1 Plastic or metal developer canister
2 One or more spools of the right size
3 Lid opener (to open the 35-mm film cassette)
4 Canning scissors
5 Developer
6 Stopper solution (with or without)
7 Fixer solution
8 Two or three containers for developer, stop solution (if used) and fixer, and often for measuring the volume of the solution
9 Two sealable tanks for developer and fixer
10 Stirring rods or stirrers for preparing solutions
11 Thermometers for use in the darkroom
12 Large plastic buckets
13 Wetting agent
14 Sea-wave cleaner or water-wash accelerator
15 Heavy and light film holders
16 Darkroom timer
17 Medium-sized plastic funnel
18 Envelope or film bag for filing negatives
19 Darkroom bag (if no darkroom is available)
Developer made of stainless steel or synthetic materials. Developer tanks made of stainless steel or synthetic materials are available in a variety of sizes. Steel tanks tend to conduct heat, while synthetic tanks are better insulated against changes in solution temperature due to changes in outside temperature. Several spools of film should be able to fit all common refill sizes, and several spools of film can be driven together in a single, larger developer tank for multiple rolls to be processed at the same time.
An effective darkroom timer should be accurate and easy to read quickly. Both analog and digital timers are available, so pick your favorite time display mode.
Make visible markings on the container to prevent using it in the wrong order.
In order to get the best impact on quality, you should choose the developer recommended by the film manufacturer, manufacturers often recommend several developers at the same time, it is advisable to choose one of the packaging volume can just meet the needs of one, so as not to waste, to avoid the trial of development time shorter than 4 minutes developer, because in such a short period of time, with the developer canisters to the developer to pour the developer in and out of the inconvenient, and the uniformity of the development of the bad.
Some developers, known as disposable trial developers, should be discarded after one use. Other developers can be reused after a period of time by replenishing their chemical composition according to the formula. If a small amount of film is occasionally processed, a disposable developer avoids the problems of storage and loss; at the same time, it produces a high quality density negative. Refillable developers are best suited for developing large quantities of film on a regular basis and are very economical. Certain developers can be used in two ways, either washed down and used in a single pass, or by using the original solution directly, while continually adding refills.
Commonly used sets of Kodak developers include KODAK HC-110 Developer, KODAK D-76 Developer, and KODAK MICRODOL-X Developer. HC-110 and D-76 developers give full play to the sensitivity and dark detail of negatives, with normal contrast and fine grain, while MICRODOL-X developer produces negatives that are extremely fine-grained, with no significant effect on the sensitivity of most films. The sensitivity of KODAK HOBBY-PAC Black and White Film Processing Kit is similar to HC-110 developer, and the kit developer is easy to use.
◆ Safety First
Care must be taken with all chemicals, and photographic chemicals are no exception. Wearing protective gloves prevents direct contact between the skin and the photographic chemical, and specific knowledge of safe chemical handling is usually available on product labels or product labeling or raw material safety instructions.
Must be strictly in accordance with the requirements of the liquid to do, stirring the liquid in the powdered developer, to be gentle. If the air bubbles stirred into the solution will cause premature oxidation of the developer, weakening its development function. Stopping solution and fixing solution can be used now, when adding powdered fixing agent in warm water, stirring while slowly adding the powder, add too fast will form a hard lump, a moment will not be easy to dissolve.
The bottle in which the chemical solution is stored should be used exclusively for a long period of time and labeled accordingly. If necessary, the bottle in which the developer solution is stored can be converted into a stop solution or fixing solution after thorough cleaning, but the developer solution should not be stored in the bottle in which the stop solution or fixing solution has been stored because the developer solution can reduce its function in the process of long-time storage by coming into contact with the residual traces of the stop solution or fixing solution in the bottle. .
Store the preparation to be unused, or used part of the solution, to fill the container and sealed and stored at normal temperature conditions. This is especially important for developer solution. When the developer solution in contact with air, due to the oxidizing effect of air, will make the developer solution rapidly aging, squeezable plastic bottles are the most ideal container for storing the developer solution, it can be folded to discharge the air above the liquid surface of the solution, other medicinal solutions can be used in ordinary bottles with a lid to store.
