 70 countries, including all European Union and European Free Trade Association countries, Japan and the United States. More than 50 countries have established national quality system certification/registration organizations that conduct third-party certification and registration. In some countries, the queue of companies waiting for registration is so long that they have to wait months or even a year to be certified.The ISO 9000 standard is used by the European Organisation for Testing and Certification EOTC as the basic model for carrying out the work of the organization. The European Union cites the ISO9000 standard in legislation for certain areas such as medical devices, and suppliers are required to obtain ISO9000 registration in certain areas. Many companies have come to the conclusion that to do business with the harmonized European market, it is absolutely beneficial to obtain ISO 9000 registration. Many national and international product certification systems such as the British BSI's Kite Mark and the Japanese JIS Mark have made ISO9000 the primary requirement for obtaining product certification, incorporating ISO9000 into their product certification programs.

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What is ISO9000 quality system certification

ISO carries out technical activities through its 2856 technical bodies. Among them, there are 185 Technical Committees (TCs for short)****, 611 Sub-Technical Committees (SCs for short)****, 2,022 Working Groups (WGs), and 38 Special Working Groups.

ISO's 2,856 technical organizations, the results of technical activities (products) is the "international standard". ISO has now formulated more than 10,300 international standards ****, mainly related to all walks of life in various industries and various products (including service products, knowledge products, etc.) of the technical specifications.

ISO developed international standards in addition to the name of the specification, there is a number, the format of the number is: ISO + standard number + [bar + sub-standard number] + colon + year of publication (brackets in the contents of the content can be optional), for example: ISO8402: 1987, ISO9000-1: 1994, etc., respectively, is the number of a standard.

But "ISO9000" does not refer to a standard, but a family of standards. According to the definition of ISO9000-1:1994: "'ISO9000 family' is all international standards developed by ISO/TC176."

What is called TC176? TC176 is the 176th technical committee of ISO, which was established in 1980, the full name of which is "Technical Committee on Quality Assurance", and was renamed "Technical Committee on Quality Management and Quality Assurance" in 1987. "TC176 is responsible for developing standards for quality management and quality assurance techniques.

One of the earliest standards developed by TC176 is ISO8402:1986, called "Quality - Terminology", which was formally released on June 15, 1986.In March 1987, ISO formally released ISO9000:1987, ISO9001:1987, ISO9002:1987, and ISO9003:1987, ISO9004:1987*** 5 international standards, and ISO8402:1986 together collectively known as the "ISO9000 series of standards.

Since then, TC176 released a standard in 1990, three standards in 1991, a standard in 1992, five standards in 1993; 1994 did not release another standard, but the aforementioned "ISO9000 series of standards" unified for the revision, respectively, to ISO8402: 1986. Modified, respectively, to ISO8402: 1994, ISO9000-1: 1994, ISO9001: 1994, ISO9002: 1994, ISO9003: 1994, ISO9004-1: 1994, and the standards developed by TC176 defined as "ISO9000 family". In 1995, TC176 issued another standard, numbered ISO10013:1995.

In 2000, TC176 made a comprehensive revision of the 94th edition of the standard, and issued ISO9000:2000 "Quality Management System Fundamentals and Terminology" on December 15, 2000.

In 2000, TC176 issued ISO9001:2000 "Quality Management System Fundamentals and Terminology", which is the most widely used standard in the world for quality management systems, ISO9001:2000 "Quality Management System Requirements", ISO9004:2000 "Quality Management System Performance Improvement Guidelines" three standards, and in 2002 promulgated the ISO19011:2002 "Quality and/or Environmental Management System Audit Guidelines", and there is another standard ISP19012 is currently in the process of development.

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ISO9000 standard introduction

In recent years, the country is vigorously promoting the IS09000 family of standards, to carry out the S09000 family of standards based on the quality system consulting and certification. The State Council "quality revitalization program" of the cloth, but also caused the majority of enterprises and quality workers on the IS09000 family of standards of care and attention.

