Why are ambulances white?

Ambulances take patients to hospitals, which are white in color, so ambulances are also white. The red color stands for caution and the white color stands for the purity of life. most of the fire trucks we usually see are red. in october 1863, Dr. Appiah recommended the adoption of the armband of the red cross on a white background as an identifying mark for the volunteers of the ambulance corps for wounded soldiers. The Committee of Five took his advice and resolved accordingly. That's why today we see ambulances with a white background and the Red Cross or Red Crescent as the emblem.

An ambulance is a vehicle that rescues patients. The word "AMBULANCE" is written backwards, so that drivers in front of them can see the word Ambulance directly in their rearview mirror and quickly get out of the way.

With warning lights flashing and sirens wailing, there's no doubt that an ambulance is on its way to the scene of an emergency call. All major traffic lanes magically clear for it. The driver can drive on the edge of the driveway, on the sidewalk, or even in the opposite direction-anywhere, as long as the ambulance can get through. Like firefighters running to the scene of a fire, ambulance crews need to make every second count, because it could mean the difference between life and death.