To be marked on the storage bottle with the name of the contained chemical solution, and should be famous preparation date. The recommended storage time is usually within a few weeks or months, discard expired medicines, as such medicines have largely lost their original function. Certain chemicals, especially stop photographic solution and fixing solution can be recycled, repeated trial, to check the maximum working capacity data provided by the manufacturer of the drug, do not let the drug "overdue service".
Photographic chemicals are best kept in a cool place, if the climate is cold, the liquid should not be stored in a place where the temperature is too low, too low a temperature will make some of the chemical components in the solution to produce precipitation or shortcuts, and these precipitates or crystals can not be restored to the solution.
The time and temperature at which the film is developed must be strictly controlled in order to make the results reproducible; precise timing is easy to do, while precise control of the temperature is often difficult.
The developer temperature is too high to overdevelop the film, and too low to underdevelop the film. Most black-and-white developers use developer temperatures of 20 degrees Celsius and 24 degrees Celsius, depending on the specific film, and the development times listed in Kodak's black-and-white film materials often refer to 18 degrees Celsius, 21 degrees Celsius, and 22 degrees Celsius, so if you choose to develop at temperatures close to the ambient temperature of the darkroom, the temperature will be lower. If you choose the processing temperature and darkroom ambient temperature is close, the temperature adjustment is relatively easy, the ideal is, all the development of liquid, washing water and developer, the temperature is the same, in fact, the temperature of other liquid than the temperature of the developer is higher or lower than the temperature of the developer 3 degrees Celsius is also permissible.
In order to make the liquid to reach the right temperature, can be used as a deep dish or bucket of water as a water bath, according to the liquid need to be heated or cooled, will be adjusted to the temperature of the water bath than the liquid temperature should be achieved a few degrees higher or lower than the temperature of the liquid a few degrees, and then the liquid or the liquid or contain a pre-measured liquid measuring cups into the water bath until the temperature of the liquid reaches the temperature required until the liquid temperature. At this time, if necessary, the water bath temperature should be adjusted to the temperature corresponding to the rinsing temperature, the water bath in the amount of liquid is relatively large, the temperature change is small, it can prevent it surrounded by a relatively small amount of chemical liquid temperature to produce sharp changes.
Darkroom thermometer has a variety of styles, the best than accurate, and the small temperature changes can quickly respond to the thermometer, in addition to the thermometer scale should be easy to see the readings.
The temperature of the running water used to clean the film can be adjusted with a thermostat valve, if the darkroom does not have this equipment, it is necessary to manually adjust the amount of hot and cold water, a sensitive darkroom thermometer to measure the temperature of the water, and prepare a bucket of water of the right temperature in order to use in the faucet when the temperature of the water flowing out of the water out of control.
Shadow canister film loading most development canisters, just in the loading of film need room or other fully dark environment, in order to check whether the temporary darkroom is dark enough, can be in the workbench where the film production, put a piece of white paper, as if it is really going to be a bag of film when the same. Then close the door. Plug up any light leaks. And wait in the dark for at least 5 minutes. If after 5 minutes you can't see the white paper, the place is dark enough, or you can also bag the film in a dark bag so that you don't have to use a darkroom.
In the darkroom, or when you use the dark bag, line it up with the canister, the lid, the spool, the cassette, the dark box or opener (if necessary), and the scissors (if necessary), so that you can keep track of where you've placed them, the canister, the largest object, being a good marker, and then it's time to close the door or close the dark bag.
Open the 35-mm film dark box and remove the film:
Use the lid opener to pry open the lid at the protruding end of the spool. Remove the core from the cassette, and use a pair of scissors to cut the head off the film.
Turn the end of the cassette containing the exposed film in the direction of the marking and detach the cassette to remove the end of the cassette, then detach the cassette to remove the 135 roll film and the backing paper. In order to remove the 135 film, slowly remove the film and backing paper from the cassette, making sure that the backing paper *is* against the edge of the cassette, not the film, and then detach the film from the backing paper and load the film.