According to the definition given by IS09000-1, IS09000 family refers to "all international standards formulated by the ISO/TC176 Technical Committee". So how many standards have been developed by the ISO/TC176 technical committee? There is no agreement. The accurate statement should be: by the ISO / TC176 Technical Committee and has been formally promulgated by the ISO (National Organization for Standardization) of the international standard has 4, ISO / TC176 Technical Committee is not yet promulgated by the ISO international standard has 1. ISO has formally promulgated the IS09000 family of four international standards, China has been converted into all of its equivalent national standards. The other international standards are still in the draft stage, we are also tracking the study, once formally promulgated, we will be converted into national standards in a timely manner. Formally promulgated IS09000 family of standards are as follows:

ISO9000:2000 "Quality Management System Fundamentals and Terminology"

ISO9001:2000 "Quality Management System Requirements"

ISO9004:2000 "Quality Management System Performance Improvement Guidelines"

ISO19011. 2002 Guidelines for auditing quality and/or environmental management systems

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New trends in the development of the IS09000 family of standards

According to the future development scenario put forward by ISO/TC76, the structure of the IS09000 family of standards is likely to undergo significant changes in its future development, so as to increase the flexibility of the standard's use and to better apply it to organizations of all sizes and natures. Apply to a variety of size and nature of the organization, expanding the application of standards in different industries. For example: IS09001, IS09003 merged into IS090011S09000-2, IS09000-3, IS09004-2, 1S09004-3 to IS09004/11S010005, IS010007 to IS09004/11S010013-IS010016 to IS09004/1 or as a technical report IS010011 and IS010012 remain as separate standards There are also a number of standards that will be publicized in the form of guided pamphlets or manuals or in the form of technical committee reports. In summary, the new structure of the future IS09000 family of standards will be based on the two standards IS09001 and IS09004 as the core, including a small number of supporting standards.

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ISO9000 standard import

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) quality management and quality assurance technical committee (ISO/TC176) in 1990 held the ninth annual meeting of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) put forward in the international commonly known as the "Vision 2000" of the "90's international quality standards for the implementation of the strategy"; it is aimed at is: "To achieve worldwide acceptance and use of ISO 9000 standards to provide an effective means of improving the operational capability of organizations; to enhance international trade and contribute to global prosperity and development; and to enable any organization or individual to have confidence in obtaining any desired product from anywhere in the world, and in selling their industry successfully throughout the world. " Do you, as a reader, realize the significance of the ISO9000 family of standards from this passage? Do you feel the role of importing ISO9000 family of standards from this passage?

After the required procedures, many different levels of discussion, modification, the 2000 version of the ISO9000 standard will soon be released. 2000 version of the ISO9000 standard distinctive features, is that it will be the world's quality of the quality of the eight principles of quality management generally accepted in the ISO9000 family of quality management standards in a comprehensive integration. These eight principles of quality management are: customer-centered, leadership role, full participation, process approach, management systems approach, continuous improvement, fact-based decision-making approach, mutually beneficial supplier relations.

The ISO9000 family of standards can help organizations of all types and sizes implement and run effective quality systems. In the new century in China's high-tech and scientific and technological development of the forefront of the Zhongguancun many enterprises, the introduction of enterprise management, one of the important elements of the quality management system with international standards should be made as an important consideration.

Some enterprises in the development process, y felt the organization's quality management and the domestic and foreign markets, and customer requirements are not adapted to, after careful consideration, they introduced the ISO9000 family of standards.

Some enterprises in the higher authorities, industry authorities, recognize the need to import the ISO9000 family of standards. Some enterprises in the market operation, encountered the customer quality management system requirements, in order to meet the requirements to develop the market, the introduction of the ISO9000 family of standards.

Some enterprises and other enterprises in the same industry than, by other aspects of publicity and influence, but also imported the ISO9000 family of standards.

