Planck photoelectric for you to answer:
Hello, beauty LED light beads mainly need to choose the corresponding band, such as:
640-660NM red LED light beads: whitening and skin rejuvenation
600-610NM orange LED light beads: replenish cellular energy
445-450NM blue LED light beads: deep sterilization, balancing the oil light beads: deep sterilization, balanced oil
Now more hot LED light beads, 3528RYB (red, orange and blue) three-color combination of light beads, a collection of all of the above effects:
Solve the previous single-color light beads performance characteristics of a single problem, such as before you need three light beads to achieve the effect, now a light beads can be achieved, both to reduce the cost, but also to improve the It reduces the cost and improves the experience of using the lamp. -C2
Red(R) 0.06 2.0 ? 2.2 640 660 400 ? 500 20 120
Orange light(A) 0.06 2.0 2.2 600 610 400 500 20 120
Blue light(B) 0.06 3.0 3.2 445 450 300 400 20 120
Hope it can help you!