Wrapping the film into the spool is done in a darkroom or special blackout dark bag, according to the manufacturer's requirements. When you feel the end of the film, use shears to cut off the film attached to the spool. If the film is held in place with tape, it is easy to remove, but be sure to do so slowly to avoid tearing the film or generating static sparks. Then put the spool of rolled film into the canister, close the lid, and you can turn on the light or remove the developing canister from the dark bag.
Before turning off the light, arrange the canister, lid, spool, clippers, film, dark box, and lid opener in the same order each time, so that it is easy to locate what you need in the darkroom or dark bag.
Wrapping film on a metal spool
Wrap the film so that only the edges are touched to avoid fingerprints on the screen.
Remember that the entire operation must be done in total darkness. If you are not familiar with the loading operation, you should first practice in a darkroom with used scrap film.
Stainless steel spiral spools are usually wound from the inside out. The spools of saké are usually wound from the outside in. It is important to follow the loading instructions closely to ensure that the film will load smoothly in the designated lanes. To the point where there is unusual resistance or unevenness, rewind the film a few inches and try loading it again. Time on this to allow the film to enter the channel smoothly. Be sure that both your hands and the spool of film are completely dry.
For 135 film, use scissors to disconnect the end spools, and for films that are held to the spools with tape at one end, carefully remove the tape from the film.
◆ Wrapping Film with Plastic Spools
Some plastic films must be inserted into the spiral channel from the outside in. Always make sure that the spool is completely dry before loading the film. Because wet spots on the channel can make insertion difficult, follow the manufacturer's loading instructions carefully.
Stir the canister at specified intervals to ensure uniformity of development. The specific sequence of stirring times varies depending on the combination of film and developer. A typical stirring procedure is to start development by tapping the bottom of the tank sharply so that the tank moves directly up and down in the reverse direction to expel vapor bubbles adsorbed on the film emulsion. It is then stirred for 15 seconds, 5 seconds after the initial 30 seconds of development, and 5 seconds at 30-second intervals thereafter. A well-sealed developing canister can achieve stirring by inverting and rotating the canister along its axis, which can be repeated twice every 5 seconds.
Smoothness of movement is desirable. In fact, consistency in operation is more important than the operation itself. But avoid excessive stirring, which can cause excessive development. Insufficient stirring can cause uneven development and underdevelopment.
If the temperature of the darkroom is slightly higher or lower than that of the developer, place the developer tank in a water bath between stirring so that the proper temperature for rinsing can be maintained.
If possible, start development in the darkroom by placing the mounted spool or spools into a tank with the proper temperature of developer remaining. Usually, this method gives the best even development, turn on the timer, cover the developing tank, and turn on the lights.
If this method doesn't work for you, then you can cover the lid and then develop the film in a bright room by pouring the developer through the light-blocking baffle on the lid of the developer tank, which is easy to pour into most developer tanks by tilting the tank a little. When the liquid is filled, the timer starts, and then just add a small lid to block the fill port.
When you use a canister that holds more than one spool of film, be sure to put enough empty spools above the spools of film to prevent the spools of film from shifting during processing. Measure out a volume of developer that is large enough to fill the canister, and pour it into the canister so that the film that needs to be developed completely fills the canister, and the developer also fills the canister.
If the canister can be inverted without spilling liquid, it may be turned upside down while rotating on its axis, and the small cover over the canister must be held tightly to prevent it from opening suddenly.
Developing cans that cannot be inverted without a small lid may be locally oscillated by sliding them back and forth about 10 inches (25 cm), twice a second, turning the can a half turn in each direction. The development times recommended by the manufacturer will, in most cases, work for the vast majority of people. However, if it is found that the negative is always thicker (darker) or thinner (lighter) than required, the first thing to do is to check your own exposure meter and camera to determine if the exposure is correct. If the exposure is indeed normal, then there is development equipment or development method that is responsible for the negative always being too thick or too thin. The development time of the negative can be shortened or lengthened as you wish to give satisfactory results. When you make experiments to determine the development time, vary the development time within a range of 10% increase or decrease and do not deviate too far.