No matter what kind of consideration, the introduction of ISO9000 family of standards is a very correct choice and decision.

ISO9000 family of standards, in particular, ISO9001 "quality management system - requirements", does not tell the enterprise how to do, the standard just put forward the requirements to achieve the internationally accepted, generally recognized quality management system requirements. Therefore, the introduction of the ISO9000 family of standards is the first step, and how to realize effective quality management based on the requirements of the standard, the establishment of a suitable and lasting quality management system, it is necessary to pay energy, time and resources.

Please entrepreneurs, managers to take out a certain amount of time and energy to understand the ISO9000 standard, I hope you early introduction of ISO9000 family of standards, and I hope that you establish a family of standards in line with ISO9000, effective quality management system.

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ISO9000 family of basic requirements

Product quality is the key to business survival. There are many factors affecting product quality, relying solely on inspection is nothing more than picking out qualified products from those produced. This will not be possible at the best cost of continuous and stable production of qualified products.

An organization to establish and implement the quality system, should be able to meet the organization's quality objectives. It ensures that the technical, managerial and human factors that affect product quality are under control. Whether it is hardware, software, process materials or services, all controls should be directed at reducing, eliminating and especially preventing nonconformities. This is the basic guiding ideology of the ISO9000 family, specifically embodied in the following aspects:

I. Control the quality of all processes.

ISO9000 family of standards is based on "all work is done through the process" on the basis of such an understanding. An organization's quality management is through the management of various processes within the organization to achieve, this is the ISO9000 family of the theoretical basis of quality management. When an organization in order to implement the quality system and quality system planning, the first thing is to determine the specific situation of the organization should be what process, and then analyze each process needs to carry out quality activities to determine the effective control measures and methods should be taken.

Two, the starting point of the control process is to prevent failure.

In all stages of the product life cycle, from the initial identification of market demand to the final satisfaction of the requirements of the control of all processes reflect the idea of prevention. For example:

---Control the quality of market research and marketing, in accurately identifying the market demand based on the development of new products, to prevent blind development and caused by the market does not fit the needs of the stagnant sales, a waste of manpower and material resources.

---Control the quality of the design process. By carrying out design review, design verification, design confirmation and other activities to ensure that the design output meets the input requirements, to ensure that the product meets the needs of users. Prevent the design quality problems, resulting in product quality innate failures and defects, or cause losses to later processes.

---Control the quality of procurement. Select qualified supply units and control the quality of their supply, to ensure that the production of raw materials, purchased parts, collaborative parts, etc. required for the production of products in line with the specified quality requirements, to prevent the use of unqualified purchased products and affect the quality of finished products.

---Control the quality of the production process. Determine and implement appropriate production methods, use appropriate equipment, maintain the normal working capacity of the equipment and the required working environment, control the parameters affecting the quality and the skills of personnel to ensure that manufacturing meets the quality requirements specified in the design to prevent the production of substandard products.

--Control of inspection and testing. Carry out incoming inspection, process inspection and finished product inspection in accordance with the quality plan and documented procedures to ensure that product quality meets the requirements, prevent unqualified outsourced products from being put into production, prevent unqualified process products from being transferred to the next process, and prevent unqualified finished products from being delivered to customers.

---Control handling, storage, packaging, protection and delivery. Effective measures are taken at all these points to protect the product from damage and deterioration.

--Control the quality of inspection, measurement and experimental equipment, to ensure the use of qualified testing means for inspection and testing, to ensure the validity of inspection and test results, to prevent incorrect determination of product quality due to unqualified testing means.

--- Control of documents and information, to ensure that all sites use documents and information are current and valid, to prevent the use of obsolete or obsolete documents, resulting in products or quality system elements of the unqualified.

--Corrective and preventive action. When the occurrence of unqualified (including product or quality system) or customer complaints, that is, the cause should be identified, for the cause to take corrective measures to prevent the recurrence of the problem. Should also be analyzed through a variety of quality information to proactively identify potential problems, prevent the emergence of problems, so as to improve the quality of the product.

