1, blue recyclable trash can
Mainly includes: newspapers, magazines, books, all kinds of wrapping paper, office paper, cardboard boxes, etc., but the paper towels and toilet paper is too strong to recycle because of the water solubility.
Plastic mainly includes a variety of plastic bags, plastic packaging, disposable plastic lunch boxes and cutlery, toothbrushes, cups, mineral water bottles and so on. Glass mainly includes a variety of glass bottles, broken glass pieces, mirrors, light bulbs, etc.; metal mainly includes cans, metal cans, etc..
2, red toxic and hazardous recycling garbage cans
Mainly includes: waste batteries, waste fluorescent tubes, waste light bulbs, waste water silver thermometer, waste paint buckets, waste appliances, expired drugs, expired cosmetics.
3, green kitchen trash can
Mainly includes: rice and flour food residues, vegetables, animal and vegetable oils, meat and bones, etc., chemical composition, starch, cellulose, proteins, lipids and inorganic salts.
4, yellow medical waste bin
Mainly includes: used cotton balls, emery cloth, tape, wastewater, disposable medical equipment, post-operative waste, expired drugs.
Other trash cans in gray. Mainly includes: such as cigarette butts, Cinder, construction debris, paint pigments 0x1775 peels, vegetable leaves, scraps of leftovers left over, flowers and trees discarded with little value.