What is the cost of repairing production plant equipment charged to?

The cost of routine repairs of production plant equipment is included in management expenses; Subsequent expenditures related to a fixed asset that meet the recognition conditions specified in the standard (it is probable that the economic benefits associated with the fixed asset will flow to the enterprise; the cost of the fixed asset can be measured reliably) should be included in fixed asset If they do not meet the recognition conditions stipulated in the standard, they shall be charged to current profit and loss as administrative expenses when they are incurred.

Administrative expenses are period expenses and are charged to current loss or gain in the period in which they are incurred.

Enterprises should through the "administrative expenses" account, accounting for administrative expenses incurred and carried forward. The debit side of the account registers the administrative expenses incurred by the enterprise, the credit side registers the administrative expenses transferred to the "profit for the year" account at the end of the period, after the carry-over of the account should not have a balance. This account by the management of the cost of the expense items for detailed accounting.

Administrative expenses include:

Enterprise board of directors and administrative departments in the management of the enterprise, or should be uniformly borne by the enterprise's company funds, labor union funds, unemployment insurance premiums, labor insurance premiums, board of directors fees, the hiring of intermediaries, consulting fees, litigation costs, hospitality, office expenses, travel expenses, postage and telecommunications, greening costs, management personnel salary and welfare costs. Welfare expenses, etc.

Specific items:

Corporate expenses, employee education expenses, business hospitality, taxes, technology transfer fees, amortization of intangible assets, consulting fees, litigation costs, amortization of start-up costs, contributions to higher management fees, labor insurance premiums, non-employment insurance premiums, board of directors' dues, audit fees for financial reports, start-up costs incurred during the preparatory period, and other administrative expenses.

1. Corporate expenses

Headquarter management salaries, employee benefits, travel, office expenses, board of directors' dues, depreciation, repairs, material consumption, amortization of low-value consumables and other corporate expenses.

2. Labor insurance premiums

refers to the retirement pension of retired employees, price subsidies, medical expenses (including retirees to participate in the medical insurance fund), the cost of settling in a different place, employee severance pay, employee death funeral subsidies, pensions, the provisions of the funds paid to retired cadres, and the implementation of the Social Co-ordination Fund; standby insurance premiums refer to the enterprise in accordance with the provisions of the State to contribute to the standby insurance fund. The unemployment insurance premium refers to the unemployment insurance fund paid by the enterprise in accordance with the state regulations.