--All staff training, all staff engaged in having an impact on quality are trained to ensure that they are competent in their positions, to prevent the lack of knowledge or skills, resulting in the failure of the product or quality system.

Three, the central task of quality management is to establish and implement a documented quality system.

Quality management is operating in the entire quality system, so the implementation of quality management must establish a quality system. ISO9000 family that the quality system is influential system, with a strong operational and inspection. Requirements for the quality system established by an organization should be documented and maintained. The composition of a typical quality system document is divided into three levels, namely, quality manual, quality system procedures and other quality documents. The quality manual is a document that describes the quality system according to the organization's defined quality policy and applicable ISO 9000 family of standards. The quality manual may include quality system procedures or indicate where the quality system procedures are specified. Quality system procedure is to control the quality of each process, on how to carry out various quality activities to provide effective measures and methods, is the relevant functional departments to use the document. Other quality documents include operating instructions, reports, forms, etc., are more detailed operational documents used by workers. The basic requirements of the quality system document content is: to do to write, write to do, do the results to be recorded, that is, write the required, do write, remember to do the nine words of truth.

Four, continuous quality improvement:

Quality improvement is an important quality system elements, GB/T19004.1 standard, when the implementation of the quality system, the organization's managers should ensure that its quality system can promote and facilitate continuous quality improvement. Quality improvement includes product quality improvement and work quality improvement. Striving for customer satisfaction and achieving continuous quality improvement should be the eternal goal pursued by managers at all levels of the organization. A quality system without quality improvement can only maintain quality. Quality improvement aims to improve quality. Quality improvement is achieved through process improvement, a process that aims for greater process effectiveness and efficiency.

V. An effective quality system should meet the needs and interests of both customers and those within the organization.

That is, for the customer, the need for organizations to have the ability to deliver the desired quality, and can continue to maintain the quality of the ability to pursue the ultimate satisfaction of the customer; for the organization, in the operation of the appropriate cost, to achieve and maintain the desired quality. That is, to meet customer needs and expectations, but also to protect the interests of the organization.

Sixth, periodic evaluation of the quality system.

The purpose is to ensure that the implementation of quality activities and their results in line with the planned arrangements to ensure the continued suitability and effectiveness of the quality system. Evaluation, each process must be evaluated to ask the following three basic questions:

A. Is the process identified? Is the process program properly documented?

B. Has the process been fully developed and implemented as documented?

C. Is the process effective in providing the desired results?

Seven, the key to good quality management is leadership.

-The organization's top managers in quality management should do the following five things:

A, determine the quality policy. The manager with executive responsibility defines the quality policy, including quality objectives and commitment to quality.

B, determine the duties and responsibilities of each position.

C, equipped with resources. Including financial and material resources (which includes human resources).

D, designate a manager's representative responsible for the quality system.

E, responsible for management review. Achieve to ensure the continued suitability and effectiveness of the quality system.

Looking back at the history, the ISO9000 family of standards originated in the progress of science and technology development. Looking to the future, the development of high-tech more to be guided by ISO9000 family of standards. Mature ISO9000 family of standards in the field of science and technology applications for the progress of science and technology to provide endless power.

ISO9000 certification features and benefits

1, ISO9000 standard is a systematic standard, involving a wide range of scope, content, and emphasizes the responsibilities of the departments of the authority to clearly delineate, plan and coordinate, so that the enterprise can be effective and orderly to the various activities to ensure the smooth progress of work.

2, emphasizing the involvement of management, clearly formulate the quality policy and objectives, and through regular management review to understand the company's internal system operation, and take timely measures to ensure that the system is in a good state of operation of the purpose.

3, emphasizing corrective and preventive measures to eliminate the potential causes of non-conformity or non-conformity, to prevent the recurrence of non-conformity, thereby reducing costs.

