Briefly introduce Google and Microsoft.

Google is a company that started with network products. At first, it was Google search, similar to the first company in the network. On the basis of online search, it increases its income by charging the search results of corporate web pages and online advertisements. After that, Google promoted the Android kernel, an open system platform, which accelerated the rapid rise of the Android ecosystem. The most famous is the system used by Samsung mobile phones and tablets. Based on the Android platform, it developed its own personalization. From smartphones, mobile terminals to tablets, and Google notebooks that Google is building, Google has a very good performance in games and browsers; Microsoft is a company that started with desktop operations, such as windows XP, windows vista, windows 7 and windows 8. Because at the beginning of Microsoft's birth, Apple has been very successful in personal computers, but because Apple is a conservative company, it does not open technical indicators from hardware to software, which gives Microsoft a very good opportunity. Through the cooperation with IBM and previous PC manufacturers, Microsoft has spread the sales of Microsoft desktop operating system at the fastest speed, creating a desktop monopoly formed by Microsoft in the entire PC industry. Since then, Microsoft's operating system on the server side, as well as the game industry and cloud in recent years have also developed by leaps and bounds.