may seem like two very different states
In fact
they are both "alarms" from the body! "
Sleep is an important part of the recovery of physical strength and energy, as well as the consolidation and maintenance of memory. A good night's sleep is an important safeguard for physical and mental health, and is the physiological basis for keeping the brain energized and making cognitive and social functions compatible.
So how much sleep is normal?
Most adults need 7 to 9 hours of sleep per day, and older adults need 7 to 8 hours of sleep per day to meet their needs.
A variety of sleep disorders disrupt the quality of sleep and deprive people of sleep time, which not only increases negative emotions such as anxiety and depression, but can also increase the incidence of hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, cognitive disorders, dementia and other physical illnesses, which affects the quality of life and the sense of well-being in life.
Are these diseases troubling you
Chronic insomnia
Manifested as difficulty falling asleep even after 30 minutes of falling asleep, easy to wake up during the night, and difficult to fall asleep again after waking up, or waking up before the desired time, and waking up feeling of poor quality of sleep without a sense of refreshment.
Obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome
The symptoms are recurrent apnea and hypoventilation at night, with sleepers observing apneas at night, snoring between apneas, and loud, irregular snoring. These respiratory events can lead to a decrease in oxygen saturation, which can further cause awakenings and disrupt the sleep architecture.
Other common sleep disorders
Manifested as irregular sleep-wake rhythm disorders, with nocturnal sleep fragmentation, excessive nocturnal awakenings, insomnia, delirium, agitation, and excessive daytime sleepiness.
The assessment of sleep quality mainly includes subjective sleep quality assessment and objective sleep quality assessment.
The subjective assessment includes sleep diary and sleep scale, which is based on the patient's subjective feelings and provides the basis for the doctor's diagnosis and follow-up.
In the objective sleep quality assessment, polysomnography (PSG) is the "gold standard" for assessing sleep quality and sleep disorders, and it is an important new technology in today's sleep medicine, which can monitor a variety of parameters such as electroencephalogram (EEG), electrooculogram (EEG), electromyogram (EMG), respiration, electrocardiogram (ECG), oximetry (blood oxygenation), body position, video/audio, and so on, and convert them into graphs, charts, and so forth.
Polysomnography is an accurate and comprehensive source of data, which makes the diagnosis of sleep disorders not only based on the patient's subjective feelings, but also more objective and scientific.
Currently, most non-medical, small, home-based wearable devices can be used as a reference for assessing sleep, but they are not a substitute for polysomnography, and cannot be used as an objective standard for medical diagnosis.
Are these sleep aids reliable
Can drinking alcohol before bed help you sleep?
Drinking to help you sleep is incorrect. Alcohol can temporarily inhibit the activity of the central nervous system of the brain, producing a certain effect of sedation. However, alcohol can increase rapid eye movement sleep, leading to excessive dreaming, and increase nighttime awakenings, shorten the slow-wave sleep. In addition, alcohol may cause respiratory muscle relaxation, aggravate sleep apnea, and make the night blood oxygen drop, wake up increased.
Can white noise help you sleep?
White noise is not a scientific method to help you sleep. White noise is made up of sounds that can be heard by the human ear at 20 Hz to 2000 Hz, and the distribution of power spectral density is uniform, so the brain can quickly adapt to the presence of white noise. Some studies have found that white noise shortens the sleep latency period of some people, and can solve part of the difficulty in falling asleep, but it will increase the number and time of waking up at night, change the sleep structure, and can not really improve the quality of sleep. Short-term use can try, but long-term use of white noise to fall asleep is not desirable.
Watching TV and falling asleep, is TV a sleep aid?
Watching TV is not the right way to help you sleep. This will lead to watching TV and sleep to form a false reflex, destroying the quality of sleep. Watching TV in bed or on the couch before going to bed will prolong the time to fall asleep and increase the time in bed. The blue light emitted by the TV screen will inhibit the secretion of melatonin, making the circadian rhythm delayed, and promote the nervous system excitation, making sleep shallow and easy to wake up.
In the end, there are no tips to help you sleep
Without further ado, this sends 10 tips to help you sleep, I hope that these dry goods can help you sleep peacefully every night.
Reduce your intake of alcohol, coffee, tea, cola, etc. before going to bed.
Eat regularly, don't go to bed on an empty stomach, and avoid alcohol; hunger may affect your sleep, and a small snack before bed (especially carbohydrates) can help you fall asleep, but avoid foods that are too greasy or hard to digest.
Exercise regularly and do not exercise 3 hours before bedtime.
No cell phones, TV, books, etc. in bed.
Do not look at your watch too often at night.
Don't try to work your way to sleep, as this will only make the problem worse. Instead, turn on the light, leave the bedroom and do something relaxing like reading, writing, meditating, breathing exercises etc. Don't do excitatory activities and go back to bed when you feel sleepy.
Wake up and go to bed at a regular time every day, and don't worry about not getting enough sleep, just enough to ensure that you are energized for the next day.
When you wake up in the morning, open the curtains and let the sun shine through.
Don't sleep in on weekends and holidays.
Make sure your bedroom is at the right temperature and free from light and sound disturbances, turn off the lights before going to bed, and try to use dark, light-blocking curtains.
Source: Healthy China
Yangpu District Media Center