4, emphasizing the continuous review and supervision, to achieve the management and operation of the enterprise to continuously correct and improve the purpose.

5, emphasizing the participation of all employees and training to ensure that the quality of staff to meet the requirements of the work, and make each employee has a strong sense of quality.

6, emphasizing cultural management to ensure that the management system operates formally and continuously. If the enterprise effectively implement this management standard, it can improve the quality of products (or services), reduce production (or service) costs, establish customer confidence in the enterprise, improve economic efficiency, and ultimately greatly improve the competitiveness of enterprises in the market.

Characteristics and role of ISO9001

It is one of the ISO9000 family of quality assurance model standards for external quality assurance in a contractual environment. It can be used as the basis for the supplier's quality assurance work, and is also the basis for evaluating the supplier's quality system.

Can be used as the basis for enterprises to apply for ISO9000 quality system certification.

It is the development/design, production, installation and service quality assurance model. Used for the supplier to ensure compliance with the specified requirements in all phases of development, design, production, installation and service.

The most comprehensive requirements for quality assurance, requiring the most evidence of quality system elements. Starting from contract review to final after-sales service. Requirements to provide the basis for strict control of the entire process. Requirements for the supply side to implement the "prevention-oriented, inspection and control of the combination of" the principle of sound quality system, there is a complete quality system documentation, and to ensure its effective operation.

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ISO9000 certification principles

Customer as the focus of attention Leadership

Full participation in the process approach

Management of the system approach to continuous improvement

Fact-based decision-making approach and the supply-side of the relationship between the mutual benefit of the

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The significance of ISO9000

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The significance of ISO9000

1. Strengthen quality management, improve business efficiency; enhance customer confidence, expand market share The certification bodies responsible for the ISO9000 quality system certification are recognized by the national accreditation bodies recognized by the authority of the quality system of the enterprise is very strict audit. In this way, for the internal enterprise, can be in accordance with the strict audit of the international standardized quality system for quality management, really achieve the rule of law, scientific requirements, greatly improve efficiency and product qualification rate, and rapidly improve the economic and social benefits of enterprises. For the outside of the enterprise, when customers know that the supply side in accordance with international standards for the implementation of management, get the ISO9000 quality system certification, and certification bodies of strict audit and regular supervision, you can be sure that the enterprise is able to stably produce qualified products and even excellent products trustworthy enterprises, so as to rest assured that the enterprise and the enterprise to enter into a contract of supply and marketing, expanding the enterprise's market share. It can be said that in these two aspects have received immediate effect.

2. Obtained an international trade "pass", the elimination of international trade barriers many countries in order to protect their own interests, set up a variety of trade barriers, including tariff barriers and non-tariff barriers. One of the non-tariff barriers is mainly technical barriers, technical barriers, and mainly product quality certification and ISO9000 quality system certification barriers. In particular, in the "World Trade Organization", the member states exclude each other tariff barriers, can only set up technical barriers, so the certification is to eliminate trade barriers to the main way. (After China's "accession to the WTO", lost the distinction between domestic trade and international trade strict boundaries, all trade may encounter the above technical barriers, should cause the business community to pay close attention to early prevention.)

3. Save the energy and cost of the second party audit in modern trade practice, the second party audit has long been the practice, and gradually found that there are major drawbacks: a supplier is usually required to supply many demand, the second party audit will undoubtedly bring a heavy burden on the supply side; on the other hand, the demand side also need to pay a considerable amount of money, and at the same time, we also need to take into account the experience of the personnel sent or hired and the level of the problem, otherwise, spend the cost of the same time. Problems, otherwise, spend the cost can not achieve the desired purpose. Only ISO9000 certification can eliminate such disadvantages. Because as the first party of the production company applied for third-party ISO9000 certification and obtained the certificate, many of the second party will not be necessary to the first party to audit, so that both the first party or the second party can save a lot of energy or cost. Also, if the enterprise after obtaining ISO9000 certification, and then apply for UL, CE and other product quality certification, but also can be exempted from the certification body of the enterprise's quality assurance system to repeat the certification expenses.