Further, if the development time is too long, the printed photo is easy to cause coarse grain, too much contrast, you should reduce the development time until you get a normal contrast.
For the picture is too flat, too little contrast negative, should increase the development time, so that the picture is more colorful.
Identifying negative quality with the naked eye is subjective, even for experts. Therefore, not only * visual inspection of the negative, and then jump to conclusions to change the development conditions. The first thing to consider is the quality of the photographs produced from the negative. In a way, it is more important to look at the photograph with your eyes than to look at the negative. If you can easily produce a high quality picture from a negative, then it is not necessary to change the development conditions of the negative.
Toward the end of the development time, open the fill port on the canister (do not remove the cap) and start pouring the developer out. Start pouring the developer early. So that when the timer indicates the end of development, the canister is just empty, the pouring time is about 5-20 seconds, depending on the different canisters used by different people, you should remember the time required for each pouring of the canister you use.
◆Stop or wash
According to the manufacturer's instructions, the diluted stop solution is injected into the canister, and shaken vigorously and continuously for 30 seconds or for a specially specified period of time. The function is to stop developing and wash off the residual developer on the film and developer tank, and pour out the stop developer to recycle it for reuse. Because stop developer is acidic, it neutralizes the developer more quickly than water washing, and it also helps prevent carryover of developer into the fixer. If you plan to develop large quantities of film and reuse the fixer, it is worth considering the use of stop solution. Most fixer volumes are based on the use of stop solution.
◆ Fixing
Pour in the fixing solution, set the timer to the required time, and be asked to agitate well until the end of the fixing time, then pour out the fixing solution. Recycle it for reuse if required. The fixer should be at the same temperature as the developer.
◆ Washing the Film
To prevent future degradation of the film image, a trace amount of fixer must be washed off the film with water before drying to remove any residual fixer. It is important to keep the water flowing down the center of the spool in the open developer tank, and the water flowing down and out of the spiral film groove to wash away the fixer solution. 20 minutes of running water is usually sufficient, and it is a good idea to check the film manufacturer's recommended rinse time.
Hang the film in a clean, dust-free, well-ventilated, dry place to help it dry. Drop a heavy clamp on the bottom of the film to straighten it out. After hanging the film, directly on the fingers of one hand with diluted wetting solution to fully wet, and then use two fingers to gently wipe the film sandwiched between the two fingers, and gently squeeze the film from both sides. This is the method that removes moisture from the film surface with minimal risk of scratching the film. For faster drying, the film can also be carefully wiped with a soft sponge or sheepskin, which should be saturated with a diluted moistening solution and then squeezed out of the moistening solution.
Here's a bathroom with a tub and shower that serves as a dust-free, secluded place to dry the film. Take care to drop a clip on the bottom of the film to prevent it from curling during the drying process.
Drying time varies greatly depending on the relative temperatures. If rapid drying is desired, use a drying cabinet with heat circulation and an air filter. These drying cabinets are available in various sizes, or you can build one yourself if you have the proper tools on hand. If you just need to dry quickly by chance, you can use a lightweight hair dryer.
◆ Cleaning of Equipment
While waiting for the film to dry, all rinsing equipment and benches should be cleaned, as it is much easier to clean and de-static residual chemicals before they harden and clump. While waiting for the film to be washed or dried, the equipment can be scrubbed adequately. It is especially important to carefully remove residual wetting agents from the developer tanks and spools. This is because the wetting agent contains chemicals that diminish the developing function of the developer and create air bubbles when agitated. Metalware should be dried quickly to prevent rust and staining.
If it is not possible to rinse the film with running water, a series of still-water washes can be used instead: fill the developer tank with water at the same temperature as the rinsing temperature, and repeat the process six times, soaking for five minutes each time.
