Ar-He knife is a new means of minimally invasive treatment of tumors, through 4-8 individually controllable thermally insulated supercooled knives, the supercooled knives are hollow and can circulate high-pressure ambient argon (refrigerant) and high-pressure ambient helium (thermal medium), the temperature-differential electric couplings are mounted directly on the tip of the knife, and the temperature of the tip of the knife can be continuously monitored. Argon rapid ultra-low temperature refrigeration technology can be used to rapidly expand argon gas at the tip of the knife and rapidly freeze the diseased tissues to -140℃ in about tens of seconds, so that ice crystals can be formed in the cells, thus achieving the purpose of inactivating the tumor. Helium gas can also be used to rapidly expand at the tip of the knife to rapidly heat the lesion tissue in ultra-low temperature state up to +39.C. This kind of cold-heat reversal therapy is particularly thorough in destroying the lesion tissue. Its cooling and heating speed, time, temperature and destruction range can be controlled, and can be monitored by ultrasound or CT. More importantly, because the argon helium knife refrigeration or heating is limited only to the super-cooled tip end, and the knife shaft is insulated, and thus does not cause hot or cold damage to the tissues in the puncture path, the procedure is less traumatic, with quicker post-operative recovery, and is easier for patients to accept.
The Ar-He knife is characterized by freezing or heating only at the tip of the knife, and the shaft remains at room temperature, with the dual function of ultra-low temperature freezing and interventional thermotherapy, which can be used percutaneously (without incision) to destroy diseased tissue in the body using laparoscopy, thoracoscopy, or combined surgeries, and is a non-invasive or minimally invasive treatment system. Ar-He knife accurate positioning, precise temperature control, targeted destruction of tumor tissue, without damage to normal tissues, the use of cold and heat effect modulation of tumor antigen, increase immune function.
The indications of Ar-He knife treatment are as follows:1. Respiratory system: primary lung cancer, metastatic lung cancer, benign tumors of lung and chest wall.2. Urological system: prostate cancer, prostatic hyperplasia and hypertrophy, renal cancer, adrenal tumor.3. Digestive system: primary liver cancer, metastatic liver cancer, pancreatic head cancer, anorectal cancer, hepatic angiosarcoma.4. Skeletal system: osteosarcoma, metastatic cancer of the bone, pelvic tumor. 7. Others: head and neck tumor, skin cancer, lymph node metastatic cancer and other superficial tumors. Advantages of argon helium knife treatment: 1. minimally invasive: no incision, no bleeding or less bleeding, fast recovery of the patient. 2. high success rate, fewer complications, higher safety. 3. non-toxicity to normal organs and tissues and cells. 4. repeatable or repeated freezing and inactivation of the residual tumor tissues. 5. can be performed alone, or in combination with chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery. 6. significant therapeutic effect. 7. low cost, easy to accept by patients. 8. especially suitable for the patients' needs. It is especially suitable for advanced tumors that cannot be treated by other therapies or after treatment failure.