What are the advantages of Baender isolated power supply system compared with similar products? What patents are there?

Baender Company has accumulated decades of experience in the research and development of electrical safety products.

R&D strength: 35 doctors and masters in various electronic and electrical specialties, including 2 IEC members.

Total number of patents: 32. From 1994 to 2004, a total of 100 patents were obtained.

Specialization and intelligence of BENDER medical products The components of BENDER medical IT system are:

ES7 10 single-phase isolation transformer

107TD47 insulation monitor

MK2007 /MK24 18 External Alarm Display Instrument

STW2 current transformer

Internal power supply of AN450 instrument

Insulation fault location system of bending machine; On-line fault shunting;

1, applied to IT system

2. There is a ground fault in the isolated power supply system. After the insulation monitor gives an alarm, the PGH474 insulation fault evaluator sends out a test current, and the insulation fault evaluator EDS474- 12 conducts patrol inspection, so that the fault shunt can be found online.

3.EDS474- 12 insulation fault evaluator can monitor 12 branch.

Patented technology of BENDER medical t system

Ampere pulse measurement is a patented technology of Baender company, and the European patent number is EN654673B 1, which can completely meet IEC standards.

The national standard GB16895.24-2005 (IEC 60364-7 -7 10) "Building Electrical Devices Part 7-710: Requirements for Special Devices or Places-Medical Places" stipulates that:

710.413.10.5 The medical IT system shall be equipped with insulation monitors conforming to IEC6 1557-8 and meet the following requirements:

The AC internal impedance should be at least 100 kOhm;

The test voltage should not be greater than 25VDC;

Even in the case of fault, the peak value of injection current should not be greater than1ma;

When the insulation resistance drops to 50k2 at the latest, a signal shall be given. Instruments for testing this function shall be provided.

BENDER's insulation monitor 107TD47 can provide authentication certificates in accordance with IEC6 1557-8 and IEC 60364-7-7 10.

National standard GB16895.24-2005 (IEC 60364-7-710) "Architecture

Electrical installations Part 7-7 10: Requirements for special equipment or places "Medical places" stipulates that:

710.512.10.6 The medical IT system transformer used in secondary medical places shall meet IEC6 1558 -2- 15 and the following additional requirements:

When the transformer is supplied with power at rated voltage and rated frequency, the leakage current of winding to ground and external protection should not exceed 0.5mA at no load.

The medical IT system of mobile and fixed equipment shall adopt single-phase transformer, and its rated output capacity shall not be less than 0.5kV A, but shall not exceed/10 kva;;

BENDER's ES7 10 series single-phase isolation transformer can provide certification in accordance with IEC6 1558 :2- 15.