◆ Chemical Aids for Cleaning
Using a cleaning agent, such as Kodak Sea Wave Cleaner, quickly washes the fixative off the film, which reduces wash time and saves water. When it is necessary to use KODAK Sea Wave Cleaner, wash for 30 seconds after fixing, then agitate the film in the cleaner for 2 minutes, and finally wash for 5 minutes. Use this cleaner if image stability is critical or if you want to use it on photographic paper.
Removing excess diluted wetting solution from the film accelerates the drying process. After pushing the film, wet your fingers with diluted wetting agent, then gently squeeze the film between the two hand grooves, preferably gently.
◆ Dampening agent
Wash the film, immersed in a properly diluted dampening agent solution, such as KODAK PHOTOFLO solution, and gently stirred for 30 seconds, the dampening agent can make the film easy to dry quickly, leaving no water spots.
With the fingertips gently move along the film on both sides, check whether the film is dry, if the film is very smooth to the touch, do not feel sticky even if dry, can be cut. For 35 mm film, but also gently with the hand from the perforations on the wipe again, where it is easy to leave small droplets, until the perforations on the small droplets of water thoroughly dry before the film can be removed.
Take the dried film by hand on both sides, cut it into small strips, in order to facilitate the printing of dailies, the length of the negatives should be suitable for the length or width of the paper used for printing the dailies, for example, 36 sheets of 35-millimeter negatives should be cut into six sections, each section of six negatives, which can be printed on 8x10 inches on a sheet of paper of 20.3x25.4 centimeters, which is of course crowded with the sheet of paper.
Each section should be placed in a special negative bag or envelope because some papers and synthetic chemicals cannot be used to store negatives because they may contain chemicals that accelerate image degradation.
Negatives should be stored in a cool, dry place; high temperatures and humidity can damage the effective life of a rigorously developed black-and-white photograph.
For ease of handling and archiving, cut developed, dry negatives into small strips and place the strips in special negative bags or envelopes.
If you're a keen photographer, you'll eventually accumulate enough negatives that it's useful to create a simple archive of them. From the archive you can effortlessly find the negatives you are looking for. A practical archival system is to give each roll of film a number consisting of three sets of digits. The first two digits indicate the year; the second one or more digits indicate the month; and the third one or more digits indicate the order in which the rolls were shot in the same month, so that roll four, shot in March 1981, would be labeled 81-3-4. For each specific negative, and for the photographs printed from it, the film's rim number should be added after the roll number to differentiate the rolls from one another. In the above example, the sixth print from the roll of film could be labeled 81-3-4-6.
The roll number should be properly marked on the negative bag or envelope, and on the back of the data sample, not only the negative roll number, but also the edge number should be labeled. This makes it easy to find the negatives, and if you need to file negatives by subject or location, you can use a card index or binder to create a concise coding system, and, of course, the data dailies should be filed or bound together in this order.
To make the negatives last as long as possible, follow the recommended processing procedures to the letter, store the negatives at normal room temperature (e.g., 60-80F, i.e., 16-27C), and keep the negatives in a dry place with a relative humidity of less than 60 to avoid the growth of mold and fungus. Since silver images may be attacked by certain sulfides, prevent the negative from coming into contact with hydrogen sulfide gas and gas.
After proper archiving, negatives should be stored in a place that is clean and free from harmful substances. The use of binders is also one of the methods of preserving negatives and data samples.
◆ Removing Air Bubbles: Air bubbles clinging to the film emulsion prevent the developer from making contact with the emulsion. When you start developing, tap the can several times to drive out the bubbles.
◆ Dark crescent marks: The marks are due to reckless operation before development, so that the film is obviously folded.
◆ Volume scratches: Dirt or grit stained the film outlet of the 35 mm dark box in the camera, or in the removal of excess wetting solution, fingers or sponge stained with dirt or grit caused by scratches.
◆ Stains and chemical deposits: This is usually caused by inadequate washing or too high a concentration of wetting solution, and re-washing and drying will improve the situation.
◆ Indeterminate streaks and mottling: this is a small area of emulsion after drying by chance again by water wetting caused by water stains spot, may also be due to the drying process of water droplets left on the film. This usually happens when no wetting agent is used.