4. In the product quality competition will always be invincible in the international trade competition is the main means of price competition and quality competition. Due to low-priced sales methods not only make a sharp decline in profits, if it constitutes dumping, will be subject to trade sanctions, so the means of price competition is increasingly undesirable. 70 years since, quality competition has become the main means of international trade competition, many countries to improve the quality of imported goods required as a limit to enter the award of the important measures of trade protectionism. The implementation of ISO9000 international standardized quality management, can steadily improve product quality, so that enterprises in the product quality competition will always be invincible.

5. Effectively avoid product liability countries in the implementation of product quality law in practice, due to the product quality complaints more and more frequent, the cause of the accident is more and more complex, the pursuit of responsibility is more and more strict. Especially in recent years, developed countries are changing the original "negligence liability" to "strict liability" jurisprudence, the manufacturer's safety requirements are much higher. For example, if a worker is injured while operating a machine tool, according to "strict liability" jurisprudence, the court will not only look at the quality of the machine tool, such as the failure of the machine parts, but also whether there is a safety device, whether there is a warning device to the operator, etc. The court can look at any of the above issues to determine whether the machine tool is safe. The court may determine that the machine tool is defective on the basis of any of these issues, and the manufacturer will be liable to pay compensation for the consequences. However, in accordance with the product liability laws of various countries, if the factory can provide ISO9000 quality system certification, it can be exempted from compensation, otherwise, to lose the case and be subject to heavy fines. (With the improvement of the rule of law in our country, the business community should pay great attention to the "product liability law", as early as possible to prevent.)

6. Beneficial to international economic cooperation and technical exchanges in accordance with the practice of international economic cooperation and technical exchanges, cooperation between the two sides must be in the product (including service) quality *** with the same language, a unified understanding of the norms of the *** guard, in order to cooperate and exchange. ISO9000 quality system certification provides just such a trust, and is conducive to the two sides to reach agreement quickly.

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ISO9000 certification steps

Carefully read through the ISO9001 standard, you must have such a concept, ISO9001 standard is indeed very comprehensive, it regulates the enterprise from the procurement of raw materials to the finished product delivery of all the processes, involving the enterprise from the top management to the most basic level of all employees. You may think that such a comprehensive and complex system must be very difficult to implement!

Undeniably, the implementation of ISO9000 is difficult, but as long as you are sincere in the implementation of ISO9000 as an important measure to enhance the performance of the company's management and not just for show, it will be a long-term development strategy, steady, according to the company's specific circumstances for the careful planning, ISO9000 will be able to take root in your company results.

Simply put, the implementation of ISO9000 has the following five essential processes:

Knowledge of the preparation - legislation - implementation - monitoring, improvement.

You can plan the above five processes according to your company's specific situation, and follow certain implementation steps to guide your company to step into the world of ISO9000.

The following is a typical step in the implementation of ISO9000, you can see that the middle of the complete contains the above five processes:

○ Original quality system identification, diagnosis;

○ Appointment of management representatives, the formation of ISO9000 implementation of the organization;

○ Formulation of objectives and incentives;

○ All levels of personnel Receive necessary training on management and quality awareness;

○ Training on ISO9001 standard;

○ Preparation of quality system documents (legislation);

○ Widespread publicity, training, release, and trial run of quality system documents;

○ Training of internal auditors;

○ A number of internal quality system audits;

○ Management review based on internal audit;

○ Quality management system refinement and improvement;

○ Application for certification.

Enterprises in the implementation of ISO9000 before, should be combined with the actual situation of the enterprise, the implementation of the above steps to carry out careful planning, and give the time and content of the activities of the specific arrangements to ensure that the implementation of a more effective effect.