The difference between an industrial motherboard and an ordinary motherboard:
First, the function, the industrial motherboard is a specific demand, a specific function, while the ordinary motherboard is a popular demand, the function of more bells and whistles.
Second, stability, industrial control emphasizes the super stable, trouble-free; ordinary motherboards are function can be dazzling, sex can be cool, can long time top how long? It's a matter of luck.
Third, the thermal solution, industrial motherboards pay attention to thermal efficiency, ordinary motherboards focus on the appearance of some.
Fourth, industrial control is a specific demand, so the amount is not much, sold expensive, ordinary motherboards are very often rely on the price of the world.
Expanded information:
Industrial motherboards are motherboards that are used in industrial settings, and are adopted by industrial computers, which can adapt to a wide range of temperatures according to demand, and can adapt to harsh environments, and can be used for long periods of time with high loads.
Industrial motherboard through a special design, in the event of a crash and other abnormalities, can realize the watchdog automatically restart the full power to ensure that the system in the harsh environment of the high stability requirements.
Main applications: industrial control equipment, GPS navigation, sewage online monitoring, air online monitoring, instrumentation, professional equipment controllers, military, government agencies, telecommunications, banking, electric power, car LCD, monitors, visual doorbells, portable DVD, LCD TVs, environmental protection equipment, etc.
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