◆ Small particles embedded in the emulsion: This is caused by dirt or dust on the wet emulsion as it dries. Re-washing and hanging the film to dry in a clean area will improve this situation.
Completely Clear Film: This is the result of mistaking a fixer for a developer. It is caused by pouring into the developer tank in the first place and should be clearly labeled on the container to avoid confusion between developer and fixer.
Transparencies with just the edge of the film marked: Although the film has been developed, but in the camera did not accept the exposure to light, you should check the camera's loading program and the camera's shutter operation.
◆ Static electricity: Static charges can produce flood marks on film. When handling undeveloped film, avoid rapid film movement, such as rapid rewinding, which causes friction and generates static electricity, and when unloading film from the end of the film, take your time, especially in a dry environment.
Irregularly shaped stains: On the film spindle, the film is bent and folded out of the film path, so that the two adjacent layers of film stick together, resulting in uneven processing, resulting in stains.
◆ Overall gray film: The film is covered with a layer of gray fog, which may be caused by light leakage from the darkroom when loading the film.
The negative looks too dense:
This is either due to insufficient dilution of the developer, too long a development time, too high a development temperature, too much agitation, or a combination of these factors, resulting in excessive development. It can also be caused by excessive exposure to light.
Too little contrast: insufficient exposure Too little contrast: insufficient development
Negatives that appear to have very little contrast:
This is either due to an outdated, old, or dilute developer, too short a development time, too low a development temperature, insufficient agitation, or a combination of these factors, resulting in insufficient development.
It may also be caused by insufficient exposure to light.
Longitudinal streaks:
The solution level in the developer tank is too low, resulting in the film axis not being submerged by the solution, resulting in a portion of the film not being fully developed or fixed.
Grain expiration:
May be caused by severe over-exposure to light or over-development. Rapid changes in temperature during development can also cause the emulsion to form a web similar to coarse grain.
Carefully made data dailies are of great benefit to photographic work. With a profile dailies, multiple images can be viewed at the same time, which greatly facilitates the selection and archiving of photographs. In addition, it helps you choose the best negatives for enlargement and gives you clues about how to enlarge each picture. While it takes some time to make the profile samples, it can save you several times the time when enlarging your photos.
Data dailies, also known as contact prints, are photographs with positive images printed from whole rolls or portions of negatives with normal shading. Each image on a contact-printed dailies is the same size as the original negative. Keep in mind that the densities of the negatives are not always exactly the same. As a result, the dailies will have individual images that are darker than others.
Place the contact print with the frame on the enlarger negative, turn on the enlarger bulb switch, turn off the room light, raise the head of the enlarger until it casts enough light to cover the entire frame, and adjust the focus until the edges of the empty negative holder cast clear shadows on the negative, outlining the lighted area.
The height of the enlarger must be repeatedly adjusted and the focus repeated several times in order to obtain a clear edge a few inches beyond the frame of the film, noting the distance from the head of the enlarger to the negative and measuring this distance. If there is a ruler on the enlarger, you can also read from the ruler.
Whenever a data sample is made, the enlarger should be adjusted in the same way, and each time the distance between the head of the enlarger and the negative is adjusted, the distance should be consistent, so that the photographic paper will automatically obtain the same illumination when it is exposed to light, and it will be easier to ascertain the conditions of exposure.
The outline of the light area, with the * enlarger plate shading contrast masking strip mark out. When the enlarger light source is turned off, these masking strips can indicate the position of the contact print frame should be placed, and then turn off the enlarger light source, turn on the room lighting.
The negative strip is pressed against the enlarger paper with the contact print frame so that the sample can be printed for exposure.
◆ Preparing a Contact Print
The contact print frame (hereafter referred to as the frame) is the device that presses the negative strip against the enlarging paper. Store-sold frames are usually made of giant glass or clear plastic attached to a hard base with a hinge that holds the two together. Some types of frames have a row of grooves or clips that allow the strip of negative to be accurately positioned, others do not. Both types of frames are used for 8*10-inch (i.e., 20.3*25.4 cm) photographic paper.
View the negative under an illuminated lamp and, if necessary, gently blow off any dust or cloth hairs that have gotten on the negative. When handling, hold the edge of the strip of film to avoid leaving fingerprints on the frame. To inspect the clear plate of the negative frame, wipe off dust and fingerprints with a soft, clean, lint-free cloth. If the frame is designed to put the negative first and then the paper, should be arranged in the order required by the frame instructions, be sure to make the negative emulsion facing the paper, otherwise the image on the dailies is reversed left and right.
If the negative film strip in a transparent polyethylene film bag for photographic use, the production of data samples do not have to take it out. As long as the frame can be adapted to a variety of negative sizes, this negative bag can be used. Through the negative bag to produce dailies, will make the negative cleaner, because you do not have to often touch the bottom of the film.
When you are ready to load paper into the frame, turn off the house lights, turn on the darkroom safety light, and remove a sheet of normal-contrast paper from the bag or carton. When doing so, also touch only the edges of the paper, carefully seal the container with the paper completely, and write the negative roll number on the back of the paper with a ballpoint pen. Place the photo paper in the frame so that its emulsion faces the negative emulsion. The emulsion* of the paper looks brighter and more reflective than the back of the paper under a safelight. Lock the frame so that the negative and paper are pressed firmly together.
If the frame is used in a way that requires the paper to be placed first, then the negative, it must be loaded under a safelight from the start.
◆ Temporary frame
If the occasional use, you can temporarily prepare a frame, in the enlarger within the scope of the negative masking strip mark put a piece of photographic paper, emulsion side up, the negative emulsion downward arrangement in the photographic paper, and then in the top cover a piece of glass plate than the paper is slightly larger than the paper, so that the negative and the paper pressed together, to be used to emery (both silicone carbide) sandpaper grinding away the sharp edges of the glass, or with a tape to the negative and the paper, the sharp edges of the glass, or with a piece of paper, the negative must be placed under the safety light. edges, or wrap the edges with tape to prevent your hands from being cut.
Before exposure, (under the illumination of a safety lamp), check again whether the negatives are neatly arranged and the orientation of the negative strip is correct. If this step is not taken seriously, it can cause the picture to be upside down on the dailies due to some negatives being oriented upside down.
Check that the focal length of the enlarger's lens corresponds to all the film sizes. Focal lengths are often marked on a fixed ring in front of the lens, as shown in the figure, and if you don't know which focal length lens to use, consult the enlarger's manual.
A lens longer than the standard focal length will give a smaller magnification than a calibrated lens at any height, and it is impossible to get a complete picture with a lens shorter than the standard focal length.
As mentioned above, adjust the height of the enlarger, so that the head is at a height close to the production of 8 * 10-inch enlarged photographs and similar information samples, to print samples on enlarged paper, the aperture of the lens to the production of 8 * 10-inch enlarged photographs of the aperture; adjust the timer, so that the storm time is the same as the enlarged photographs, according to these steps will usually be produced by the amount of its storm is at least close to the required amount of storm light These steps will usually result in a dailies that are at least close to the amount of exposure needed.
If you don't have enough darkroom experience to determine the correct exposure conditions for enlargement, then print your first dailies with the lens aperture adjusted to f/8 and the exposure time set at 10 seconds, and since you have to start with a certain exposure condition, that's where you'll start.
Make sure the frame faces upward and is placed within the light area, then start exposure. After exposure, remove the paper from the frame.
◆ Developing the data sample
Strictly develop the sample in the same way as enlarging the paper or printing the paper.
After 30 seconds of fixing, you can turn on the light. Before turning on the light, double-check that the pocket or box containing the unprinted paper is completely sealed.
If the whole sample is too dark, this is because of excessive exposure, appropriate less exposure time can produce the appropriate exposure of the sample.
The entire sample is too light, due to insufficient exposure. When remaking, extend the exposure time to produce a properly lit sample.